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『資訊安全與密碼』研究群 交通大學 資訊學院 資訊科學與工程研究所.

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1 『資訊安全與密碼』研究群 交通大學 資訊學院 資訊科學與工程研究所

2 研究群成員 曾文貴:密碼、資訊安全 楊武:網路安全、程式語言 葉義雄:密碼、資訊安全 陳榮傑:橢圓曲線密碼、演算法、編碼理論
謝續平:資訊安全、網路安全、密碼 蔡錫鈞:計算理論、密碼 黃世昆:軟體安全、網路攻擊與防護 陳玲慧:資訊隱藏、浮水印、影像處理

3 研究方向 Design, analysis, and formal verification of cryptographic primitives and protocols Authentication, data privacy, encryption, signature, digital right management, etc. Wireless network security Intrusion detection PKI technology Software security Multimedia steganography Complexity and cryptography

4 密碼協定設計與分析 多人安全計算 無線網路安全技術與協定 加密與數位簽章 亂數萃取 計算理論與密碼 … U1: x1 U5: x5
f(x1, x2, …) U2: x2 U3: x3 U4: x4 U1: x1 U5: x5

5 PKI金鑰分配中心 驗證+SP KDC Server 遠 端 管 理 system manager Database Client A
user manager log manager sp manager KDC Server HSM Database SP+Log+User system manager Client B Client A 驗證+SP exchange of encrypted data with SP

6 Software Security Intelligent Debugging for Root Causes of
Program Faults Spyware Exploits (Security) Software Patches

7 資訊隱藏與分析 Steganography Steganalysis Conceal the existence of message
Embed secret data in multimedia Steganalysis The art of detecting any hidden message on the communication

8 Data hiding by changing the least significant bits
Original image stego-image Data hiding by changing the least significant bits

9 無線網路:理論、協定、應用 Wireless sensor network wireless ad hoc/mesh networks
development and testbed: routing protocols, power-saving protocols, self-organizing protocols wireless ad hoc/mesh networks next-generation multi-channel wireless mesh networks standard activities: IEEE e and s Security issues

10 Internet

11 Related centers TWISC@NCTU NCTU-Cisco Internet Technology Center
Taiwan Information Security Center at NCTU, starting from 2006, sponsored by NSC NCTU-Cisco Internet Technology Center

12 Projects 國科會計畫 產學合作計畫 業界合作

13 Announcement 謝續平教授 skype: shiuhpyng 和實驗室 EC622 黃士一 或 陳厚坤談

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