Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (1)

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Presentation on theme: "Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (1)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (1)
There are roads that each of us must travel, though we may not be sure where they lead. But our Lord is always there to guide us He will give us the confidence we need. 我們都走在人生的旅途中 雖然不確定前路何往 但我主總是在前面引導,祂賜下充足信心 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (1)

2 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (2)
We are bound together in His spirit, and we know we are never alone. We have shared His love and understanding, and our faith and fellowship have grown. 我們在祂的靈裏合一,永不孤單 我們同享主的愛與體諒 在信心和彼此交接上增長 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (2)

3 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (3)
Let us celebrate, let us celebrate and give thanks to the Lord for showing us the way. Let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate the journey which has led us here today. 讓我們歡喜慶祝, 感謝主向我們顯明道路 讓我們歡喜,因我們共此程至如今 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (3)

4 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (4)
Though at times we may have been discouraged, we have known that our God was always near. He has kept us strong in times of trouble; He has helped us keep our purpose clear. 雖然我們有時沮喪, 但知道神常在身旁 在危難中祂堅固保守我們 幫助我們認清生活的意義 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (4)

5 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (5)
From a dream we shared with one another, we have traveled together to this place where God’s love is everywhere around us, and we rest securely in His grace. 因我們同有一個盼望, 我們同行至此 被神的愛環繞, 在祂的恩典中得安穩 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (5)

6 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (6)
Let us celebrate, let us celebrate and give thanks to the Lord for showing us the way. Let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate the journey which has led us here today. 讓我們歡喜慶祝,感謝主向我們顯明道路 讓我們歡喜,因我們共此程至如今 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (6)

7 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (7)
But we know the journey is not over, for the work of the Lord is never done. We will meet the challenge of tomorrow with our hearts and voices joined as one! 但我們知道此路仍未行盡 因我主並不停止祂的工 讓我們同心合意迎向明日的挑戰 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (7)

8 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (8)
Let us celebrate, let us celebrate and give thanks to the Lord for showing us the way. Let us celebrate, let us celebrate, let us celebrate the journey which has led us here today. 讓我們歡喜慶祝,感謝主向我們顯明道路 讓我們歡喜,因我們共此程至如今 Let Us Celebrate!齊來歡慶 (8)

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