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Presentation on theme: "形容词短语(续)."— Presentation transcript:

1 形容词短语(续)

2 试分析并汉译下面这个句子: Familiar(熟悉的) to all with but the slightest(极少的) exposure to scientific literature(科技文献), this model(模型) shows the atom(原子) as a miniature(微型的) solar system(太阳系). ②在句尾(采用“试探法”,表示“方式”、“附加说明”为多见) The force M acts(作用) perpendicular(垂直的) to the earth’s surface(表面).

3 The conductor is moving(运动) parallel(平行的) to the magnetic field(磁场)
The conductor is moving(运动) parallel(平行的) to the magnetic field(磁场). In this case, the current(电流) reached(达到) the maximum value(最大值), similar(类似的) to the situation(情况) in a series(串联) resonant(谐振的) circuit(电路). 思考题:英译汉 1. The smallest particle(微粒) obtainable(可获得的) that would still(仍然) have the properties(性质) of salt(盐) is the salt molecule(分子).

4 2. Neutron(中子) has no charge(电荷), neither(既不) positive(正的) nor(也不) negative(负的). 3. Fig. 3 shows a situation(情况) a bit more complex(复杂). 4. Analogous to(类似于) the eyelid(眼睑), the camera(相机) shutter(快门) opens for a predetermined(预定的) length(长度) of time to allow(允许) light to enter(进入) through the lens(镜头) and expose(使曝光) the film(胶片). 5. A base(底) of logarithms(对数) must be a positive number(正数) not equal to(等于) 1.

5 6. The video signal(视频信号) can be recorded(录) on magnetic tape(磁带) for picture(图像) reproduction(再生), similar to(类似于) audio(音频的) tape recording(录音) for the reproduction of sound.

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