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1 2 3 Relations 知識&道德滿足 or 物質&肉體滿足???

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Presentation on theme: "1 2 3 Relations 知識&道德滿足 or 物質&肉體滿足???"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 2 3 Relations 知識&道德滿足 or 物質&肉體滿足???
Inter-personal Inter-governmental Inter-national Inter-stellar 1 2 3 Relations 知識&道德滿足 or 物質&肉體滿足??? Understand/Explain government’s behaviors in foreign policy Conflict or cooperation in which area?

2 川普候選人 I will direct the Secretary of the Treasury to label China a currency manipulator “I would do a tax. and the tax, let me tell you what the tax should be … the tax should be 45 percent” Revisit one-China policy



5 川普總統 U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin:
“commended Vice Premier Wang Yang for the critical role that he has played as a partner in managing the bilateral economic relationship and expressed his desire to work closely together” U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Trump administration reaffirms “one china policy” National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster

6 為團體做出犧牲、團體壓力,重新為利益做成定義
解決公共財問題的主要原則 原則 優點 缺點 主宰 秩序、穩定、可預測性 壓制、憎恨 互惠 合作誘因 惡性循環、計算複雜 認同 為團體做出犧牲、團體壓力,重新為利益做成定義 將其他團體妖魔化 Niccolo Machiavelli: 在殘酷和仁慈方面,君主對於殘酷這個惡名不必介意,所應重視的倒是不要濫用仁慈,因為仁慈會帶來滅頂之災

7 國家行為者 民族國家為主 大小強弱? 非國家行為者 國際組織 政府間組織 非政府間組織 跨國公司 團體、個人

8 本年度暂停进口朝鲜原产煤炭

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