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How to Have Church Unity 如何建造合一的教會

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1 How to Have Church Unity 如何建造合一的教會
Philippians 2:1-8 腓立比 2:1-8

2 A divided church is often a dysfunctional church.
一個不合一的教会往往是 一個沒有用的教会.

3 Disunity is often caused by a few over secondary issues.

4 Unity is of highest priority for NWCBC. 靈裡合一是西北教會 最重要的目標之一
Unity is of highest priority for NWCBC. 靈裡合一是西北教會 最重要的目標之一. (弗 Eph 4:1-6; 腓 Phil 2:1-8)

5 True spiritual unity of believers is grounded in the perfect unity of the Triune God. 基督徒靈裡合一的根基乃是 三位一体神的完美合一. 創 Gen 1: Image of God (神的形像) 申 Deut 6:4- The Lord is One (獨一的主) 弗 Eph 4:1-6- One God, faith, body… (一体, 一靈, 一主, 一信, 一洗, 一神) 約 John 17:21- “Believers may all be one…as God is One.” (信徒合一, 如同子與的父合一)

6 Philippians 2:1-8 腓立比 2:1-8

7 腓 Phil 2:1 所以在基督裡若有什麼勸勉,愛心有什麼安慰,聖靈有什麼交通,心中有什麼慈悲憐憫…
Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion…(NASB) 所以在基督裡若有什麼勸勉,愛心有什麼安慰,聖靈有什麼交通,心中有什麼慈悲憐憫…

8 I. Motives of Unity 合一的動机 腓 Phil 2:1
A. Encouragement in Christ. (基督裡的勸勉) B. Consolation of His love. (主愛中的安慰) C. Fellowship of the Spirit. (聖靈裡的交通) D. Affection and compassion. (心中的慈悲憐憫)

9 腓 Phil 2:2 Make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same love, united in spirit, intent on one purpose. (NASB) 你們就要意念相同,愛心相同,有一樣的心思,有一樣的意念,使我的喜樂可以滿足‧

10 II. Characteristics of Unity 合一的特質 腓 Phil 2:2
A. Being of the same mind. (意念相同) B. Maintaining the same love. (愛心相同) C. Being united in spirit. (靈裡合一) D. Being intent on one purpose. (目標一致)

11 腓 Phil 2:3-5 3Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. 4Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. 5Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus. 3凡事不可結黨,不可貪圖虛浮的榮耀‧只要存心謙卑,各人看別人比自己強‧4各人不要單顧自己的事,也要顧別人的事‧5你們當以基督耶穌的心為心‧

12 III. How to achieve unity? 如何達到合一? 腓 Phil 2:3-8
Defuse competition. (v. 3a) 避免競争. Avoid vain conceit. (v. 3b) 除去自傲. Decrease criticism. (v. 3c) 減少論斷. Demonstrate consideration. (v. 4) 為人着想. Develop Christ-likeness (v. 5-8) 效法基督.

13 A. Defuse competition 避免競争 (v. 3a)
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition.” “凡事不可結黨.” “凡事不可為自己的野心而做.” (安東)

14 B. Avoid vain conceit. 除去自傲. (Phil 3:3b)
“Do nothing out of vain conceit.” “不可貪圖虛浮的榮耀.”

15 C. Decrease criticism. 減少論斷. (v. 3c)
“but in humility consider others better than yourselves.” “只要存心謙卑,各人看別人比自己強.”

16 D. Demonstrate consideration. 為人着想. (v. 4)
“Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.” “各人不要單顧自己的事,也要顧別人的事‧”

17 E. Develop Christ-likeness. 效法基督 (謙卑). (v. 5-8)
“Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.” (v. 5) “你們當以基督耶穌的心為心.”

18 The self-emptying (“kenosis”) of Christ (v.6-8) 基督的 ”自我倒空”
6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, 7 but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death—even death on a cross! 6 他本有神的形像,不以自己與神同等為強奪的‧7反倒虛己,取了奴僕的形像,成為人的樣式‧8既有人的樣子,就自己卑微,存心順服,以至於死,且死在十字架上‧

19 The incarnate Christ 道成肉身的基督 The hypostatic union in Christ 神人合一的基督 (v

20 The atoning death of Christ 基督代罪的犧性 v. 8b
He paid the price of sin voluntarily. 衪自願為罪人付代价. The kenosis: The self-emptying of Christ. 基督的自我倒空. “He can’t save Himself” by His own choice. “不能救自已” 乃是衪自己的選擇. This is the purpose of His incarnation. 這就是衪道成肉身的目的.

21 約 John 10:17-18 17 “The Father loves me because I lay down my life that I may have it back again. 18 No one can take my life from me. I lay down my life voluntarily. For I have the right to lay it down when I want to and also the power to take it again. For my Father has given me this command.” (NLT) 17我父愛我,因我將命捨去,好再取回來‧ 18沒有人奪我的命去,是我自己捨的‧我有權柄捨了,也有權柄取回來‧這是我從我父所受的命令‧

22 God exalted him to the highest place 基督被升為至高 v. 9-11
Exhibiting His deity again. 再度彰顯衪的神性. He is fully divine. 衪是完全的神. Result of complete humility. 完全 (極度) 謙卑的後果.

23 Application 回應

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