餐廳英語 Restaurant English.

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Presentation on theme: "餐廳英語 Restaurant English."— Presentation transcript:

1 餐廳英語 Restaurant English

2 假設今天我們想打電話到一家叫「Cat Café」的餐廳訂位,當電話接通時 ,你可能聽到服務生的招呼:
Cat Café, what can I do for you? (Cat Café,有什麼我能為您服務嗎?) I'd like to reserve a table for Sunday night at eight. (我想預訂星期日晚上八點的位子。)

3 之後可能有兩種情形,第一種情形是餐廳裡的位子已經被訂滿了,服務生告訴你:
狀況一 I'm sorry, but we’re all booked up. (抱歉,位子已經都被訂光了。) Thanks. I’ll try another place. (謝謝,我試試別家。)

4 第二種情形就是如你所願,有空位可訂,這時服務生就會問你:
狀況二 For how many people? Or how many are you?(有幾個人呢?) For two people. Or It’s for two. (兩個人。)

5 關於訂位還有一些細節,例如對桌位位置有特別要求時,我們該如何說呢?
如果你想坐在靠近舞台的位置,你可以說 Could you give me a table near the stage ? (你能給我一個靠近舞台的位子嗎?) 如果你想坐在非吸煙區,你可以說 Could I have a table in the non-smoking area ? (你能給我一個非吸煙區的位子嗎?) 如果你想吃素食,你可以說 Do you have any vegetarian meals ? (你們供應素食嗎?)

6 當你到了餐廳坐定,看了菜單之後,服務生過來問你:
Can I take your order ? (我能夠替你點餐嗎?) Yes, I want to order… (我要點…)

7 單字介紹 Fries Hamburger

8 Coffee Sandwich

9 Ice cream Cheese

10 Soup Pasta

11 請兩人一組,練習下面對話,畫底線部分則換字。
Pair work 請兩人一組,練習下面對話,畫底線部分則換字。 1. Waiter: Cat Café, what can I do for you? Customer: I'd like to reserve a table for Sunday night at eight. 2. Waiter: For how many people? (Or how many are you?) Customer: For two people. (Or It’s for two.) 3. Waiter: Can I take your order ? Customer: Yes, I want to order _________. 單字提示:Hamburger(s), fries, sandwich(es), coffee, cheese, ice cream, pasta, soup

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