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12/03 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)

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1 12/03 今天的学习目标 (Today’s Learning Objectives)
I can speak, read and understand Lesson 17 Dialogue 1. I can do the Recap questions on the Dialogue on page 210. I can do the Language Practices on Textbook pages Quiz: A: 这套出租公寓带家具。 Zhè tào chūzū gōngyù dài jiājù This rental apartment is furnished. (come with furniture.)

2 Q: 这套出租公寓带不带家具? A: 这套出租公寓带家具。 12/3 小考 xiǎo kǎo (Quiz)
Zhè tào chūzū gōngyù dài bù dài jiājù Is this rental apartment furnished? (come with furniture?) A: 这套出租公寓带家具。 Zhè tào chūzū gōngyù dài jiājù This rental apartment is furnished. (come with furniture.)

3 Q: 你的房间有什么家具? A: 我房间的家具有床、书桌、和椅子。 12/4 小考 xiǎo kǎo (Quiz)
Nǐ de fángjiān yǒu shé me jiājù What furniture is there in your bedroom? A: 我房间的家具有床、书桌、和椅子。 Wǒ fángjiān de jiājù yǒu chuáng, shūzhuō, hé yǐzi There are a bed, a desk, and a chair in my room.

4 Dì kè: zū fáng zi 第十七课:租房子Lesson Seventeen: Renting An Apartment

5 Duì huà yī Zhǎo gè gèng hǎo de dì fāng 对话一:找个更好的地方 Finding a Better Place

6 Duì huà èr Dǎ diànhuà wèn chūzū gōngyù 对话二:打电话问出租公寓 Calling about an Apartment for Rent

7 第十七课 学习目标 (Lesson 17 Learning objectives)
In this lesson, you will learn to use Chinese to Describe your current and ideal living quarters; Name common pieces of furniture; State how long you have been living at your current residence; Comment briefly on why a place is or isn’t good for someone; Discuss and negotiate rent, utilities, and security deposits.

8 第十七课 学习目标 (Lesson 17 Learning objectives)
Forms & Accuracy: Verb +了+ Numeral + Measure Word + Noun +了 连 (even) … 都/也 Potential Complements with Verb + 不下 多 Indicating an Approximate Number Question Pronouns with 都/也 (II)

9 第十七课 对话一 Shēng cí 生词 vocabulary

10 chǎo to quarrel; noisy v/adj

11 附近 fùjìn vicinity; neighborhood; nearby area n

12 公寓 gōngyù Apartment n

13 家具 jiājù Furniture n

14 搬家 Bānjiā move; moving verb/noun

15 做饭 zuò fàn to cook; to prepare a meal vo

16 报纸 bàozhǐ Newspaper n

17 广告 guǎnggào Advertisement n

18 出租 chūzū to rent out v

19 租屋广告 Zhūwū guǎnggào House Rental Advertisment
套房出租 Tàofáng 带家具 dài jiājù Including furniture. 两房一厅一卫 Liǎng fáng yī tīng yī wèi Two bedrooms, one living room, one bathroom

20 tào measure word for suite or set M

21 套 tào (measure word for suite or set)
yī tào gōngyù yī tào yīfú yī tào jiājù 一套公寓, 一套衣服, 一套家具 An apartment a set of clothes a set of furniture 套房 a suite

22 卧室 wòshì Bedroom n

23 厨房 chúfáng Kitchen n

24 卫生间 Wèishēngjiān bathroom n

25 客厅 kètīng living room n

26 走路 zǒu lù to walk vo

27 分钟 fēnzhōng Minute n

28 lián Even prep

29 可能 Kěnéng maybe; possible mv/adj

30 可能 Kěnéng (maybe; possible) mv/adj
Q: 老师怎么还没来? Lǎoshī zěnme hái méi lái Why hasn't the teacher come yet? A: 老师可能生病了。 Lǎoshī kěnéng shēngbìng le Maybe the teacher is sick.

31 可能 Kěnéng (maybe; possible) mv/adj
Q: 苏颖怎么还没来? Sū Yǐng zěnme hái méi lái Why hasn’t Su Ying come yet? A: 他的车子可能坏了。 Tā de chē zǐ kěnéng huàile Maybe his car is broken.

32 附近 fùjìn (vicinity; neighborhood; nearby area) noun
Q1:你家附近有公园吗? Nǐ jiā fùjìn yǒu gōngyuán ma? Is there a park in you neighborhood? Q2:你家附近有公共汽车站吗? Nǐ jiā fùjìn yǒu gōnggòng qìchē zhàn ma? Is there a bus stop near your home? Q3:你家附近有什么? Nǐ jiā fùjìn yǒu shé me What are there in your neighborhood?

33 吵 chǎo (to quarrel; noisy) verb; adjective
Nǐ jiā fùjìn hěn ānjìng ma /hěn chǎo ma? Is it very quiet in your neighborhood? Is it very noisy? Q2:学校图书馆很吵吗? Xuéxiào túshū guǎn hěn chǎo ma Is the school library noisy?                 Q3:学生餐厅很吵吗? Xuéshēng cāntīng hěn chǎo ma? Is the student restaurant very noisy? Q4:中文课很吵吗? Zhōngwén kè hěn chǎo ma? Is Chinese class is very noisy?

34 吵 chǎo (to quarrel; noisy) verb; adjective
Nǐ chángcháng hé shéi chǎo (jià) Who do you often quarrel/fight with?

35 公寓 gōngyù (apartment) noun
Q: 你住过公寓吗? Nǐ zhùguò gōngyù ma Have you lived in an apartment? A1:我住过公寓。 Wǒ zhùguò gōngyù I have lived in an apartment? A2:我没有住过公寓。 Wǒ méi yǒu zhù guò gōngyù I haven’t lived in an apartment.

36 家具 jiājù (Furniture) noun
Q: 这套公寓带不带家具? Zhè tào gōngyù dài bù dài jiājù Is this apartment furnished? (come with furniture?) A: 这套公寓带家具。 Zhè tào gōngyù dài jiājù This apartment is furnished. (come with furniture.)

37 做饭 zuò fàn (to cook; to prepare a meal) verb
Q: 这套公寓有厨房可以做饭吗? Zhè tào gōngyù yǒu chúfáng kěyǐ zuò fàn ma Does this apartment have a kitchen to cook? A: 这套公寓有厨房可以做饭。 Zhè tào gōngyù yǒu chúfáng kěyǐ zuò fàn This apartment has a kitchen to cook.

38 做饭 zuò fàn (to cook; to prepare a meal) verb
Q1:你(妈妈)喜欢做饭吗? Nǐ (māmā) xǐhuān zuò fàn ma Do you (mother) like to cook? Q2:你会做什么饭? nǐ huì zuò shénme fàn What can you cook?

39 第十七课 对话一 Yǔ fǎ 语法 grammar

40 Q:这个教室坐得下一百个人吗? A:这个教室坐不下一百个人。
Verb + 不下 (can’t ….hold…; not able to ….) Q:这个教室坐得下一百个人吗? Zhège jiàoshì zuò dé xià yībǎi gèrén ma? Can one hundred people be able to sit in this classroom? A:这个教室坐不下一百个人。 Zhège jiàoshì zuò bùxià yībǎi gèrén. This classroom can’t sit one hundred people.

41 Verb + 不下 (can’t ….hold…; not able to ….)
Q1:你的房间放得下两张床吗? Nǐ de fángjiān fàng dé xià liǎng zhāng chuáng ma? Can you put two beds in your room? A1:我的房间放得下/放不下两张床。 Wǒ de fángjiān fàng dé xià/fàng bùxià liǎng zhāng chuáng. My room can/can’t hold two beds. Q2:你吃得下十个热狗吗? Nǐ chī dé xià shí gè règǒu ma? Can you eat ten hot dogs? A2:我吃得下/吃不下十个热狗。 Wǒ chī dé xià/chī bùxià shí gè règǒu   I can/can't eat ten hot dogs.

42 我住在中国两个多月。 那支手机八百多块钱。 妈妈买了二十多个苹果。
Numeral + 多 + noun To Indicating an Approximate Number 我住在中国两个多月。 Wǒ zhù zài zhōngguó liǎng gè duō yuè. I have lived in China for more than two months. 那支手机八百多块钱。 Nà zhī shǒujī bābǎi duō kuài qián. That phone is 800 some dollars. 妈妈买了二十多个苹果。 Māmā mǎile èrshí duō gè píngguǒ Mom bought 20 some apples.

43 了 le particle Q:你学中文学了多久了? A:我学中文学了两年了。
Nǐ xué zhōng wénxuéle duōjiǔle? How long have you been studying Chinese? A:我学中文学了两年了。 Wǒ xué zhōng wénxuéle liǎng niánle I have studied Chinese for two years. Verb +了+ time phrase + 了 Use this pattern to talk about the length of time of an action up to now.

44 了 le particle 王朋在学校的宿舍住了两个学期了。
Wáng Péng zài xuéxiào de sùshè zhù le liǎng ge xuéqī le. Wang Peng has been living on campus for two semesters up to this moment. The sentence usually implies that the action has been continuing for some time and is expected to last into the future. Verb +了+ time phrase + 了

45 了 le particle Q:老张养狗养了几年了? (两年) A:他养狗养了两年了。
Lǎo zhāng yǎng gǒu yǎngle jǐ niánle? How long has Old Chang been raising the dog? A:他养狗养了两年了。 Tā yǎng gǒu yǎng le liǎng nián le He has been raising the dog for two years. Verb +了+ time phrase + 了 Use this pattern to talk about the length of time of an action up to now.

46 了 le particle 小黄喝酒喝了几个小时了? (四个小时) 他喝了四个小时了。
Xiǎo huáng hējiǔ hēle jǐ gè xiǎoshíliǎo? 他喝了四个小时了。 tā hēle sì gè xiǎoshíliǎo Verb +了+ time phrase + 了 Use this pattern to talk about the length of time of an action up to now.

47 了 le particle Q: 李小姐睡觉睡了几个钟头了? (十个钟头) A: 她睡了十个钟头了。
Lǐ xiǎojiě shuìjiào shuìle jǐ gè zhōngtóule How many hours has Miss Li been sleeping? A: 她睡了十个钟头了。 Tā shuìle shí gè zhōngtóule Miss Li has been sleeping for ten hours. Verb +了+ time phrase + 了 Use this pattern to talk about the length of time of an action up to now.

48 了 le particle Q: 你妹妹洗澡洗了几分钟了? (四十五分钟) A: 她洗了四十五分钟了。
Nǐ mèimei xǐzǎo xǐle jǐ fēnzhōngle How many minutess has your sister been taking a shower? A: 她洗了四十五分钟了。 Tā xǐle sìshíwǔ fēnzhōngle She washed forty-five minutes. Verb +了+ time phrase + 了 Use this pattern to talk about the length of time of an action up to now.

49 了 le particle 夏先生看报纸看了几个钟头了? (两个钟头) 他看了两个钟头了。
Xià xiānshēng kàn bàozhǐ kànle jǐ gè zhōngtóule? How many hours has Mr. been reading the newspaper? 他看了两个钟头了。 Tā kànle liǎng gè zhōngtóule He has read for two hours. Verb +了+ time phrase + 了 Use this pattern to talk about the length of time of an action up to now.

50 了 le particle Q: 你开出租汽车开了几年了? A: 开了一年半了。
Nǐ kāi chūzū qìchē kāi le jǐ nián le? How many years have you been driving a cab? A: 开了一年半了。 kāi le yì nián bàn le. For a year and a half now. Verb +了+ time phrase + 了

51 他病了三天。 他病了三天了。 They mean differently! Tā bìng le sān tiān.
He was sick for three days. (He recovered from the illness on the fourth day.) 他病了三天了。 Tā bìng le sān tiān le. He has been sick for three days. The illness has continued for three days and he currently remains sick.

52 衣服我已经买了三件了,够了。 The structure can also be used to indicate quantity
Yīfu wǒ yǐjīng mǎi le sān jiàn le, gòu le. I have already bought three pieces of clothing. That’s plenty/enough. Verb +了+ quantity + 了

53 这封信我已经看了两遍了,不想再看了。 The structure can also be used to indicate quantity
Zhè fēng xìn wǒ yǐjīng kàn le liǎng biàn le, bù xiǎng zài kàn le. I’ve read this letter twice already and don’t want to read it again. Verb +了+ quantity + 了

54 The structure can also be used to indicate quantity
Nǐ mèimei hē le jǐ bēi chá le Q: 你妹妹喝了几杯茶了? (兩杯茶) How many cups of tea has she drunk? A: 她喝了兩杯茶了。 She adrank two cups of tea already. . Verb +了+ quantity + 了

55 Q: 李老師上了几节课了? (三节课) A: 他上了三节课了。
The structure can also be used to indicate quantity Lǐ lǎoshī shàng le jǐ jié kè le Q: 李老師上了几节课了? (三节课) A: 他上了三节课了。 . Verb +了+ quantity + 了

56 连…都 lián...dōu (can) ….even…
我姐姐的孩子很聪明,连日本话都会说。 Wǒ jiějie de háizi hěn cōngming, lián Rìběnhuà dōu huì shuō. My sister’s child is really smart. She can even speak Japanese. 连…也 lián...yě

57 连…都 lián...dōu (can) ….even…
我弟弟学中文学了一年了, Wǒ dìdi xué Zhōngwén xué le yì nián le, 可是连“天”字都不会写。 kěshì lián “tiān” zì dōu bú huì xiě. My younger brother has been studying Chinese for a year now, but can’t even write the character 天. 连…也 lián...yě

58 你怎么连药都忘了吃? 连…都 lián...dōu (can) ….even… 连…也 lián...yě
Nǐ zěnme lián yào dōu wàng le chī? How could you forget even to take your medicine? 连…也 lián...yě

59 昨天学的生词我连一个也不记得了。 连…都 lián...dōu (can) ….even… 连…也 lián...yě
Zuótiān xué de shēngcí wǒ lián yí ge yě bú jì de le. I can’t recall even a single word we learned yesterday. 连…也 lián...yě

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