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Experiment setup Leverage entities in Dbpedia and compute the cohesiveness among the properties used to describe these entities Set up gold standard for.

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Presentation on theme: "Experiment setup Leverage entities in Dbpedia and compute the cohesiveness among the properties used to describe these entities Set up gold standard for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experiment setup Leverage entities in Dbpedia and compute the cohesiveness among the properties used to describe these entities Set up gold standard for 10 common classes Compute cohesiveness using proposed measures and evaluate performance via F-measure

2 10 common classes Video game Politician Sport Film Musician
Markup language Animal Novel University Place

3 Establish gold standard
Random pick up 10 entities for each class Invite users to select one entity for each class, browse it, and identify properties that have strong cohesiveness

4 属性添加入一个分组在右侧进行 属性从分组中删除在左侧进行 尚未分组的属性显示在Ungrouped中,一开始所有属性都在这里

5 属性添加分组 在 Ungrouped 下对某个属性添加分组后,这个属性从Ungrouped中消失

6 属性添加分组 对已经添加分组的属性,仍然可以添加入其他分组,但是这个属性不从当前Group中消失

7 导航栏 除了Ungrouped外,用户可以对其他组进行重命名

8 Evaluation For each class, collect all the entity properties and compute cohesiveness Compute F-Measure

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