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NCBI Blastn 安裝程序.

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1 NCBI Blastn 安裝程序

2 1.到C槽建立一個資料夾 C:\ncbi-blastn\ 2.把軟體放進此資料夾(blast ia32-win32) 3.開記事本鍵入 [NCBI] Data="C:\ncbi-blast\data" 4.並以ncbi.ini型式存入c:\WINDOWS裡

3 5.點擊軟體(blast-2.2.13-ia32-win32.exe)執行安裝
6.設定參數 控制台系統進階環境變數系統變數下選擇Path編輯在變數值內加入;c:\ncbi-blast即可開始使用NCBI Blastn

4 先formatdb,以下為所要輸入之指令 我們的database包含了真實的pre-miRNA和consensus區段
指令D:\freezepaper\test> c:\ncbi-blastn\bin\formatdb -i pre_miRNA_consensus_seq_and_true_stem_loop fasta -pF –oT 注意:1.資料名稱不可有空格 2.指令中不可包含中文

5 再拿datebase和我們的序列做相似度比對,以下為輸入指令
D:\freezepaper\test\test-integrate\test-integrate-RNAfold-second-fold> c:\ncbi-blastn\bin\blastall -p blastn -d pre_miRNA_consensus_seq_and_true_stem_loop fasta -i test-integrate-pre-RNAfold.fasta -E 1 -G 2 -e > mirna-test.fasta 注意: 1.pre_miRNA_consensus_seq_and_true_stem_loop fasta為 datebase 2. test-integrate-pre-RNAfold.fasta為我們的序列 3.-e Sets the threshold expectation value for keeping alignments. This is the E from the Karlin-Altschul equation that describes how often an alignment with a given score is expected to occur at random. 4.-E Note that -E 0 is synonymous with the default behavior and, it's impossible to set -E to zero unless -g F is set, which turns gapping off. 5.-G Penalties for extending the gap is controlled by parameter -E. -G 0 invokes the default behavior, and setting -G to zero is impossible, unless -g F is set, which turns gapping off.

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