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2011 EFCI Co-worker Training-2 愛恩台福教會年中事工評估

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1 2011 EFCI Co-worker Training-2 愛恩台福教會年中事工評估

2 一、2011三大重點3 Major target 主日崇拜時間、方式調整,提升聚會品質New Worship time adjustment & Q C 三年一輪,成套教育系統Three year Sunday school System 多元化堂會,開發新事工1.5 Generation for new congregation to outreach → Children, AWANA, Less join service → Name tag for serving people 請掛名牌…

3 二2011七大牧區 7 Shepherd Zone Pastor, Elder, Deacon, leaders
Children0-12 Youth 13-18 English 19-40 1.5G 16-39 Mandarin 26-64 Taiwanese40-64 Taiwanese 65+ N.人數 100 75 30 80 Caring 關懷 牧養 團契 小組 ? Elder Deacon T. Leader Counselor Advisor Pastor Z.Leader Worship Erinn Shaun H Shelia Andy C Josef Michael Li-H Education Sharon Y Peter G Felicia Sharon H Max Joseph Jenny Mission Alex Tu Joe Admin. Account.

4 以弗所書4:2-6 凡事謙虛、溫柔、忍耐,用愛心互相寬容,用和平彼此聯絡,竭力保守聖靈所賜合而為一的心。 身體只有一個,聖靈只有一個,正如你們蒙召同有一個指望。 一主,一信,一洗, 一神,就是眾人的父,超乎眾人之上,貫乎眾人之中,也住在眾人之內。

5 Ephesians 4:2-6 2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. 3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

6 三、Conflict management & Goal Adjustment衝突管理與事工調整

7 1. How Can Unresolved Conflict Destructive?衝突之破壞性
Drains energy and attention from important tasks, productivity, safety, quality, and/or teamwork 精疲力竭,無法進展, Destroys the self-esteem and motivation of others 缺乏信任,懷疑猜忌 Polarizes individuals and creates sub groups and cliques一籌莫展,結黨紛爭或逐漸疏離 Leads to emotional and personal attacks that create “baggage” 情緒困擾,攻擊卸責 Results in unproductive competitiveness, frustration and anger that gets vented 憤怒挫折

8 2.How Can Conflict Be Constructive?衝突之建設性
Exposes important issues潛藏重點浮現 Leads to greater clarification and understanding between people 澄清問題,彼此認識加深 Produces innovative solutions 提供新解決方案 Enables people to learn and expand their perspective擴展觀點 彼此學習 Encourages meaningful dialogue and communication實質對話、充份溝通 Leads to cooperation and greater unity between people or groups 重新合作,提昇士氣


10 1. Competitive競爭 某方採取堅定立場,堅持自己想要什麼 I am OK, You’re Not OK.

11 2. Collaborative協作 承認每個人都非常重要,進行有效的合作 。 I am OK, You are OK too.

12 3. Compromising妥協 I am partly OK, You’re Partly OK.
試圖找到妥協的解決方案,至少部分滿足每一個人。 I am partly OK, You’re Partly OK.

13 4. Accommodating容納 為滿足他人的需要,壓抑自身真正需要。 I am not OK, You are OK.

14 5. Avoiding禁忌 雙方試圖逃避衝突,消極放棄各自看法 I am not OK, You’re not OK either.

15 What kind of person you are類型?
Lion獅子--Competition競爭 Dolphin海豚--Collaboration協作 Zebra斑馬--Compromise妥協 Panda熊貓--Accommodation容納 Turtle烏龜-- Avoidance禁忌

16 4. Conflict Reason衝突可能因由
Personality Conflict人格特質 Communication Failure溝通無效 Goal Differences目標差異 Value Differences價值差異 Differences regarding authority權柄認知 Differences regarding responsibility責任歸屬 Competition over Resource資源競爭 Substandard performance期望(標準)落差

17 5. In resolving conflict using this approach, you follow these rules注意
Make sure that good relationships are the first priority勿忘好的關係永是第一優先 Keep people and problems separate讓個人和真正問題分開 Pay attention to the interests that are being presented注意已提出與雙方皆有關係之處 Listen first; talk second 先注意聽,再說 Explore options together共同探討解決方案

18 6. A Conflict Resolution Process-1
Step One: Set the Scene預備處理--Use active listening skills to ensure you hear and understand other‘s positions and perceptions. 積極的聽,確認你聽清楚和儘可能理解對方的立場和看法,嚐試練習: Restate重述,確認對方觀點、感受 Paraphrase說明,解釋其意義 Summarize綜合概述

19 A Conflict Resolution Process-2
Step Two: Gather Information收集資料 以同理心,在衝突從對方觀點來看事情。 Identify issues clearly and concisely. 明確、簡潔的說出問題核心。 Use “I ” statements.用“我”的觀點發言 Remain flexible.保持彈性 Clarify feelings.表達感覺,我覺得…

20 A Conflict Resolution Process-3
Step Three: Agree the Problem界定問題所在 This sounds like an obvious step, but often different underlying needs, interests and goals can cause people to perceive problems very differently. You'll need to agree the problems that you are trying to solve before you'll find a mutually acceptable solution. 不同的人會看到不同的問題,你需要了解其他人,可能看到你沒感覺到的問題。

21 A Conflict Resolution Process-4
Step Four: Brainstorm Possible Solutions集體討論,腦力激盪,研究可能的解決方案,以開放輕鬆的心,來看待別人的新建議 If everyone is going to feel satisfied with the resolution, it will help if everyone has had fair input in generating solutions. Brainstorm possible solutions, and be open to all ideas, including ones you never considered before.

22 A Conflict Resolution Process-5
Step Five: Negotiate a Solution討論解決與行動 By this stage, the conflict may be resolved: Both sides may better understand the position of the other, and a mutually satisfactory solution may be clear to all. However you may also have uncovered real differences between your positions. This is where a technique like win-win negotiation can be useful to find a solution that, at least to some extent, satisfies everyone.不同立場,雙贏策略

23 7. guiding principles 溝通四原則
Be Calm,保持鎮靜、理性 Be Patient, 保持耐心 Be Polite, say please, thank you禮貌 Have Respect,尊重對方

24 今日計畫Plan for Today 9:10-10:10 Conflict management & Goal Adjustment衝突管理與事工調整Rev.Allen Hu 10:00-11:00 分組討論與休息 Small group Discussion by 5 Group Leader & 20 Min. +Rest 11:20-12:20報告、問題解答Report by 5 Group Leader, suggestion, Q&A by Pastors 12:30-1:30 Lunch 1:30- Free time

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