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UNIT 1 Reading Strategies

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1 UNIT 1 Reading Strategies
To learn without thinking, one will be lost in his learning. To think without learning, one will be imperiled. —Analects of Confucius 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。——《论语》 Reading Course 3 王守仁 姚媛 泛读教程 第三册 上海外语教育出版社 创思英语: 英语专业泛读课件 英语阅读课件

2 Dictation 安静的,平静的,宁静的 最终的,最根本的,极度的 极大的,巨大的; 浩瀚的 谨慎小心的,周到的 授予,赋予;商议,商谈
到期,失效;死亡 汽笛,警报器;妖妇;诱惑 中立的;中性的;中立者 基本的,根本的,主要的 投降,屈服;放弃,交出 tranquil ultimate immense circumspect confer expire siren neutral fundamental surrender 前一单元单词听写 创思英语 Andy原创!

3 Contents Section A (Before-class)
1. Letter Perception 5. Vocabulary Building 2. Word Perception a. Derivation 3. Word Pretest b. Confusing Words 4. Reading Skill c. Glossary 6. Cloze Section B (In-class) Section C (After-class) 单元授课内容目录 创思英语 Andy原创!

4 Word Pretest Keys: 1-5 BCBBB 6-10 AACCB 1. 我能在任何地方辨认出他的沉重脚步声。
1. I could recognize his plod anywhere. 2. Their marriage is under great strain at the moment. 2. 眼下他们的婚姻关系非常紧张。 单词预测试 句子翻译 创思英语 Andy原创! 3. 处于压力下的人容易发挥自己全部的潜力。 3. People under stress tend to express their full range of potential.

5 Reading Skill: Skimming
Keys: 2-5 CBCA BBAA Skimming is reading for the general idea or the big picture. As a rapid-reading skill, skimming is not new to you. If you do one of the following, you will find yourself skimming: Reread material you have already studied. Look over and sort out your mail. Flip through a new book or magazine. Keep informed in a general way about the news. (to be continued) 阅读技巧 skimming 跳读 创思英语 Andy原创!

6 Derivation 1. practice impractical, practicality
practical, practice, practices, practical, practiced 2. worth N/A worthless, worthy, worthwhile, worth, worth 3. various variable, invariable vary, variety, variation, various/varied, various 词根词缀 后缀 构词法 派生构词 创思英语 Andy 4. absorb absorbable, absorptive absorbing, absorbed, absorb, absorption, absorbent

7 Confusing Words effective efficient 有效的,起作用的,实在的 效率高的,效能高的
effective, efficient, effective technique technology 技巧,技法,工艺 科技,工业技术,工艺学 technology, technique 词形拼写 词义 语音读写 相似相近 容易混淆的词汇 创思英语 Andy原创! medium middle 中等的,适中的,媒介 中间的,中部,当中 middle, medium, medium

8 Glossary non-fiction best-seller paperback hardback autobiography
booklet pamphlet brochure contributor gossip-writer 纪实文学,非小说类文学 畅销书,畅销书作者 平装本,平装书 精装本,精装书 自传,自传文学 小册子(装订的) 小册子(活页文选) 小册子(广告宣传) 投稿者;贡献者;捐助者 八卦写手? 与课文主题相关的专业术语词汇 创思英语 Andy原创!

9 Cloze, Section B & C Keys to Cloze:
going predictions questions answers predictions tell know end develop worth Keys to Section B: 1-4 TFTT 5-8 CBCC TFF 12-4 CAA CCA 完形填空 快速阅读 补充阅读 答案 创思英语 Andy原创! Keys to Section C: 1-4 FFTF FTTT

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