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AU Kit-ying Hong Kong Christian Service

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1 AU Kit-ying Hong Kong Christian Service
Report Back Seminar “Children & Youth Services” and “Early Intervention” AU Kit-ying Hong Kong Christian Service

2 Main Features – A revisit
Reach out rather than waiting for service demand or referral, i.e., Home visiting program in Family First Offering on-site training or counseling

3 Facilitate capacity building among clients themselves, i. e
Facilitate capacity building among clients themselves, i.e., “Budget Cookbook” & “ Your Guide for Life as Parent” by YWCA Sidney; NSW Commission for Children and Young People. Strengthen the knowledge and the know-how of parents as well as other helping professionals

4 References for Hong Kong’s Practice
If work, do more If not, stop or do less

5 Reaching out to younger target
Reaching out service to younger age children. Officially, service target of outreaching social work is aged between 6-24. Currently, majority of service target are aged between Issue of “no such clients” or “no such mindset”

6 School as community Reduce the impact of disadvantaged children entering school by providing integrated services for families in severely disadvantaged communities. The focus of the program is support rather than intervention, prevention rather than remediation. E.g., early learning and literacy group for children; mutual support group, father group will be run in the school.

7 “school as community centre” in Mainland China
The principle is: being an open, user friendly, and welcoming place for residents 「以極低的花銷為本地鄉民們辦起幾所小學,並以平易近人的態度使鄉民們接受這些學校。」 「使學校成為一個開放的場所,接納所有的社區成員,並成為社區的活動中心。」「校舍是公開的,給全村民公用,信用合作社、農業產品展覽會、村民武術會、村民結婚禮堂和賽會的會場(如賽牛)都可借用學校的校舍場地。到夜裏還開辦村民夜校,夜校也是由教師來主持的。」 「農民任何時候都可以進學校小坐,喝水,或找人聊天」

8 “school as community centre” in Tin Shui Wai
According to a questioning at LegCo raised by a legco council in 2001, around 150 primary and secondary schools have opened the school facilities to community. In 2005, a secondary school in Tin Shui Wai actively promoted the concept of “school as community centres”

9 順德聯誼會翁祐中學校長蔡澤群稱,天水圍的貧窮問題難以解決,「我們可以做到的就是使區內居民心靈上自覺不貧窮,希望透過窮人幫窮人,為他們建立自信、知道自己並非弱勢社群,對將來繼續存有希望」。故此,學校遂於去年成立扶貧委員會,建議推出一系列扶貧措施,盡量運用學校資源,如開放校舍,讓居民可使用學校的球場打球、在圖書館閱 讀等,學校又計劃開辦不同的興趣班讓居民參與,如手工藝、烹飪等,使他們得到精神寄託,積極面對人生。

10 Boost up resilience among younger age children
Raising AQ; expanding explosure, offering cash allowance for joining community acitivities. E.g., UAP (成長的天空); P.A.T.H. (共創成長路 – 賽馬會青少年培育計劃); 加德士機會工程」加德士社區支援夥伴計劃

11 Advocacy for children and young people
Child centered practice involves: Listening to and respecting what children have to say Seeing the world from their perspective Focusing on their needs from NSW Commission for children & youth

12 Children’s Council in HK
Started in late 2002 Formed by children who are working closely with three non-governmental organizations, Against Child Abuse, Hong Kong Committee for UNICEF, and Hong Kong Committee on Children’s Rights. consists of about 80 committed youngsters, most of whom are children (people under 18). serves as a platform for children to exercise their right to participation and express their opinions on social matters, especially those affecting them

13 Other ideas on early intervention
Introducing after school care service to junior secondary form children Promote individualized personal counseling work to younger age children, e.g., formulate Personal Development Plan for each ICYS members

14 The feasibility & applicability issues
Universal VS Selectivity Problem-oriented VS Developmental-oriented

15 Thank you!

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