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POWER OF LEVERAGE 借力使力的力量 Do you want to make S$1,875/week FAST

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Presentation on theme: "POWER OF LEVERAGE 借力使力的力量 Do you want to make S$1,875/week FAST"— Presentation transcript:

1 POWER OF LEVERAGE 借力使力的力量 Do you want to make S$1,875/week FAST
POWER OF LEVERAGE 借力使力的力量 Do you want to make S$1,875/week FAST? OR Do you want to make a S$375 check FASTER? 你想每周快速赚取S$1,875吗? 或者 你想更快速赚取一笔S$375收入吗?

2 策略数据 STRATEGIC NUMBERS 100 – 150 BV/Month Personal Use
60 – 300 Names for “Possibility List” Sell 100 BV (New Business) per month first 12 month in business Show Plan to 4 qualified individuals per month 策略数据 每个月个人消费达成100–150 BV “可能人选名单”60–300个姓名 初始12个月事业,每个月销售100 BV(新业务) 每个月向四名合格人选说明事业计划

3 Reviewing and Grouping Possibilities to Build Teams 一一检视可能人选,评估之后组成团队
X X B X X X B B X YOU B X A X B B B X A X A X A X B A X B B A B X A A X A X X = Your Possibilities A = Friends/Family B = Work X = 你的可能人选 A = 亲朋好友 B = 同事 A A A A A A

4 Reviewing and Grouping Possibilities to Build Teams
一一检视可能人选,评估之后组成团队 Key Groupings: X = All Your Possibilities A = Friends/Family B = Work 组队关键: X = 你全部的可能人选 A = 亲朋好友 B = 同事 NAME姓名(XBA) NAME姓名(XA) NAME姓名(X) 60 – 300 plus以上

5 Team building and placement strategy 团队组成策略
Key X = All Your Possibilities A = Friends/Family B = Work 关键 X = 你全部的可能人选 A = 亲朋好友 B = 同事 YOU XA X XA X XB X XB Maintain vested economic interest in the success of each within the grouping they originated from on your Possibilities List 确保出自可能人选的 每名团队伙伴 皆能成功获利 X XA XB XA

6 Assumptions for creating a Team Plan of action
30% retail profit on sale of MA Branded Products S$140 retail sales of MA Branded Products = S$42 profit S$140 retail sales of MA Branded Products = 50 BV S$280 retail Sales/month = 100BV S$280 retail Sales/month = S$84 profit 设想团队行动计划 销售美安品牌产品赚取30%零售利润 美安品牌产品零售销售S$140 = S$42 利润 美安品牌产品零售销售S$140 = 50 BV 每个月零售销售S$280 = 100BV 每个月零售销售S$280 = S$84 利润

7 Assumptions for creating a Team Plan of action
50% or more clients will be repeat buyers monthly (based on add-on sales of cosmetics, skincare and health and nutrition supplements, ect.) S$280 retail Sales (New Business) x 12 months = S$3,360 (New Business)/month S$3,360 (New Business) x 50% = S$1,680 (Repeat Business)/month S$1,680 (Repeat Business) month = 600 BV (Repeat Business)/month S$1,680 (Repeat Business) month = S$504 Repeat Profit Two (2) teams of UnFranchise™ Owners each generating 5,000 BV results in S$1,875 in commissions 设想团队行动计划 至少有50%的顾客会固定每个月购物(根据彩妆品、护肤品、保健品等搭配销售) S$280零售销售(新业务)x 12个月 = 每个月S$3,360(新业务) S$3,360(新业务)x 50% = 每个月S$1,680(回笼客业务) 每个月S$1,680(回笼客业务)= 每个月600 BV(回笼客业务) 每个月S$1,680(回笼客业务)= S$504 重复性利润 两个超连锁™店主团队各创造5,000 BV,一起赚取S$1,875佣金

8 Assumptions for creating a Team Plan of action
Each UnFranchise™ Owner (Team Member) commits to use 100 – 150 BV / month Each UnFranchise™ Owner (Team Member) commits to selling S$280 at retail / month = S$84 retail profit and 100 BV/month FIRST 12 MONTHS IN BUSINESS Each UnFranchise™ Owner (Team Member) commits to exposing the Business Plan to four (4) qualified individuals per month Registration ratio of 8:1 Expose Business Plan to eight qualified individuals Register one (1) new UnFranchise™ Owner 设想团队行动计划 每位超连锁™店主(团队伙伴)承诺每个月购买100–150 BV的产品 每位超连锁™店主(团队伙伴)承诺每个月零售销售S$280 = 每个月S$84零售利润及100 BV 初始12个月事业 每位超连锁™店主(团队伙伴)承诺每个月向四名合格人选介绍事业计划 注册比例8:1 向八名合格人选介绍事业计划 注册一位新超连锁™店主

9 Assumptions for creating a Team Plan of action 设想团队行动计划
Team Growth Based on 8:1 Ratio 基于8:1比例的团队成长 Month 1 = You + 1 (8 qualified individuals) Month 2 = You + 2 (12 qualified individuals) Month 3 = You + 3 (16 qualified individuals) Month 4 = You + 5 (20 qualified individuals) 第1个月 = 你 + 1 (8名合格人选) 第2个月 = 你 + 2 (12名合格人选) 第3个月 = 你 + 3 (16名合格人选) 第4个月 = 你 + 5 (20名合格人选) Month 5 = You + 1 (8 qualified individuals) Month 6 = You + 2 (12 qualified individuals) Month 7 = You + 3 (16 qualified individuals) Month 8 = You + 5 (20 qualified individuals) 第5个月 = 你 + 1 (8名合格人选) 第6个月 = 你 + 2 (12名合格人选) 第7个月 = 你 + 3 (16名合格人选) 第8个月 = 你 + 5 (20名合格人选) L E F T左边 R I GHT 右边

Team growth based on 8:1 ratio 基于8:1比例的团队成长 YOU你 Month 1 第1个月 Month 5 第5个月 Month 1 第1个月 Month 2 第2个月 Month 6 第6个月 Month 3 第3个月 Month 7 第7个月 Month 4 第4个月 Month 8 第8个月 Month 4 第4个月 Month 8 第8个月

11 •最初300–600 BV •每个月100–150 BV个人消费 •每个月100–600 BV
YOU你 Month 1 第1个月 Month 1 第1个月 Month 5 第5个月 Month 2 第2个月 Month 6 第6个月 Month 3 第3个月 Month 7 第7个月 Month 4 第4个月 Month 8 第8个月 Month 4 第4个月 Month 8 第8个月 Month 5 第5个月 Month 9 第9个月 Each UFO= • 300 – 600 BV Initial • 100 – 150 BV/Month Personal Use • 100 – 600 BV/Month 每位UFO= •最初300–600 BV •每个月100–150 BV个人消费 •每个月100–600 BV Month 5 第5个月 Month 9 第9个月 Month 6 第6个月 Month 9 第9个月 Month 6 第6个月 Month 10 第10个月 Month 6 第6个月 Month 10 第10个月 Month 10 第10个月 Month 10 第10个月

12 Achieve your goals 达成你的目标
By solely relying on your efforts and results 单靠你一个人的努力与结果 OR或者 By building two (2) teams of UnFranchise™ Owners 藉由打造两个超连锁™店主团队

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