平安的七月夜 Peaceful July.

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Presentation on theme: "平安的七月夜 Peaceful July."— Presentation transcript:

1 平安的七月夜 Peaceful July

2 夜星在天上閃閃烁 All the starts shining in the sky 月亮光光照溪边 And the moon dancing on the sea 大树下、风微微 As the trees gently bend 听到树蝉在吟詩 In the evening breeze 上帝赏赐的平安夜 May God give you peaceful sleep Peaceful July 2/4 Lord, I offer my life to You 1/4 Lord, I offer my life to You 2/4

3 耶和华是我的安慰 For the Lord is my strength, my shield 倚靠他我还怕什么 He alone gives me all I need 虽遇到飓风天 In the storm, He is near 他给我心有平靜 So my heart will never fear 將平安放在我的心中 I know that He will give me His peace Peaceful July 3/4 Lord, I offer my life to You 1/4 Lord, I offer my life to You 2/4

4 我过死荫幽谷也不怕遭害 And even in the valley, when fear is at my side 他会与我同在 The Lord will be my comfort 用话來安慰我 the Lord will be my guide 有恩典和慈爱同我相作伴 With all His grace and mercy, His love will never leave 有平安随我过一生 I know the He will give me His peace Peaceful July 4/4 Lord, I offer my life to You 1/4 Lord, I offer my life to You 2/4

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