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If something‘s rotating – go home, you need a break

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Presentation on theme: "If something‘s rotating – go home, you need a break"— Presentation transcript:

1 If something‘s rotating – go home, you need a break

2 Optical Illusions and Visual Phenomena 幻覺和視覺現象 Want to confuse your eyes and brain a bit? 想讓你的眼睛和大腦陷入迷亂?那麼看一下下面的圖片... Yes? Then you might want to have a look at the following pics ..

3 It ...這幅圖..

4 … doesn‘t move! 它没有動!

5 ... parallel or not? 這些線是平行的嗎?

6 Coil or circle? 是螺旋的還是圓形的?

7 盯住十字,時間再長一點,你會發現,除了綠色的點外,其他所有的點都消失了。
Concentrate on the cross in the middle, after a while you will notice that this moving purple dot will turn green! 把目光集中在中間的十字,你會發現,移動的紫點會變綠 Look at the cross a bit longer and you‘ll notice that all dots except the green one will disappear. 盯住十字,時間再長一點,你會發現,除了綠色的點外,其他所有的點都消失了。

8 Take a look at the picture? What do you see? 看一下這幅照片,看到什麼了?
Research has shown that young children cannot identify the intimate couple because they do not have prior memory associated with such a scenario. 研究结果表明,孩子們看不出這對親密的夫妻,因為他們没有與之相關的先行記憶 Children see nine dolphins. 孩子們看到的是9隻海豚。 This is a test to determine if you already have a corrupted mind.  If it is hard for you to find the dolphins within six seconds, your mind is indeed corrupted. 這個測試用於判斷你的頭腦是否已被腐蝕。如果你在6秒之内還難以看到海豚的話,你的頭腦的確遭到了腐蝕。

9 Follow the instruction below
Follow the instruction below. 按照下面的指引 1) Stare at the 4 little dots on the middle of the picture for 30 seconds 盯住圖片正中間的4個小點達30秒 2) then look at a wall near you 然後往你附近的牆上看 3) a bright spot will appear 會出現一個明亮的東西 4) twinkle a few times and you‘ll see a figure 閃過幾次後,你會看到一個頭像 5) What do you see? Or even WHO do you see? 看到什麼了?或者看到誰?

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