What motivates a man to request that his own country be bombed?

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Presentation on theme: "What motivates a man to request that his own country be bombed?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What motivates a man to request that his own country be bombed?

2 ? 那是因为他忠于一种理念而并非忠于一块土地,一个种族或者他自己的宗教。
It is because his loyalty is to an IDEA rather than a piece of land, a race of people or his parent's religion ? 那是因为他忠于一种理念而并非忠于一块土地,一个种族或者他自己的宗教。

3 But what is the name of that idea?

4 Humanism! The idea that people should follow Confucius's Golden Rule – do unto others as you would have others do unto you. 人道主义!这就是人们应该遵循的孔子的黄金法则-己所不欲,勿施于人.

5 This rule transcends all notions of race, religion, gender or nationality. For more information on how this simple rule can bring about world peace, see 这个法则跨越所有的种族,宗教,性别或者国籍. 如果想了解更多关于这个简单的法则如何能给我们带来世界和平的信息,请看

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