若我子民真謙卑自己 謙卑自己禱告 醫治這地 If my people will humble themselves

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2 若我子民真謙卑自己 謙卑自己禱告 醫治這地 If my people will humble themselves
26.010 醫治這地 若我子民真謙卑自己 If my people will humble themselves 謙卑自己禱告 Humble themselves and pray

3 來尋求我面 謙卑自己 又悔改離棄惡行 If they seek my face and humble themselves
And turn from their wicked ways

4 我要赦免他們也垂聽禱告 醫治他們的地 垂聽禱告
I will hear from heaven and forgive their sins 醫治他們的地 垂聽禱告 I will hear from heaven and heal their land

5 懇求父神來醫治這地 懇求主使我國家向祢回轉
LORD, heal our land Father heal our land 懇求主使我國家向祢回轉 Hear our cry and turn our nation back to You

6 Lord, heal our land hear us
醫治我們 垂聽呼求 Lord, heal our land hear us 醫治我們 heal our broken land

7 赦免我們 Forgive our sins 求主醫治這地 O LORD, and heal our land

8 主我們跪下來尋求祢面 謙卑自己禱告 LORD, we vow our knee, we humble ourselves
Humble ourselves and pray

9 來尋求祢面 謙卑自己 又悔改離棄惡行 If they seek my face and humble themselves
And turn from their wicked ways

10 求祢赦免我們求賜恩憐憫 醫治我們的地 賜恩憐憫
Father in Your mercy, forgive our sins 醫治我們的地 賜恩憐憫 Father in Your mercy, come heal our land

11 哈利路亞 耶穌祂活著 祂已戰勝死亡 耶穌祂活著 Hallelujah Jesus is alive
26.002 耶穌祂活著 哈利路亞 耶穌祂活著 Hallelujah Jesus is alive 祂已戰勝死亡 Death has lost its victory

12 And the grave has been denied
那墳墓不能勝過祂 And the grave has been denied

13 耶穌永遠活著 Jesus lives forever 祂活著 祂活著 He's alive! He's alive

14 He’s the Alpha and Omega
祂是阿拉法 俄梅戛 He’s the Alpha and Omega 首先與末後的 The first and last is He

15 祂破除罪惡咒詛 我們已得完全自由 The curse of sin is broken
And we have perfect liberty

16 上帝羔羊已復活 The Lamb of God is risen 祂活著 祂活著 He's alive! He's alive

17 哈利路亞 耶穌祂活著 哈利路亞 耶穌祂活著 Hallelujah, Jesus is alive

18 Hallelujah, Jesus is alive
哈利路亞 耶穌祂活著 Hallelujah, Jesus is alive

19 won’t You come and fill me
26.004 更多有祢 耶穌 我心乾渴 Jesus I am thirsty 懇求祢來充滿我 won’t You come and fill me

20 Earthly things have left me dry
世上事使我枯竭 Earthly things have left me dry 惟有祢能滿足我 only You can satisfy

21 我只願更多有祢 all I want is more of You

22 我只願更多有祢(x2) 我心別無所求 惟有祢 主
All I want is more of You(x2) 我心別無所求 惟有祢 主 Nothing I desire, Lord, but more of You

23 我只願更多有祢 All I want is more of You 我只願更多有祢 All I want is more of You

24 Lord, but more of You, more of You
我心別無所求 Nothing I desire 惟有祢 惟有祢 主 Lord, but more of You, more of You

25 Lord, but more of You, more of You
惟有祢 惟有祢 主 Lord, but more of You, more of You

26 神的百姓快樂拍手 揚聲讚美向神來歡呼 快樂拍手 O, clap your hands, all ye people
26.005 快樂拍手 神的百姓快樂拍手 O, clap your hands, all ye people 揚聲讚美向神來歡呼 shout to God with voice of triumph

27 神的百姓快樂拍手 揚聲讚美向神來歡呼 O, clap your hands, all ye people
shout to God with voice of triumph

28 And greatly to be praised
因神本為大 For great is the Lord 當受極大讚美 And greatly to be praised

29 In the mountain of his holiness
在我們神的城中 In the city of our God 在祂聖山當受大讚美 In the mountain of his holiness



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