泰國境外專班課表 授課時間 上課時間 : 每月第二周六日上課 (4月為第3周六日上課) 節數 時間 Snack time 2013 年

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1 泰國境外專班課表 授課時間 上課時間 : 每月第二周六日上課 (4月為第3周六日上課) 節數 時間 Snack time 2013 年
8/10-11 9/14-15 10/12-13 11/9-10 12/14-15 2014 年 1/11-12 2/15-16 3/8-9 4/19-20 5/10-11 6/14-15 7/12-13 8/9-10 9/13-14 10/11-12 11/8-9 12/13-14 2015 年 1/10-11 2/14-15 3/14-15 4/18-19 5/9-10 6/13-14 7/11-12 授課時間 節數 時間 9:00—12:00 午休時間 13:00—16:00 Snack time 16:00—16:30 16:30—17:30 EMBA Required Courses 必修課程 (合計27學分)-中文授課 授課月份 學分 資訊科技與競爭優勢 (Information Technology and Competitive Advantage) 2013/8,9,10 3 營運模式與供應鏈管理(Business Model and Supply Chain Management) 2013/11,12 2014/1 品牌行銷策略(Brand Marketing Strategy) 2014/2,3,4 公司理財與投資(Corporate Financial Management and Investment) 2014/8,9,10 領導與組織管理(Leadership and Organization Management) 2014/11,12 2015/1 服務策略與創新模式(Service Strategy and Innovation Model) 2015/2,3,4 持續性企業策略管理(Sustainable Corporate Strategic Management) 2015/5,6,7 EMBA論文(EMBA Thesis) 6 EMBA Elective Courses 選修課程-英文授課 選修課程中選1門 (合計3學分) 授課月份 學分 物流管理(Logistics Management) 2014/5,6,7 3 科技管理(Technology Management)

2 泰國境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese)
英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C205001 EMBA論文 EMBA Thesis 6.0 中文概述 Chinese Description 論文寫作。 英文概述 English Description Thesis writing.

3 泰國境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese)
英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C245002 品牌行銷策略 Brand Marketing Strategy 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 本課程從行銷與全球化觀念來探討品牌在公司經營中所應扮演的策略性角色,課程中以行銷觀念出發,用全新的品牌理論來探討全球品牌的重要關鍵議題,其中包括全球品牌與公司策略的關係與整合、整合品牌概念、新經濟時代的品牌觀念與全球營運模式、整合品牌的執行與評估。 英文概述 English Description This program is designed to help students learn about and apply the concepts and practices of global branding as they are used in a wide variety of settings in product and service firms, consumer and business markets, profits and non-profit organizations, domestic and global companies, and small and large business. Global Branding Management builds on Global branding Strategy, focusing on the major tactics and tools used by international marketers in managing their global marketing plans.

4 泰國境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese)
英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C245003 資訊科技與 競爭優勢 Information Technology and Competitive Advantage 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 資訊管理是整合策略,使用者和組織系統,用以提供一個組織之管理分析和決策,幫助高階主管滿足組織目標,以及了解資訊科技。學習主題:透過資訊系統獲取策略優勢、透過資訊系統應用,支持管理和執行、發展資訊科技應用、獲得競爭優勢。全課程以哈佛個案研討方式進行 英文概述 English Description The need for information-based support for managers is increasing as the modern management imperatives of reach and to meet their organization's goals. Information management function provides information to support operations, management analysis, and decision- making functions in an organization. We will also look at the role in formation play in helping managers meet goals by examining the characteristics of information systems that make managers' job easier. Topic of learning: Acquiring strategic advantage through information systems. Supporting managers and executives through IS applications. Managing the risk inherent in developing and using IS applications. Attaining and practicing technological leadership. This course is taught by HBS cases.

5 泰國境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese)
英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C245004 營運模式與供應鏈管理 Business Model and Supply Chain Management 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 本課程旨在針對營運模式與供應鏈管理作探討, 其中包含: 1.電子化企業概論2.經營模式3.企業再造4.企業資源管理5.中小企業電子化6.商業電子化7.供應鏈管理8.需求鏈管理9.協同預測管理10.個案研究 英文概述 English Description The purpose of the course is to discuss the business model and supply chain management. The contents of this course will include: 1. General concept of e-business management2.The business model3. Business reengineering4.Enterprise resource planning5.Small enterprise e-business management6. Channel e-business7.Supply chain management8.Demand chain management9.Collaborative management10. Case Study.

6 泰國境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese)
英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C245005 公司理財與投資 Corporate Financial Management and Investment 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 本課程可使學生瞭解:貨幣與資金市場、投資問題、如何取得資金與運用資金、使公司價值最大、使股東權益最大化、瞭解代理制度、瞭解公司股票、債務之利用,股利政策等事項‧ 英文概述 English Description This course has provided: money and capital market, Investments, How to obtaining and using funds, Maximize the value o their firms, How to maximize stockholders' stock, To know agency problem, To know the price of the firm's stock, use of debt and dividend policy.

7 泰國境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese)
英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C245007 領導與組織管理 Leadership and Organization Management 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 本課程主要在介紹領導與組織管理的理論與實務。課程目的有四個:(1)了解組織領導與管理的內涵;(2)討論領導與組織管理的理論與實證發現之間的差異;(3)對實務界人士提供具體建議;(4)將領導與管理的技巧應用到生活面。 英文概述 English Description This course focuses on the theory and practice of leadership and management in organization. Its purpose is threefold: (1) To gain an understanding of what the content of organizational leadership and management is; (2) to effectively combine the basic concepts of leadership and organization management and empirical findings and discuss the discrepancies and implications; (3) to discuss practical implications for business management and (4) to apply the basic ideas of leadership and management in daily life.

8 泰國境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese)
英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C245006 服務策略與創新模式 Service Strategy and Innovation Model 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 本課程主在讓學生瞭解服務業的重要性和特性.如何作好服務並使顧客滿意,達程服務創新。內容:服務業概論、服務傳送系統、服務業地點選擇、服務品質、生產力和品質改善、預測、服務業的經營策略、服務創新,個案討論。 英文概述 English Description Service management is to discuss How to manage service, satisfy customers and develop innovation service models. The topics of the course: Service concept, the service delivery system, Service facility and layout, productivity and quality improvement, forecasting, service quality, service strategy, customer satisfaction, service innovation, and case study.

9 泰國境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese)
英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C245008 持續性企業策略管理 Sustainable Corporate Strategic Management 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 持續性策略管理主要是幫助製造業與服務業高階管理者作決策,並維持其競爭優勢。一般而言,這門課程主要協助學員們具有策略思維與整合能力。學員可在策略管理學習過程活學活用,更能融合所學應用於管理決策中。此門課也採用適當的製造業與服務業個案研討來幫助學員學習、研讀與熟悉策略管理的運作,以達程此門課的目標。授課主題包括研討策略管理的本質與整體架構,瞭解組織所處環境,分析外部環境之時機和危機,剖析內部組織之優劣勢,探討企業不同層次之應對策略,整合策略的執行與治理等。 英文概述 English Description Sustainable strategic management deals with the decision making in manufacturing and service industry at the top management level. Generally, this course provides students with strategic thinking and knowledge integration. With case studies in manufacturing and service industry, this course also helps students learn, study, and understand the process of strategic management well to achieve the goals of the course. Topics in this course include the essence and whole framework of strategic management, in what circumstances an organization has been, analyses on the opportunities and threats of external environment, the strengths and weaknesses of internal organization, application strategies of companies at different levels, implantation on integration strategies and so forth.

10 泰國境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese)
英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C245009 物流管理 logistics Management 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 本課程在使學生瞭解生產的物品或提供的服務能適時適地,並以最少的程本送到顧客手中。本課程之內容如下:1.物流管理和策略2.運輸和配送3.保管與包裝4.定單處理5.採購6.物料搬運7.物流程本8.物流服務9.資訊系統10.物流生產力衡量。 英文概述 English Description The aim of the course is to help the students understand how to perform logistics activities so as to make products and services available to customers at the time place, and in the condition and from desired in the most profitable or cost-effective way. The content of the course description: 1.Transpor totion 2.Inventory maintenance 3.Order processing 4.Purchasing 5.Warehousing & packaging 6.Materials handling 7.Logistics costs 8.Logistics customer service 9.productivity measurement .

11 泰國境外專班課程概述 課程編碼 Course Code 中文課程名稱 Course Name (Chinese)
英文課程名稱 Course Name (English) 總學分數 Credits 總時數 Hours C245010 科技管理 Technology Management 3.0 3 中文概述 Chinese Description 本課程主要研討科技管理,內容包括:(1)導論(2)技術資源與能力(3)技術創新(4)技術策略(5)科技規劃(6)績效評估(7)科技發展倫理(8)智慧財產權。 英文概述 English Description The course mainly discusses following topics:(1)introduction, (2)technological resource and capability, (3)technological innovation,(4)strategy of technology(5)technology planning, (6)measuring performance, (7)technology development ethics, (8)intellectual property rights.

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