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Lightweight Data-flow Analysis for Execution-driven Constraint Solving

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Presentation on theme: "Lightweight Data-flow Analysis for Execution-driven Constraint Solving"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lightweight Data-flow Analysis for Execution-driven Constraint Solving
Junaid Haroon Siddiqui Darko Marinov Sarfraz Khurshid

2 背景 Constraint-based testing Key challenge-valid inputs generation
execution-driven solving Wasteful Repeated predicate execution, predicate result

3 贡献 Lightweight static data-flow analysis for constraint solving
Multi-value comparisons Implementation Evaluation

4 Traditional Korat 1,建立一个要测试的初始结构,执行repok算法;
2,当repok算法执行完后,将field domain中最后一个输入域中的数值改成一个新数值,然后重新执行repok算法; 3,如果最后一个field domain中的数值没有更多的数值,则到前一个field domain中; 4,一直所有的field domain中的数值都执行完。


6 Koratmulti: multi-value comparisons
A multi-value comparison compares a given value against all values in the field domain of a field not yet accessed in the repOk predicate. If a field has already been accessed, the given value can only be compared against its ssigned value and no multi-value comparison can take place.

7 Koratmulti: multi-value comparisons
条件: 至少有一个可能的结果能够决定哪个repOk predicate能够返回。

8 Koratmulti: multi-value comparisons

9 Koratmulti: multi-value comparisons

10 Technique 主要思路: 对candidate进行判断是否为marked,如果是marked,则不需要执行repOk, repOk的结果就可以知道。 主要方法: 结合Data-flow analysis和Multi-value comparisons,在Multi-value comparisons中使用数据流分析方法,然后用Multi-value comparisons将candidate分为marked和unmarked。


12 1,followUseChain the accessed value is directly used as one argument of a comparison. 2,br The comparison is used inside an if statement. 3,ret determines if a constant is returned.


14 Evaloution 1,the number of repOk executions
2,the time it takes to generate valid inputs.

15 Evaloution


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