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中国生肖文化 你知道过去的人们是怎样记忆这十二生肖的顺序吗?.

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Presentation on theme: "中国生肖文化 你知道过去的人们是怎样记忆这十二生肖的顺序吗?."— Presentation transcript:

1 中国生肖文化 你知道过去的人们是怎样记忆这十二生肖的顺序吗?

2 Lesson 20 What Year Is It? -- Jiangyong Lamu 昌都市第一小学

3 Words review(ordinal numeral):
first 第一 second 第二 third 第三 fourth 第四 fifth 第五 sixth 第六 seventh 第七 eighth 第八 ninth 第九 tenth 第十 eleventh 第十一 twelfth 第十二

4 rat

5 ox

6 tiger

7 rabbit

8 dragon

9 snake

10 horse

11 sheep

12 monkey

13 rooster

14 dog

15 pig

16 How many animals are there? Let’s see …
rat ox tiger rabbit dragon snake How many animals are there? Let’s see … horse sheep monkey rooster dog pig

17 first fourth second third eighth sixth seventh fifth eleventh twelfth ninth tenth

18 What is your year? My year is the year of the___.

19 What is his year? His year is the year of the monkey.

20 What is her year? Her year is the year of the sheep.

21 (一) 操 作 方 法 看一看,选一选

22 rat ox tiger rabbit dragon snake horse sheep monkey rooster dog pig 猪
horse sheep monkey rooster dog pig

23 (一) 操 作 方 法 想一想、练一练

24 练习(practice) A: What’s your year?
B: My year is the year of the _______. A: What’s your mother’s year? B: My mother’s year is the year of the _______. A:What’s your father’s year? B:My father’s year is the year of the_____________.

25 Homework 谈论父母及朋友的属性 What is your mother’s year?
My____’s year is the year of the____. 1.回家了解家人的生肖。 2.熟读并记忆十二生肖的英文名称。 3.抄写十二生肖的单词(New words)

26 Class is over! Thanks very much!

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