You are entering now a magic world......

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Presentation on theme: "You are entering now a magic world......"— Presentation transcript:

1 You are entering now a magic world......

2 in one single moment.... 在每一時刻……

3 ….you will be a witness of something very special!

4 you are witness of .... 你見證了……

5 an incredible illusion.

6 the illusion of my sharp eyes

7 This is a normal program, but you will see that …

8 ....I can read your mind through this screen!

9 下面你將看見6張不同的撲克牌。 記住一張﹐只能記一張﹐ 不要碰該牌﹐也不要用滑鼠點擊。 現在﹐我就能夠知道你大腦裏 記住的那張牌了﹗ Here below you will see 6 different playing cards. Take one card in your mind. Only ONE card. Do not touch the card and DON’T click with your mouse. Now I am able to read the card in your mind.

10 盯住貓的眼睛並牢記你選中的那張撲克牌。 Take a strong look into my cat eyes and concentrate yourself into the card you have chosen.

11 我不知道你選中的是哪張牌﹐但我卻準確地知道
你心理的那張牌。 I cannot see which card you have chosen, but I do know exactly which card you have in mind!

12 Watch it! Your card has gone now!!!
看見嗎﹖你選中的牌現在已經消失了﹗﹗﹗ Watch it! Your card has gone now!!!

13 Surprised ? 感到奇怪嗎﹖

14 See You ! 再見﹗

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