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Presentation on theme: "兒童與青少年發展概述."— Presentation transcript:

1 兒童與青少年發展概述

2 The definition of development
生命期間 身心層面 改變與不變

3 time 生命期間 嬰兒 幼兒 學齡兒童 青少年 成人 老人

4 domains physical development(身體生理發展) 身 motor skills development(動作發展)
心 sensation and perceptual development(感覺知覺發展) 層 cognitive development(認知發展) 面 social cognition development(社會認知發展) social development(社會發展)

5 Cognitive development
Cognition and cognitive development Cognition:the activity of knowing and the processes of acquiring knowledge. Cognitive development:age-related changes occur in mental activities.

6 Approaches to studying cognitive development
Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory Vygotsky’s sociocultrual viewpoint Information-processing perspectives Psychometric viewpoints

7 Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory
感覺動作期(sensorimotor stage, 0-2yr) 前運思期(preoperation stage, 2-6,7yr) 具體運思期(concrete operational stage, 6,7-11,12yr) 形式運思期(formal operational stage, 11,12yr-)

8 Vygotsky’s sociocultural perspective
(一)Four interrelated levels of analysis #個體發展(Ontogenetic development) #極小發展(Microgenetic development: changes that occur over relatively brief periods of time) #物種發展(Phylogenetic development) #社會歷史發展(Sociohistoricaldevelopment)

9 (二)重要概念 (1)智能適應的工具 (Tools of intellectual adaptation)
elementary mental function 透過社會文化的轉換,包括: (1) how to think:傳遞Tools of intellectual adaptation(在和他人互動中,內 化思考的方法和解決問題的策略) (2) what to think:傳遞社會文化中的信念和價值 higher mental function

10 (2)最佳發展區(The zone of proximal development )(ZPD)
個體可獨力完成task 這個範圍即是學習發生之所在 促進認知發展的社會互動之特徵: scaffolding guided participation task太困難而無法獨力完成,但可藉由成人 或熟練的同儕之協助而完成

11 鷹架(Scaffolding) 在教導的情境中,依據孩子現有的表現水準,來調整所提供的支持與協助(在學習情境中,專家對於新手的學習予以指導或反應,而新手藉此慢慢的增加對問題的瞭解) 指導參與(Guided participation) 孩子參與文化活動,而文化活動中有技巧較熟練的大人,透過參與、觀察大人而學習

12 General models of information processing
(一)The store model Longterm memory Response generator Working memory attention Strategy & retrieval Sensory register Central executive Coordination of information Control attention Select, apply & monitor strategies

13 (二)Connectionism 發展認知神經科學 當熟練新技巧的過程中,大腦確實發生什麼過程
運用電腦設計connectionist, or artificial neural network, models

14 input ooutput Output unit (generate response) Hidden unit (represent) Input unit (encode)

15 social cognition development
對社會(自我、他人、關係)的知識或思考 Relation SELF OTHERS

16 Knowledge about Self Self recognition Self concept Self esteem Self identity

17 Knowledge about others
Perspective taking or role taking Perceptual perspective taking Cognitive perspective taking Affective perspective taking & empathy

18 Knowledge about social relationships
Conflict understanding Moral reasoning Prosocial moral reasoning Fairness Friendship

19 兒童心智論(children’s theory of mind)

20 Mental states desires emotion action beliefs intentions

21 Social development Aggression Prosocial behavior Social competence
Interpersonal problem solving

22 The structure of working memory
Baddeley: tripartite working model: Three components: Central executive Coordination of information Control attention Select, apply & monitor strategies Working memory: Phonological loop: phonological store and rehearsal processes; Visuospatial sketchpad: visual store and spatial control processes

23 工作記憶容量 儲存 儲存 處理 處理

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