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1 如何將可視化的力量運用於IR 江昱潔.

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Presentation on theme: "1 如何將可視化的力量運用於IR 江昱潔."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 如何將可視化的力量運用於IR 江昱潔

2 2 Agenda 1.視覺化的思維 2.可視化的力量 新生入學分析 生源分析

3 2 Agenda 1.視覺化的思維 2.可視化的力量 新生入學分析 生源分析

4 How many nines are there?

5 How many nines are there?

6 Which product subcategory is the most unprofitable?

7 Again: which product subcategory is the most unprofitable?
In this case, as humans, we effortlessly know that red means “pay attention” and in this data set, our eyes – completely subconsciously – are drawn to the red numbers. We’re able to perform visual analysis on this data set in a matter of milliseconds to hone in on the 5 rows with unprofitable customer segments. The amount of data we’re processing is much smaller and further analysis is easier. But we’re still comparing numbers…


9 Now … which product subcategory is the most unprofitable
Now … which product subcategory is the most unprofitable? You can instantaneously see that Tables for the Home Office customer segment are the least profitable. In this instance, there are visual analysis cues that supported human’s nature perception triggers – in this case, both color and size comparison. While the previous data set helped us hone in on the important numbers through color, in this case, we aren’t being asked to do any number comparisons – and remember, numbers are actually very complex and largely theoretical, in this instance we are able to visually perceive insights without having to do any numerical comparison or in-depth processing. The comparisons we are doing are around the relative length of the bars in the chart, the color differences. And as with the math problem, when we’re given the right tools, our ability to get to the “answer” in this case –the analysis – is much, much faster. In fact, I’m sure for most of you, the answer to which product category is the most unprofitable you’ve already moved on to thoughts like, wow, office machines for the corporate segment are doing really well! Or, technology is by far our most profitable product category regardless of customer segment.


11 地圖有很多創造性的用途,特別是非地理地圖,如這裡,顯示在籃球場拍攝的位置


13 change Blindness 改變盲視 視覺化的目的 幫助我們在茫茫數據中 找到原本想要找的數據 發現原本看不到的問題

14 2 Agenda 1.視覺化的思維 2.可視化的力量-新生入學分析 新生入學分析 生源分析

15 不同學制,其入學管道、各院、各系的人數佔比

16 學校吸引學生的原因 5

17 2 Agenda 1.視覺化的思維 2.可視化的力量-生源分析 新生入學分析 生源分析

18 分析前十大上游學校、人數趨勢 不同學年新生平均成績&平均學分比較
分析前十大上游學校、人數趨勢 不同學年新生平均成績&平均學分比較 7

19 入學管道的成績趨勢及成績與缺曠關係 各系平均成績與平均學分數
入學管道的成績趨勢及成績與缺曠關係 各系平均成績與平均學分數 8

20 其他IR參考


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