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The Glory of the Name of the “LORD” 耶和華名字的榮耀

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1 The Glory of the Name of the “LORD” 耶和華名字的榮耀
Remember: the man who has a burden to see lost souls saved receives the greatest vision of the Glory of God (Ex. 32:30-33) 記住:對失喪的靈魂得救有負擔的人, 是蒙受上帝最大榮耀異象的人. (出32:30-33)

2 出33:19 -耶和華說:「我要顯我一切的恩慈,在你面前經過,宣告我的名…
(Ex. 33:18) Moses asked God: “shew me thy glory.” 出33:18 –摩西說:求你顯出你的榮耀給我看。 (19) The LORD said: “I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before thee; 出33:19 -耶和華說:「我要顯我一切的恩慈,在你面前經過,宣告我的名…

3 (Ex. 34:5) And the LORD descended in the cloud, & stood with him there, & proclaimed the name of the LORD. 出34:5 -耶和華在雲中降臨,和摩西一同站在那裡,宣告耶和華的名。 (6) And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, the LORD [Jehovah], the LORD [Jehovah] God [“El”], 出34:6 -耶和華在他面前宣告說:「耶和華,耶和華,

4 1st We notice the “Name” of the LORD is a most significant aspect of His Glory 首先, 我們留意到耶和華的「名字」 是祂的榮耀最重要的層面 Names have a deep & profound meaning. 名字具有深刻的意義. Names help define us. They are prophetic and capture our essence. 名字界定我們.它們具有預言性, 且捕捉到我們的本質.

5 Your “Name” is so significant 你的名字十分重要
Hebrew word for soul = “neshamah” 希伯來文「魂」= “neshamah” The middle 2 letters: “shin” & “mem” make the word “shem” = ‘name’ 中間的兩個字母: “shin” & “mem” 造成“shem” = 名字 Your name is a key to your soul 你的名字是進入你靈魂的鑰匙.

6 Names have a deep & profound meaning 名字具有深刻的意義
The first Person to ever call something or someone by Name was God Himself. 第一位用名字來稱呼某事或某人的人,是上帝自己. God said: “Let there be light” (Gen. 1:3) 上帝說: 「要有光」(創1:3). He spoke the name & the object came into being 祂說出名字, 事物就出現.

7 Names have a deep & profound meaning 名字具有深刻的意義
Our names are indicators of our potential & predictors of our possible futures. 我們的名字指出我們的潛力和預測我們可能的未來. Names help define our mission on earth. 名字也幫助界定我們在世的使命. Two true examples 兩個真實例子: Cynthia; Clay Read the tragedy of ‘Nabal’ in I Samuel 25:25 讀撒上25:25 「尼八」的悲劇.

8 Our Names are Profoundly Spiritual 我們的名字具有深奧的屬靈意義
Ultimately, it’s what we make of our name that counts. When we are born we are given a name 至終, 我們如何活出我們的名字才是重要的.當我們出生時, 名字給予我們. But at the end of our life “a good name” is all we take with us! (Prov. 22:1; Lk. 10:20; Phil. 4:3) 然在生命最後, 我們能帶走的只是「好的名聲」!(箴22:1; 路10:20; 腓4:3) Are you making a good name for yourself before God & man? (Luke 2:52) 你在上帝和人面前為自己保有好的名聲嗎? (路2:52)

9 2nd Notice The LORD proclaimed the “Name” singular of the LORD 其次, 耶和華宣告自己的名字是單數詞
But then God reveals 3 Names: 然後上帝啟示三個名字: The LORD [Jehovah] 耶和華, The LORD [Jehovah]耶和華 {6,823 x’s in the O.T.} God [“El”], {3000 x’s in the O.T.}

10 We have a parallel Trinitarian revelation of Baptizing in “the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matt. 28:19) 浸禮宣告三位一體的神:「奉父、子、聖靈的名給他們施洗」. (馬太福音28:19)

11 “God” = Hebrew “El” (Elohim) 上帝= 希伯來文 “El” (Elohim)
“El” means mighty & omnipotent. “El”的意思是威武和全能的. The power of Elohim is demonstrated in the Creation of the universe (Gen. 1:1) 祂的大能顯現在宇宙的創造 (創1:1).

12 The Messiah, Jesus is “Emmanuel” 彌賽亞, 耶穌是「以馬內利」
Jesus’ name 耶穌的名字 “Immanuel” 以馬內利 = “imm” = “with” 同在; “anu” = “us” 我們; “El” = “God” 上帝 “with us” 與我們 (Isaiah 賽 7:14; 8:8; Matthew 太1:23) Great is the Mystery of Godliness (I Tim. 3:16) 大哉, 敬虔(上帝)的奧秘 (提前3:16). Jesus’ omnipotence revealed in His power over His Creation (Walk on water, raise the dead, etc.) 耶穌的無所不能顯現在祂對所造之物的掌權(走在水面上, 使死人復活…等).

13 “Emmanuel” – Almighty God with us… 「以馬內利」 - 全能的上帝與我們同在
Emmanuel in our sorrow 在我們的憂傷中上帝與我們同在. Emmanuel in the storms of life 在人生的風暴中上帝與我們同在. Emmanuel when we are rejected by the world 在我們被世人排斥中與我們同在.

14 以馬內利來到世界, 讓我們知道無論在何時, 何地, 上帝都與我們同在!(約14:18-23)。
Emmanuel came into the world so that we could know in all times & places “God is with us.” Hallelujah! (John 14:18-23) 以馬內利來到世界, 讓我們知道無論在何時, 何地, 上帝都與我們同在!(約14:18-23)。 Read Joshua 1:9; Psalm 23:4; Isaiah 41:10; 43:1-3. 讀約書亞1:9; 詩篇23:4; 以賽亞41:10; 43:1-3

15 “LORD” “LORD” (“Jehovah” “Jehovah”) 耶和華, 耶和華
“Jehovah” is repeated twice in Ex. 34:6. 出34:6 「耶和華」重複兩次. The Name Jehovah (LORD) is applied to Two Persons in Gen. 19:24 and Zech. 2:8-9. 耶和華的名字在創19:24 和撒2:8-9 用到兩個人身上. There are many hints of the Trinitarian nature of God before He is fully revealed in the N.T. 在新約上帝完全啟示自己之前, 已有許多上帝的本質是三位一體的暗示.

16 「耶和書亞」的意思是「耶和華的救恩」或「耶和華救主」
Jesus is “Jehoshua” or “Yeshua” in Hebrew (also Joshua in English Heb. 4:8KJV) 耶穌的希伯來文名字是「耶和書亞」或「耶書亞」 “Jehoshua” means “Salvation of Jehovah” or “Jehovah [the] Saviour” 「耶和書亞」的意思是「耶和華的救恩」或「耶和華救主」 Jesus is Jehovah come to earth as our Saviour 耶穌是來到世上作我們救主的耶和華.

17 只有在耶穌裡面, 我們才能夠經歷上帝的榮耀 (約1:1, 14).
Only in Jesus can we experience the Glory of God (John 1:1, 14) 只有在耶穌裡面, 我們才能夠經歷上帝的榮耀 (約1:1, 14).

18 Biblical Definition of “LORD” 聖經對「耶和華」的定義
(Gen 21:33) “Abraham… called there on the name of the LORD, the everlasting God. 創21:33 –亞伯拉罕…又在那里求告耶和华永生神的名。 “Everlasting” means God is eternal & has no beginning & no end 永生的意思為上帝是永恆的, 而且無始無終. “from everlasting to everlasting thou art God” (Ps. 90:2) 詩90:2 -从亘古到永远,你是神。

19 “JEHOVAH” is the great “I AM” of the Burning Bush (Burning but never consumed) 耶和華就是燒著的荊棘中的「我是」 (燒著,但不燒盡)

20 “I AM” Reveals God’s Eternal Self Existence 「我是」啟示了上帝永恆的自存性
(Ex. 3:14-15) “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.” 出3: 神对摩西说:「我是自有永有的」;…耶和华是我的名,直到永远;这也是我的纪念,直到万代。 “I AM” comes from same Hebrew root as “Jehovah.” The verb “to be” 「我是」與「耶和華」來自同一希伯來文字根, 就是「人身動詞」.

21 “Jehovah” always was, is, & will always be 耶和華昨日, 今日, 一直到永遠都「是」
The 4 Hebrew Letters used in the Name “LORD” (JHVH) are the same letters used to signify past, present, & future (Rabbi Lapin) 耶和華名字中的四個希伯來文字母(JHVH), 是同樣用來表明過去, 現在,未來的字母. God transcends Time. He created Time. 上帝超越時間, 祂創造了時間.

22 God’s Name Reveals He is Eternal 上帝的名字啟示祂是永恆的
Jesus is eternal. He always was, is, & forever will be without ever changing (John 8:58; Heb. 13:8; Rev. 1:8; 4:8; 11:17) 耶穌是永恆的, 他過去, 現在, 永遠都是, 且不會改變 (約8:58; 來13:8, 4:8,11:17). What peace that gives us once we Know Him! And know He Loves us! (Jer. 31:3) 認識祂帶給我們平安! 知道祂愛我們!

23 Jesus is the Eternal Unchanging LORD 耶穌是永恆不改變的耶和華
(Rev 1:8) I am Alpha & Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty. (Rev. 1:4, 18; 4:8) 啟1:8 - 主神说:「我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛,是昔在、今在、以後永在的全能者。」(啟1:4, 18, 4:8)

24 What relevance does this have for me? 這與我有何相干?
Because we are created in the image of God most of our problems & their solutions are ultimately Theological! 由於我們是按上帝的形像造的, 我們大多數的問題和解決方法至終都是與神相關的! How often do we ignore the spiritual causes & solutions to our problems? (2 Chron. 16:12) 我們有多經常忽視這些問題屬靈的原因和解決方法? (歷代誌下16:12).

25 What relevance does this have for me? 這與我有何相干?
Exercise: Write down your needs: ________. 練習: 寫下你的需要:____________. God says: I AM THAT _______! I AM 上帝說: 我就是那個 _________! 我是. “I need healing.” The LORD “healeth all thy diseases” (Ps. 103:3) 「我需要醫治」, 耶和華「醫治我一切的疾病」(詩103:3).

26 What relevance does this have for me? 這與我有何相干?
“I need forgiveness” the LORD “forgives all thine iniquities” (Ps. 103:3) 「我需要饒恕」, 耶和華「赦免你一切的罪孽」(詩103:3). “I need light; salvation; strength” the LORD “is my light & my salvation” (Psalm 27:1) 「我需要光; 救恩; 力量」, 耶和華是「我的光, 我的救恩」(詩27:1).

27 Knowing God is Indispensible for Living 認識上帝是生活不可缺少的
We can never know who (or what) we are till we know something of who God is 我們無法認識自己是誰,直到我們認識上帝是誰. Illus: Andrew Tong struggle to understand who he was in College

28 God is the Great “I AM”: We creatures at best are only “i am” 上帝是偉大的「我是」; 受造的我們頂好不過是「小的我是」
We are totally dependent for our existence upon the God who created us in His Image. (Heb. 1:2-3) 我們的存在完全依賴那位按自己形像造我們的上帝 (來1:2-3). Think God away & man has no purpose or meaning in life 沒有上帝, 人類的生命就沒有目的或意義.

29 Our Relationship to “I AM” is undeniable 我們與「我是」的關係是無法否認的
It is woven into the fabric of existence that when you speak of yourself, you must say His Name! (i.e. “I am Ray”) 它交織在我們存在的結構中, 當我們談到自己時, 我們必須說祂的名字 (我是…) Everything begins with Him in Creation and must begin with Him in my life! (Matt. 6:33) 萬物從祂起頭,我的人生也必須從祂開始 (太6:33).

30 Man is not content to be “i am” He wants to be “I AM
Natural man is a sinner because he challenges God’s selfhood in relation to his own. 自然人是罪人, 因他挑戰上帝與他關係中的身分. Like satan, man wants to be “Like the Most High” (Isa. 14:12-15) 就好比撒旦, 人想要成為「至高者」(賽14:12-15).

31 We want to accept Jesus as our Saviour but we want to be our own Lord 我們希望接受耶穌作救主, 但我們想要作自己的主人
The essence of sin is sitting on the throne of our own self hood. 罪的本質就是坐在自我的寶座上. There is no room for God in the life of a man filled with himself! 一個生活中充滿自我的人, 是沒有空間給上帝的!

32 To Experience “Victorious Christian Living” 經歷得勝的基督徒生活
We must face up to our responsibility to God. 我們正視對上帝的責任. We often say we are defeated by this or that sin 我們經常說被罪擊敗. No we’re not defeated! We’re disobedient! 不, 我們不是被擊敗! 我們是不順服!

33 To Experience “Victorious Christian Living” 經歷得勝的基督徒生活
In our struggle with sin don’t use terms like victory and defeat. Admit you are either obedient or disobedient to God! (John 14:21-23) 在與罪惡的掙扎中, 不要使用勝利或擊敗的字眼,要承認你順服或不順服上帝!(約14:21-23) Illustration: How Jacob became Israel

34 When do we really begin to Live? 我們何時真正開始生活?
Real life begins when “I am crucified with Christ” (Gal 2:20; Matt. 16:25-6) 當「我與基督同釘十字架」時, 真正的生活就開始了 (加2:20; 太16:25-26). I must Die to the self Life 我必須向自我的人生死.

35 When do we really begin to Live? 我們何時真正開始生活?
When “Jesus” comes into my heart & replaces “self” on the Throne of my life… 當「耶穌」進入我心, 替換「我」坐在人生的寶座上… He becomes my “hope of Glory” (Col. 1:27) 祂就成為我「榮耀的盼望」(西1:27).

36 Is my Life Self directed or Christ Directed 我的人生是由我來引導還是基督來引導

37 The Self directed Life 由自我引導的人生

38 The Christ Directed Life 由基督引導的人生

39 Give God His rightful place in your Life 給上帝在你人生中當得的位置
Once I give the great “I AM” His rightful place in my life I can finally begin the great adventure of finding out who “i am!” 一旦我給偉大的「我是」祂當得的位置, 我就終於可以開始尋找「小的我是」是誰的旅程. God is the Great “I AM” I exist for His Glory! 上帝是那偉大的「我是」, 我存在是為了祂的榮耀!

40 These Truths Impact my Prayer Life 這些真理影響我的禱告生活
I don’t begin prayer with: “Lord I need you to… “ (that makes me Lord!) 我的禱告不如此開始:「主, 我需要祢去…」(這樣的禱告讓我成為主!) I Humble myself in Prayer. I begin each prayer “Thy will be done.” (Matt. 6:10) 我在禱告中謙卑自己. 我以「願祢的旨意成就」開始每個禱告 (太6:10).

41 These Truths Impact my Prayer Life 這些真理影響我的禱告生活
LORD show me what I must do to experience your Glory 主啊, 顯示我必須做什麼去經歷祢的榮耀. LORD make me willing to do whatever it takes 主啊, 讓我願意付上所有代價去行.



44 “If ye love me, keep my commandments” (John 14:15)
(John 14:21) He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

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