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EQ and Personal Growth Lesson Two

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1 EQ and Personal Growth Lesson Two
Self-motivation Yipsir

2 L 2 Self-motivation Warm-up activity: weather report
Reflection: “Did you have a dream?” Factors affecting self-motivation Factors affecting goal attainment Video show: 志在必得 Case studies: Joe and Mary Auto-suggestion (自我暗示) : Re-programming your unconscious mind

3 表達情緒 天氣報告

4 天氣報告 1 分 分 分數 (1-10分) 情緒詞語 (如微笑、疲倦、憤怒、平靜….) ??? 原因 / 事件

5 Reflection Did you have a dream?
to become a pianist, to complete a PhD course abroad in ten years… Have you ever had a serious commitment or a passion to follow through something? to accomplish a challenging course to procure a difficult skill What are the factors that enhance or impede you from realizing your dreams?

6 Factors affecting Self-motivation
Significance Interest necessity relevance adequate support

7 Factors affecting goal attainment
Ability to delaying immediate gratification in exchanging for long term gains. Examples: Saving vs spending Studying vs playing Learning Jiang Jie Input vs using handing writing pad Doing exercise vs sleeping

8 自我激勵 Video: 志在必得

9 Activity – Case studies
Story 1: Joe has an interview, and though he should be ready, he’s frightened and unsure of himself. If he doesn’t get some confidence, he’s going to blow it. One friend tells him he’ll do fine. Another tells him the job doesn’t matter anyway. A third says he’s a sissy for being so scared. What would you tell him? Open your notebook and write your answer, then see what some other people wrote.

10 Activity – Case studies
Story 2: Annette wants to write a novel more than anything in the world. She’s made some attempts, but always stops. “I know I should write every morning, but I can’t find the time. When I do, I think what I write is boring. I’m afraid I’m just mediocre.” What would you tell Annette? Be sure to write it in your notebook before you read how other people answered so you’ll catch your first reaction. Then look at what other people said.

11 Activity – Case studies
Story 1: Joe’s case Recommendations Ways to enhance self-efficacy (Bandura) Successful experience Vicarious learning experience Verbal encouragement Relaxation

12 Activity – Case studies
Story 2: Annette’ case Recommendations Proper time management: reprioritize her work according to the level of importance she may rank. Be thinking rationally: Success is an accumulation of “ mediocrity” / failures (insight learning theory) 萬事起頭難 What crucial is get things done

13 潛意識 自我暗示 想像法 自我催眠 ─ 潛意識改寫

14 潛意識如何接收訊息

15 正面信息之運用 負面信息改寫 我唔會再咁「pair」 → 我好怕去見工 → 我捱得好辛苦 → 你讀書成績好差 → 我好冇記性 →
我好怕去見工 → 我捱得好辛苦 → 你讀書成績好差 → 我好冇記性 → 我時時都會做錯嘢 →

16 自我確定句子 Self Affirmation Statements

17 自我暗示 溝通橋樑 意識 潛意識

18 想像法 美化自我形象 令生活發生重要改變

19 想像法─包括 放鬆身體 清靜心靈 想像積極景像

20 作用 創富 健康 改進自我形象 改變人際關係 達到特定目標

21 改變原理 ∞ 波 (relax) 肯定句子 (positive affirmation statements)
情境形像化 (visualization - VAK) 改寫潛意識 (re-programming) 意識與行為發生改變

22 自我暗示原則 簡潔,如我愈來愈富有。 積極 信念,具可行性,如我今年能賺到50萬 觀想 (Visualization) ─ VAK

23 健康 我的身體每一個細胞都充滿活力,我的健康愈來愈好。 我的身體運作完美,體能愈來愈強。 我充滿活力,可以睡眠很少,但身體愈來愈堅強。
我信任宇宙無限的智慧,可以發揮治療的功能,將身體的毛病完全醫好。 我不怕壓力,而且我懂得渦輪增壓的道理,所以可以善用壓力。 我可以轉壓力為能量,化疾病為健康。 我的身心健康,我有大的能量,可以創造巨大的財富。

24 財富 我可以成功,我能夠成功,我必定成功。 我享受工作、樂於助人、善於創富。 生命是和諧的,而我將無憂無慮地創富。
錢由我心生、財由我心做、富由我心創。 無限智慧的力量會指導我怎樣去創富,我所有創富的計劃都有無限智慧的指引。 我充滿創富的意識,願意作出創富的行動,我必定可以得到創富的成果。 我愈富有,別人就愈受惠;別人愈受惠,我就愈富有。

25 自尊心肯定字句 我已盡力 我有信心 我願意冒險 我很樂觀 我能享受生活中的小節 我欣賞存在的價值 我關懷生命 我承認我內在的價值
我覺得現在的我最好 從過去的任何經驗中,我學了很多東西

26 人際關係肯定字句 我喜歡和朋友一起 朋友也喜歡和我一起 我可以要求約會 我會提出我想要的東西 我提出有價值的建議 我能在會議中發表意見
我可以接受不同意見 我可以接受批評而保持我的自尊 我能夠要求退貨 我能夠表達欣賞、讚美

27 潛意識改寫 (自我催眠)

28 The End

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