雕刻的生命與像神的生命 ─雅各生命被製作的見證 A Carved Life and A God-Like Life: Testimony of Jacob’s Carved Life 經文 Scriptures: 創世記 Genesis 25:21-26; 27:14, 18-22; 28:10-17,

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Presentation on theme: "雕刻的生命與像神的生命 ─雅各生命被製作的見證 A Carved Life and A God-Like Life: Testimony of Jacob’s Carved Life 經文 Scriptures: 創世記 Genesis 25:21-26; 27:14, 18-22; 28:10-17,"— Presentation transcript:

1 雕刻的生命與像神的生命 ─雅各生命被製作的見證 A Carved Life and A God-Like Life: Testimony of Jacob’s Carved Life
經文 Scriptures: 創世記 Genesis 25:21-26; 27:14, 18-22; 28:10-17, 18-23; 30:41-43; 31:40-43; 32:21-31; 35:16-18; 45:27-28; 48:18-19; 49:1-2, 8-10, 28-32

2 雕刻的生命與像神的生命 ─雅各生命被製作的見證 A Carved Life and A God-Like Life: Testimony of Jacob’s Carved Life
1. 雅各名字的意義是“抓”, 他一生抓一切對自己有利的事 The meaning of “Jacob” is “grasp”. Jacob always grasped things which were beneficial to him. 2. 雅各用詭計奪了以掃的長子名分又用詭計騙了父親的祝福 Jacob robbed his brother’s first born right with tricks and gained his dad’s blessings with deceitfulness.

3 雕刻的生命與像神的生命 ─雅各生命被製作的見證 A Carved Life and A God-Like Life: Testimony of Jacob’s Carved Life
3. 在曠野看見天梯的異象, 這是天的門也是神的家 Jacob saw the vision of the heavenly staircase – the gate of heaven and the house of God. 4. 拉班欺騙雅各二十年十次改了他的工價 Laban tricked Jacob by changing his wages ten times in 20 years. 5. 拉結產難死時為子取名便俄尼, 雅各改為便雅憫 Rachel died when giving birth to Ben-Oni, whose name was changed to Benjamin by Jacob.

4 雕刻的生命與像神的生命 ─雅各生命被製作的見證 A Carved Life and A God-Like Life: Testimony of Jacob’s Carved Life
6. 毗努以勒神與雅各摔跤一夜, 神使雅各瘸了腿並改名以色列 At Peniel, Jacob struggled with God who made him limp and changed his name to Israel. 7. 雅各因約瑟緣故下埃及只住歌珊地守住神子民身分 Jacob went down to Egypt for Joseph, but resided in Goshen to keep his position as that of God’s people.

5 雕刻的生命與像神的生命 ─雅各生命被製作的見證 A Carved Life and A God-Like Life: Testimony of Jacob’s Carved Life
8. 以色列的大預言宣告基督要再來並作全人類的大君王 The great prophecy of Israel proclaimed the coming of Christ who will be the great king ruling over all peoples. 9. 為骸骨留下遺命扶著杖頭敬拜神所給他的一生道路 Jacob left instructions for his own burial and leaned on the top of his staff to worship God before he died.

6 聖徒交通 一、誠摯地歡迎本週第一次來聚會的弟兄姊妹和朋友們。 二、敬請參加教會的各聚會: 主日上午九時半 會前禱告(十時開始擘餅聚會與信息聚會) 週二晚間七時半 禱告聚會 (神的工作由教會禱告開始) 週二上午十時 姊妹聚會 週五晚間七時半 讀經聚會(四福音-10) 三、這週飯食和整潔的服事是普慕拿分家。

7 聖徒交通 四、今天愛筵後在正堂將有詩班練習,歡迎弟兄姊妹參加。 五、2016年的奉獻收據已備妥,請向陳金龍弟兄領取.感謝弟兄姊妹為主的擺上,願神親自報答。 六、本週六(2/18)開始將舉行四次的追求聚會,由溫高芬芬姊妹帶領,時間是週六上午十時至十二時。邀請弟兄姊妹一同來等候主、親近主並追求主。

8 聖徒交通

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