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It’s a Wonderful Life.

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Presentation on theme: "It’s a Wonderful Life."— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s a Wonderful Life

2 Here I go out to sea again
The sunshine fills my hair

3 And dreams hang in the air
And I need a friend Oh! I need a friend

4 To make me happy Not stand here on my own

5 Look at me standing Here on my own again

6 Up straight in the sunshine

7 No need to laugh and cry It's a wonderful, wonderful life

8 No need to run and hide It's a wonderful, wonderful life

9 Gulls in the sky And in my blue eyes

10 You know it feels unfair
There's magic everywhere

11 Look at me standing Here on my own again

12 Up straight in the sunshine

13 No need to laugh and cry It's a wonderful, wonderful life

14 No need to run and hide It's a wonderful, wonderful life




18 Look at me standing Here on my own again

19 Up straight in the sunshine

20 No need to laugh and cry It's a wonderful, wonderful life

21 No need to run and hide It's a wonderful, wonderful life

22 No need to run It's a wonderful, wonderful life

23 No need to laugh and cry It's a wonderful, wonderful life

24 It's a wonderful, wonderful life

25 No need It's a wonderful, wonderful life

26 歌曲: Wonderful Life 美麗人生 演唱: lara fabian 蘿拉菲比安

27 THE END lara fabian 蘿拉菲比安
比利時裔,定居於加拿大的 Lara Fabian 自歐洲歌唱大賽中脫穎而出後掌聲不斷,囊括:魁北克藝人學會的 Felix 音樂獎、法國音樂大賞、世界音樂獎等音樂獎項。 她的飆高唱功力能在瞬間引燃歌聲沸點,她的濃情音色能直接碰觸歌曲的情感核心,歌聲唱法被時尚雜誌 Glamer 形容為 ’席琳狄翁 與 芭芭拉史翠珊 的結晶’兼具情感爆發力與細膩度的流行美聲歌手。

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