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Bridge the Gap between GCSE and AS Chinese

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1 Bridge the Gap between GCSE and AS Chinese
Xiaoming ZHANG 25th June 2011

2 About the Candidates Edexcel candidates took AS Chinese in >4500 candidates in 2011 Majority of the candidates are overseas Chinese students who are recently come to the UK Second largest group of candidates are British Born Chinese taught in Chinese Sunday schools Minority number of candidates are non-native Chinese from Main stream school These numbers are slowly increasing

3 Overseas Chinese students
Quality of language is good However they need to work on Preparation Attitude Technique It is still difficult for them to achieve top marks without coaching by UK trained Chinese teachers

4 Chinese for AS 第十一课 东海中学

5 新、旧、好、漂亮、坏、先xiān进 设施shèshī facility 设备equipment 医务wù室 空调 宿舍楼sùshèlóu
教学楼 实验shíyàn室 健身房 室内运动场 设备equipment 空调 录像机 录音机 电视机 电脑 网球拍

6 科目 必修bìxiū compulsory 数学 科学 音乐 体育 历史 英语 选xuǎn修 optional 乐器:钢琴gāngqín
风琴、笛子 外语:日文、俄文…… 网球、太极拳…… 戏剧 舞蹈

7 活动 文娱yú类 运动类: 合hé唱、 球类lèi:足球、篮球…… 演讲jiǎng 跳高 摄shè影 跳远 戏剧 跑步

8 学校的类型lèixíng 私立sīlì、公立 初chū中、高中 走读dú、住宿

9 校规guī School rules 不可以 吸烟 不允许yǔnxǔ 喝酒 禁止jìnzhǐ 吸毒 逃táo学 迟chí到 早退tuì
不可以 吸烟 不允许yǔnxǔ 喝酒 禁止jìnzhǐ 吸毒 逃táo学 迟chí到 早退tuì 缺quē席要请假

10 看录像 早操、升shēng国旗qí、眼保bǎo健操。
眼保健操: 早操:

11 句式 A1. 如果下大雨、大雪,学生们就不要去操场集合。 A2. 如果不下大雨、大雪,学生就要去操场集合。
B. 不管是下大雨还是下大雪,学生还是要去操场集合。

12 From GCSE To GCE Endorsement from Edexcel 2010
Available in Simplified or Traditional Characters Mandarin OR Cantonese

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