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Some Facts About Isaiah – Part 3 关于以赛亚书的一些事实 -- 3

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1 Some Facts About Isaiah – Part 3 关于以赛亚书的一些事实 -- 3
Isaiah 53:3-8 “He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken.” Pastor Chui 4/29/2019 1

2 Some Facts About Isaiah – Part 3 关于以赛亚书的一些事实 -- 3
赛 53:3-8, “他被藐視、被人厭棄、多受痛苦、常經憂患。他被藐視、好像被人掩面不看的一樣.我們也不尊重他。 他誠然擔當我們的憂患、背負我們的痛苦.我們卻以為他受責罰、被 神擊打苦待了。 那知他為我們的過犯受害、為我們的罪孽壓傷.因他受的刑罰我們得平安.因他受的鞭傷我們得醫治。 我們都如羊走迷、各人偏行己路.耶和華使我們眾人的罪孽都歸在他身上。 他被欺壓、在受苦的時候卻不開口.他像羊羔被牽到宰殺之地、又像羊在剪毛的人手下無聲、他也是這樣不開口. 因受欺壓和審判他被奪去.至於他同世的人、誰想他受鞭打、從活人之地被剪除、是因我百姓的罪過呢。” Pastor Chui 4/29/2019 2

3 Content of the Book of Isaiah - 3 以赛亚书的内容 - 3
III. Prophecy of Comfort and Peace (Part 2) 40:1-66:24. These twenty-seven chapters comprise what could be referred to as a long messianic poem. Recurrent throughout the poem is the subject of the coming Christ, the restoration of Israel, and the ultimate consummation in the form of the kingdom. III。安慰与和平的预言(第2部分)40:1-66:24。这27章可以被称为一项长的救世主的诗。整个诗的主题是基督,以色列恢复,并最终完善国度的形式。 4/29/2019 3

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The assurances of comfort and peace (40:1—48:22). The greatness of Yahweh the Comforter (40:1-31). The comforting revelation given here is that God’s dealing with Jerusalem has justly changed from judgment to grace. This suggests that through repentance and an open receptivity there would come the removal of obstacles that would otherwise hinder full access to God’s glory. Compared to God, nations are like weightless dust on scales; regardless of the amount of sacrifice, nothing in creation adds to His glory. It should be clear that from the creation of the universe God is transcendent, and rulers of nations are insignificant and powerless under His judgment. Weary and faint persons can face the difficulties of life when they live in God, for they are renewed in their strength by the Creator’s limitless strength. 4/29/2019 4

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1。伟大的耶和华保惠师(40:1-31)。这里令人欣慰的启示是上帝处理耶路撒冷从判断成为恩典。这表明,悔改和开放的感受会除去障碍,进入神的荣耀。与上帝相比,列国像灰尘,无论什么的牺牲,没有改造可以增加神的荣耀。创造宇宙的上帝是超越,根据神的判断,列国的统治者是微不足道和无力。疲倦与平淡的人面对生活中的困难时, 因为他们活在神的里面 , 可以从创造主的无限力量得到安慰和实力。 4/29/2019 5

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His challenge to the nations and Israel (41:1-29).God invites the whole world to amass their strength for a dispute with Him. God’s case is that He is the sovereign Lord of human events, and the evidence is that of history when He raised up Cyrus in military victories. The only evidence the world can produce outside of God is a humanistic effort toward good. As unworthy but chosen servants, God’s people are encouraged that they will be transformed into those who overcome every difficult situation in order for God to be glorified. God challenges the idols and finally provides proof of His absolute deity. 4/29/2019 6

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2。神对各国和以色列的挑战(41:1-29)神邀请全世界的实力与祂挑战。祂是人类所有活动的主,历史的证据是,古列在军事上的胜利​​。 在神以外, 世界产生的是一个人文主义化的努力向好。神拣选的仆人,神的仆人感到鼓舞的是,祂创造, 克服一切困难,为了让神得荣耀。神挑战偶像,终于证明祂是绝对的神。 4/29/2019 7

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3. Yahweh’s servants: Christ and Israel (42:1-25). Through divine enabling God’s beloved servant will overcome all. God, as the creative source of all life, will be seen through the servant who brings truth and freedom to all nations. Both heaven and earth are exhorted to praise God. Contrary to God’s will, Israel’s rebellion led to divine judgment, which left them like a people who has been robbed and placed in prison. 4/29/2019 8

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3。耶和华的仆人:基督和以色列(42:1-25)。通过上帝,使神所爱的仆人将克服一切。上帝是一切生命的源泉,将通过基督给所有国家带来了真理和自由。天地都要赞美上帝。上帝的旨意,以色列的叛乱导致神圣的判断, 使他们被劫,并放置在监狱里面 。 4/29/2019 9

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“I have put My Spirit upon Him” (42:1). This first song of Isaiah develops the servant motif by uniting two broader identifications—the servant as national Israel (41:8-13) and as spiritual Judah (44:1-3)—into one Person. Upon Him the Spirit rests for kingdom purpose: to establish a righteous order of justice throughout the earth (vv. 1, 4), a ministry that establishes a standard for truth according to God’s principles. When God puts His same Spirit upon us, we are enabled to partner with the King in His charismatic ministry. 4/29/2019 10

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“我已將我的靈賜給他、他必將公理傳給外邦。”(42:1)。以赛亚开发这首歌曲动机,团结更广泛的认同,作为以色列国家(41:8-13)和属灵犹大(44:1-3)成为一个仆人。在圣灵国度的目的:建立一个公义的司法在整个地球(第1,第4节),一个部根据上帝的原则,建立了一个标准的真理。当上帝把祂的圣灵放在我们身上,我们能够与祂合作伙伴。 4/29/2019 11

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“I will… give You as a covenant to the people, as a light to the Gentiles” (42:6-7). Isaiah underscores the Messiah’s mission, which is the church’s mandate. To those who “sit in darkness” in “the prison house” of sin darkening captivity (v. 7), the Servant-Redeemer offers (1) light—opening of eyes to perceive His great grace, unfolding the pathway to freedom, and (2) covenant—contractual release from prison’s punishment, securing the potential of responsible relationship. Our witness announces this glorious liberty, available through the Savior, Jesus Christ. He is the Prison-Opener, who holds “the keys of the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 16:19) to all who would proclaim His freedom. 4/29/2019 12

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“使你作眾民的中保、〔中保原文作約〕作外邦人的光”(42:6-7)。以赛亚强调救主弥赛亚的使命,这是教会的任务。对于那些在“在黑暗中”罪恶“坐监牢”(7节),仆人救赎(1)开眼睛察觉到祂的伟大的恩典,展开自由的途径, (2)从监狱释放。我们的见证宣布这光荣的自由,可通过救主耶稣基督。祂开放监狱,祂拥有“天国的钥匙”(马太福音16:19),人将宣布祂的自由。 4/29/2019 13

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“Sing to the Lord a new song” (42:10-12). This prophetic exhortation reflects the many times David included this activity in his own devotional walk. The value of singing new songs (that is, song in the Spirit or in your spoken language that are not of previous composition) has tremendous devotional impact for believer. “New songs” born of the Spirit of God can help break through spiritual barriers when nothing else seems to be working. 4/29/2019 14

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“都當向耶和華唱新歌、從地極讚美他。”(42:10-12)。这个预言劝勉大卫王多次在自己的灵修实践。唱新歌的价值(也就是圣灵的歌曲,或在以前不是你的口语)在信徒的巨大虔诚的影响力。“唱新歌”, 上帝的灵可以突破障碍。 4/29/2019 15

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4. Yahweh’s gracious redemption (43:1—44:5). The people of God need not fear that life’s trials will destroy them. God will deliver them from Babylon as He did in the Exodus. So they should not live in the past; rather, they should look for the present life of God. 4。耶和华的恩典赎回(43:1-44:5)。上帝的子民不必担心生活的试验会破坏他们。神必将他们从巴比伦赎回,像祂带以色列人出埃及一样。因此,他们不应该生活在过去,他们应该生活在现在神的带领 。 4/29/2019 16

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“You are witnesses…and My servant whom I have chosen” (43:9-10). The Lord holds His people accountable as His servants and responsible as His witness to the nations. In a courtroom scene, the nations can offer no truthful witness to their deities (v. 9); yet God’s people cannot plead ignorance—they were chosen to know Him, believe in Him, and understand who He is (v. 10). Besides Him, “there is no savior” (v. 11). Thus it is incumbent upon us to articulate with intelligent faith the uniqueness of our saving Lord, proclaiming that He alone is God, who offers salvation to all who believe and receive Him. 4/29/2019 17

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“你們是我的見證、我所揀選的僕人.”(43:10)。上帝要祂的仆人负责, 去所有的国家见证祂。不信上帝的国家不能证實他们的神(9节),但属上帝的人不能无知,他们被选为认识祂,相信祂,了解祂是谁(10节)。除祂之外,“没有救主”(11节)。因此,我们有义不容辞的责任,阐明信仰的独特性,我们全能的主,宣称祂是唯一的上帝,祂提供,要救一切相信并接受祂的人。 4/29/2019 18

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“I will pour My Spirit on your descendants” (44:3). God assures Jacob’s descendants of the Spirit’s outpouring—His blessing—upon those who thirst. The vivid picture of a flood saturating dry, parched ground portrays the expansive and satisfying dimension of the Spirit’s blessing. The simple qualification for reception is desire—recognizing our need for refreshing, and responding by earnestly seeking His presence. His blessing—the blessing of Abraham (Gen. 12:1-3; Gal. 3:2-9)—is extended beyond Jacob’s offspring to those adopted into His family (v. 5). As the Spirit’s refreshment is seen in and through us, others are drawn to the fountain of His living water. 4/29/2019 19

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“我要將我的靈澆灌你的後裔、將我的福澆灌你的子孫。”(44:3)。圣灵的浇灌,保证雅各的后裔,祂祝福口渴的。圣灵祝福和满意像水饱和干燥炎热的地。我们需要接收, 渴望,积极响应,认真寻求祂的同在。雅各的后代(5 节 )亚伯拉罕的祝福要臨到我們(创12:1-3;加拉太3:2-9)。圣灵的更新,吸引我們到祂的水泉生活。 4/29/2019 20

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5. Yahweh’s indictment of idolatry (44:6-23). Nothing will explain reality and bring a rock-like stability to human life except God. Thus we should fearlessly witness to the truth He has revealed. Idolatry is irrational and utterly futile. No barriers exist between God and His people since God took care of the sin question through redemption. This is cause for heaven and earth to rejoice. 5。耶和华起诉偶像崇拜(44:6-23)。只有上帝才能解释现实和人类的本性。因此,我们应该无所畏惧地见证祂偉大的真理 。偶像崇拜是不合理的,是完全是徒劳的。上帝和祂的子民之间没有任何障碍的存在,因为上帝解決了罪的问题,通过救赎。这是天地欢喜的。 4/29/2019 21

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6. Yahweh’s using Cyrus as a deliverer (44:24—45:25). God reveals Himself as the sole Creator of heaven and earth and the One who alone gives the meaning of history through His Word; He shapes the future by raising up Cyrus to end the Babylonian captivity and bring restoration to Jerusalem and the temple. Cyrus is oblivious of this divine destiny. 6。耶和华使用古列成為拯救者(44:24-45:25)。上帝揭示自己是天和地的唯一创造者, 只有祂能给历史有意义,通过祂的话语,祂興起古列结束以色列被掳到巴比伦,并恢复耶路撒冷和圣殿。古列是不知到这个神圣的安排命运。 4/29/2019 22

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The ultimate consequences of history will fully satisfy Israel’s God; foreigners will willingly be brought to God, idolatry will be discredited, and Israel will be saved. Because of the inadequacies of idolatry and the adequacy of God, those who remain are left without a case. Thus all should turn to the Lord and fulfill His redemptive purposes. 历史的最终結果将完全满足以色列的神,外邦人会心甘情愿地來到上帝面前,偶像崇拜将名誉扫地,以色列全家要得救。因为偶像崇拜不足之处,所有人应该转向主,并履行祂救赎的目的。 4/29/2019 23

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“Ask Me of things to come” (45:11). In the Gospel of John (16:13), Jesus discusses the coming of the Holy Spirit of promise. He assures us that we, kingdom people, can expect to hear from the Lord. In fact, God speaks to us far more than we tend to listen! The issue is not whether God speaks to us but whether we are hearing Him. “將來的事你們可以問我”(45:11)。耶稣在约翰福音(16:13)讨论应许的圣灵。祂向我们保证,我们是国度的子民,可以期待听从主。事实上,上帝对我们说话,远远超过我们可以听的!问题不在于是否神对我们说话,问题是我们是否听祂。 4/29/2019 24

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“Look to Me, and be saved, all you ends of the earth!” (45:22-23). God extends His revelation to those who seek Him (v. 19), even to the idolater who has strayed from truth (v. 20). God consistently extends the invitation to know Him (v. 21) if the individual will only turn toward Him. Our witness is the Lord’s commission to “the ends of the earth,” announcing the righteousness of God available in Christ and inviting al to the personal relationship that righteousness affords. For this purpose the Spirit empowers us, that we might be His “witness…to the end of the earth” (Acts 1:8). 4/29/2019 25

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“地極的人都當仰望我、就必得救.”(45:22-23)。 上帝启示給那些寻求祂的人(第19节),甚至拜偶像已偏离真理的人(20节) 上帝一直呼喚他們(21节),如果人转向祂的邀请。我们见证主的使命是“地極”,宣布上帝的义,邀请人到基督面前。为了这个目的,圣靈赋予我们,我们可以:“並要在耶路撒冷、猶太全地、和撒瑪利亞、直到地極、作我的見證。”(徒1:8)。 4/29/2019 26

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7. Yahweh and idols contrasted (46:1-13). Unlike Babylonian deities which break down in real life, there is continuity between the promise of God and His performance. By comparison with God, idolatry is a costly, lifeless burden with no ability to save humanity. 7。耶和华和偶像对比(46:1-13)。不像巴比伦神在现实生活中破列,上帝的應許诺言,和祂的表现是有连续性的。与上帝相比较,偶像崇拜是昂贵的,死气沉沉的负担,没有能力拯救人类。 4/29/2019 27

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8. Yahweh’s judgment upon Babylon (47:1-15). The humiliating fall of Babylon is symbolized by the picture of a delicate lady being degraded to the place of a slave girl. The main moral cause for Babylon’s fall is her gross inhumanity to God’s people, along with pride. Regardless of her rationalizing, Babylon’s judgment is certain. The astrologers were not able to save themselves or the city from the judgment. 8。耶和华审判巴比伦(47:1-15)。一个娇贵淑女退化到一个奴隶女孩是象征巴比伦可耻的垮台。巴比伦垮台的主要原因是她不人道的對付上帝的子民,並十分骄傲。无论她怎麼樣的合理化 解釋,巴比伦的判断是肯定的。占星家无法拯救自己或和城市的判断。 4/29/2019 28

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9. Yahweh’s rebuke to Israel followed by promise (48:1-22). Before Israel can experience the present joy of the new creation that God has revealed, she must put away her arrogant attitude and give up her rebellion. God’s judgment is based in His character, but it is accompanied by mercy. Israel is encouraged to pay attention to God much in the same manner as creation responds to Him. If she does she will experience an abundance of peace, righteousness, fruitfulness, and immortality. 4/29/2019 29

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9。耶和华斥责以色列后的應許承诺(48:1-22)。以色列可以体验上帝创造已经启示的喜悦,她必须放好弃她的傲慢及放弃她的叛逆。上帝的判断是基于祂的性格,並伴随着怜悯。以色列要用宇宙响应神的方式來响应祂。如果她這樣做的话,她将体验到丰富的和平,公义,丰产,和不朽。 4/29/2019 30

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B. The Lord’s Servant, the Author of comfort and peace (49:1—57:21). This section presents us with a sequence of portraits of the Servant and His mission. Add to this presentation of His mission the message He brings to His people. “Servant” is used in a dual manner: on the one hand it represents the nation of Israel, while on the other it can refer to the One who was to come as the true representative of Israel. B.主的仆人,安慰与和平(49:1-57:21)。本段介绍我们一系列仆人的画像和祂的使命。祂给祂的子民带来了祂的使命。 “仆人”是有双方形式:一方面,它代表了以色列国,而另一方面,它可以指一个作为真正以色列的代表。 4/29/2019 31

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1. The Servant’s restoration of Israel and light to the nations (49:1-26). In spite of what appears to be fruitlessness, the Servant informs the entire world that he has faith in the mission he has been prepared for from birth. Through God’s strength and faithfulness, the despised Servant is encouraged as he embraces the task of bringing a globally impacting salvation to Jew and Gentile. As an agent of salvation, the Servant will usher in the inheritance of God’s people, much like the Exodus took Israel from bondage to joy-filled freedom. Zion is assured that restoration will come because of the unfailing love of God. 4/29/2019 32

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1。仆人恢复以色列和世界的光(49:1-26)。仆人巳告诉整个世界,祂有信心,祂从出生已准备祂的使命。通过上帝的力量和忠诚,鼓励鄙视的仆人,因为祂拥抱的任务带来全球性的影响犹太人和外邦人得救, 作为世人的救赎,仆人将迎接神的子民,就像出埃及记: 把以色列从束缚帶來充满喜悦的自由。锡安要恢复,上帝不杇的慈爱。 4/29/2019 33

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“I will also give You as a light to the Gentiles, that You should be My salvation to the ends of the earth” (49:5-6). The ministry of the Servant-Redeemer reaches beyond the restoration of receptive Jews and offers life-giving light to the Gentiles as well—a Savior for all peoples. This light came on for faithful Simeon, who applied this text to Christ as he witnessed and proclaimed the universal salvation now present (Luke 2:25-32). This light was carried forth by Paul and Barnabas, who applied this text to their ministry, turning from Jew to Gentile in their gospel proclamation (Acts 13:46-47). Our ministry of witness is that of light-bearers—beacons of Christ’s light to nations afar and neighbors next door. 4/29/2019 34

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“我還要使你作外邦人的光、叫你施行我的救恩、直到地極。”(49:5-6)。仆人救赎超出犹太人的恢复, 祂提供给外邦人的光,以及为所有人民的救世主。忠实西缅应用这段啟示见证基督, 并为祂宣布世人得救(路加福音2:25-32)。光又来到保罗和巴拿巴,应用这段啟示說明了他们的工,把福音宣布到外邦犹太人(徒13:46-47)。我们的事工,见证基督国度远道而来,從隔壁邻居到地極, 傳播祂的光。 4/29/2019 35

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2. The disobedience of Israel and the obedience of the Servant (50:1-11). Charging Israel with desertion, God declares His innocence from having failed the nation in any way. It would be inconsistent with His character to do so. The Servant is unjustly sentenced and severely brutalized, but he is certain that he will triumph through God’s help. Thus he submits to God’s Word like a dedicated student in order to give answer to the dilemma of human despair. 4/29/2019 36

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2。不顺从的以色列和顺从的仆人(50:1-11)。上帝控告以色列遗弃, 上帝宣告自己清白。这是祂的性格,祂的作為是一致的。仆人是不公正地判处严重摧残,但祂肯定的通过上帝的帮助可以胜利。因此,祂順從神的话语像一个学生为了给人类绝望的困境找到答案。 4/29/2019 37

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3. Yahweh’s remnant encouraged to listen (51:1—52:12). God encourages the people to look back and draw comfort from their history, and to look forward to the greatest exodus which is yet to come. Fear of others who are mere mortals must not be the norm for God’s people, because they are the object of eternal salvation. It is time to shake off the grief and lethargy. There is good news, because it is God who pleads the cause of His people, and He is about to escort His people home. 4/29/2019 38

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3。鼓励耶和华的残余要听從(51:1-52:12)。上帝鼓励人回头, 从他们的历史得到安慰,并期待最大的走出埃及,这是尚未到来。上帝的子民,是永远得救的对象。现在是摆脱悲痛的时候。是个好消息,因为凡恳求祂的人,祂要护送他們回家。 4/29/2019 39

40 Content of the Book of Isaiah - 3 以赛亚书的内容 - 3
“How beautiful…are the feet of him who brings good news” (52:7-10). Isaiah’s imaginative picture of the messenger speeding across the hills toward Jerusalem, announcing the coming salvation, captures the passion and excitement of gospel proclamation. There is the determination of the messenger—the one who carries Good News of the kingdom, hurrying to pronounce his message, “Your God reigns” (v. 7); and there is the delight of the watchman who receives it (v. 8)—those who hear His salvation break into songs of joy (v. 9). Such is the discipline and desire of our witness, as Paul applies these verses to gospel evangelism (Rom. 10:15). We are the ones who herald the freeing truth of God’s Word to all who are ready to receive it. 4/29/2019 40

41 Content of the Book of Isaiah - 3 以赛亚书的内容 - 3
“那報佳音、傳平安、報好信、傳救恩的、對錫安說、你的 神作王了.這人的腳登山何等佳美。”(52:7-10) 。多么美丽, 使者往耶路撒冷速速对面山头,宣布未来救赎,抓住宣讲福音的激情和兴奋。信使携带國度的好消息是确定的,匆匆念祂的消息,“你的 神作王了”(7节);有守望者收到的喜悦(8节)那些人听到祂的救恩唱欢乐的歌(9节)。这样的愿望,我们的见证,正如保罗用这些经文传福音(罗10:15)。我们要准备好接收 這些预言, 释放神的话语真理。 4/29/2019 41

42 Content of the Book of Isaiah - 3 以赛亚书的内容 - 3
4.The Servant’s triumph through vicarious suffering (52:13—53:12). The transformation of the lowly Servant whose humanity has been effaced to a position of great exaltation is a startling revelation to the nations. This lonely figure is of one who has paid a price. He has borne the whole burden of sin and sickness of others. His silent submission in the midst of an unjust trial leads to his violent death and unusual burial. The spiritual spoils for the Servant as well as through him to others are because his sin-bearing death was the divine plan, bringing release to God’s people. 4/29/2019 42

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4. 通过代替苦难, 仆人的胜利(52:13-53:12)。卑微的仆人,人性已经被转变, 提高位置,是列国令人震惊的启示。这个孤独的身体付出了代价。 祂已经证明祂替别人负担罪恶和疾病。 祂沉默地提交给不公正的审判,导致祂的暴力死亡和不寻常的埋葬。通过祂的死亡, 给别人战利品,是因为祂代罪死亡, 是神的计划,使神的子民带来释放。 4/29/2019 43

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“And by His stripes we are healed” (53:4-5). Jesus began to fulfill these prophetic words when He started His healing ministry (Matt. 8:16-17), citing Is. 53:4. Luke defines the Lord’s works by telling what He “began” to do and teach (Acts 1:1-2). The obvious reason for this emphasis is because Jesus went on to do the same kinds of works in and through the early church (I Cor. 12:6; Gal. 3:5). And He continues to do them. Isaiah’s words allow for an understanding that the continuing ministry of Messiah includes healing as well as forgiveness for sin. 4/29/2019 44

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“因他受的刑罰我們得平安.因他受的鞭傷我們得醫治。”(53:4-5)。耶稣开始祂医治的事工 (太8:16-17), 祂完成这些预言, 祂使用 53:4。 路加说祂“開頭一切所行所教訓的”(使徒行传1:1-2)。耶稣在早期教会做的工作 ( 林前 12:6; 加3:5)祂现在继续做。以赛亚的话可以理解,救主弥赛亚传道包括医治以及宽恕罪恶。 4/29/2019 45

46 References: 参考文献: 1. Several Internet sources.
2. Several versions of the Bible. 3. Hayford’s Bible Handbook, 1995. 1。几个互联网资源。 2。几个版本的圣经。 3。海福德圣经手册,1995年。 4/29/2019 46

47 Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝 4/29/2019 47

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