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Presentation on theme: "关于开源软件的几篇论文."— Presentation transcript:

1 关于开源软件的几篇论文

2 The small-world effect: The influence of macro-level properties of developer collaboration networks on open-source project success (TOSEM 2010) 数据:SourceForge,4279个项目,15个community 开发者网络构建:参与过相同项目的开发者建立联系 自变量(网络特性):Clustering, Average Path Length,Size 因变量(项目成功度):CVS commits,Downloads 控制变量: Project Network Location 项目开发者在网络中的centrality的均值 Human Capital and Team Ability 项目开发者数,开发者以前的成绩 Market Potential and User Input 之前回答过的问题数,closed bug数 Project Life-Cycle Effects 项目Age Project Characteristics 项目类型,受众,语言,UI

3 A large scale study of programming languages and code quality in github (FSE 14)
数据:GitHub,top 17 PL * top 50 projects RQ: 语言特性:过程/脚本/函数,静态/动态,强/弱类型,自带内存管理与否 领域:Application, Database, Code Analyzer, Middleware, Library, Framework, Other Bug类型:Performance, Security, Failure, Memory, Programming, Concurrency, Algorithm RQ1 Are some languages more defect prone than others? RQ2 Which language properties relate to defects? RQ3 Does language defect proneness depend on domain? RQ4 What is the relation between language & bug category?

4 Quality and Productivity Outcomes Relating to Continuous Integration in GitHub (FSE 15)
数据:GitHub 自变量:是否使用持续集成工具(检测代码是否包含持续集成服务) 因变量:Productivity,Quality 控制变量:团队人数,项目的fork数,代码行数,项目年龄,项目点赞数

5 Developer Onboarding in GitHub: The Role of Prior Social Links and Language Experience (FSE 15)
RQ1: Do prior social connections matter when developers join new projects? That is, are they more likely to join projects in which there are developers they have already collaborated with in the past? RQ2: How does the presence of past social connections, and their strength, influence initial developer productivity in both familiar (past language experience) and unfamiliar project environments (no past language experience)? RQ3: What is the effect of past experience and prior social connections on how productive a developer will be overall in a project?

6 Impact of Developer Turnover on Quality in Open-Source Software (FSE 15)
Measure turnover:External Newcomer / Leaver, Internal Newcomer / Leaver, Stayer,五类人的活动 RQ1 Using the concepts of external newcomers and leavers at the project level, is turnover an important phenomenon (in terms of number of developers involved) in open-source software projects? RQ2 Looking deeply into the project at the module level, is there any patterns regarding the contributions of persistent, internal and external developers? RQ3 Using the turnover metrics at the module level, is there any relationship with the quality of the software modules?

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