The Acquaintance Theory of Self-knowledge(I)

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1 The Acquaintance Theory of Self-knowledge(I)
第十單元: The Acquaintance Theory of Self-knowledge(I) 親知理論(I) 梁益堉 教授 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣3.0版授權釋出】 本課程指定教材為Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge。 本講義僅引用部分內容,請讀者自行準備。 本作品轉載自Microsoft Office 2007多媒體藝廊,依據Microsoft服務合約及著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。

2 Dispositional beliefs and desires
我們對大部分的命題態度(believe, desire, …)並沒有privileged access 。大部分的信念、慾望或意向都不是直接呈現在自己的 心靈,而是和傾向(disposition)連結在一起。 這似乎會產生一個問題:一方面基於一些原則性的理由,我們 認為一個人對自己的對命題態度沒有privileged access。但另一 方面,我們又覺得就算是命題態度只是傾向,我們似乎還是有 privileged access。 What do you think? Defense: A promising approach to resolving this puzzle is to posit that we have special access to nondispositional states associated with dispositional attitudes, and that this explains why we seem to have special access to dispositional attitudes. (p.78) 對某些種類的mental states(non-disposition states,目前當下的主觀感受, 有Privilige Access。 以上著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,頁78,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。

3 Dispositional beliefs and desires
我們對自己當下的思想有 privileged access。 Ex: my attitude towards Copenhagen is the Danish capital ( not merely dispositional but also nondispositional or occurrent) Defense: 對當下思想的掌握提 供了基礎來推論自己當下的命 題態度。即使承認這一點,還 是可以宣稱一個人對自己的對 命題態度沒有privileged access。 Flickr,作者:JamesZ_Flickr。

4 Boghossian’s puzzle & A note on content externalism
Content externalism:心智狀態的內容部分由外在因素來 決定。Putnam: Twin earth argument(physical )& Burge: social environment. Content internalism: Descartes 根據內容外在論:我們無法經由內省來確立我們心智狀 態的內容。 Issue: Is content externalism compatible with privileged access? Gertler: 自我知識關心的是自我知識是不是有其特殊性, 如果有的話,特殊性由什麼構成,特殊性的最佳解釋為 何?

5 What remains of privileged access?
大致來說,支持privileged access的哲學家限定PA在三 種心智狀態:sensations, conscious thoughts, and occurrent attitudes. Gertler: 這並不是說PA的支 持者相信所有的sensations 都是經由特殊方法得知, 也不認為相對上會比較確 定。而是sensations 可以被 內省所得知,而獲得較高 的確定性。 Flickr,作者:puck90。

6 What remains of privileged access?
Objection: 對大多數的研究者來說,內省報告 並不是合宜的科學資料的來源,因為內省報告 通常是不可靠的。 Defense: 上述的反對意見對privileged access的 哲學討論是中立的。 Ex: epistemically, whether self-attributions are especially secure Ex: whether it can be achieved by use of an exclusively first-personal method

7 4.1 Introduction The acquaintance theory: we have direct, unmediated access to some of our mental states because we stand in the metaphysical relation of acquaintance to them. This allows introspective self-knowledge to be epistemically secure. (p.87) 4.2 Russell’s acquaintance theory (1) Acquaintance anchors not only self-knowledge, but all knowledge. (2) We have acquaintance with anything of which we are directly aware. One is directly aware of something, in Russell’s sense, when one’s awareness of it does not depend on one’s awareness of something else.(p.88) 以上著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,頁87-88,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。

8 4.2 Russell’s acquaintance theory
What are we acquainted with? Ex: what is involved in seeing a brown, rectangular table. An aspect of your perceptual experience that you cannot doubt: there appears to be a table before you. 對物理物體的知覺,例如桌子,只能是間接的, 知覺經驗的直接對象是sense-data。Sense data 解釋了知覺的appearances。

9 4.2 Russell’s acquaintance theory
Awareness of the table is only indirect: because the sense data “stand between” you and the table. Direct awareness of an object requires access to it that is metaphysically direct. For if there was something mediating your relation to your sense data─standing between you and them, as it were─then you would be able to doubt them.(p.90) Awareness of sense data is metaphysically direct: nothing mediates between a subject and her sense data. Acquaintance is not a causal relation. If I am related to something only causally, then I can doubt its existence; after all, Descartes’ evil genius can interfere with any causal process, including the causal processes involved in seeing a table. (p.90) 以上著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,頁90,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。

10 4.2 Russell’s acquaintance theory
Phantom limb syndrome: amputees feel sensations “in” their missing limbs. Russell: 親知知識是知識的基礎。我們藉 由覺察到sense data而知覺到外在世界的 物體。 對過去的事物無法有親知的知識。Russell 認為,主張地球是五分鐘前才創造出來的, 並不會造成邏輯上的矛盾。

11 版權聲明 頁碼 作品 授權條件 作者/來源 1-11 本作品轉載自Microsoft Office 2007多媒體藝廊,依據Microsoft服務合約及著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。 2 A promising approach , …, dispositional attitudes. 本著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,78頁,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。 3 Flickr,作者:JamesZ_Flickr。 本作品轉載自,瀏覽日期2012/5/12。本作品轉載自 2.0 通用版授權釋出。 5 Flickr,作者:puck90。 本作品轉載自 2.0 通用版授權釋出。 7 we have direct, …something else. 本著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,87-88頁,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。 9 Direct awareness , …seeing a table. 本著作轉載自Brie Gertler (2011). Self-knowledge. London ; New York : Routledge,90頁,依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。

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