We Are the Church 我們是教會 We are the Church, we are the Bride.

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Presentation on theme: "We Are the Church 我們是教會 We are the Church, we are the Bride."— Presentation transcript:

1 We Are the Church 我們是教會 We are the Church, we are the Bride.
我們是教會,我們是新婦。 We are the lost who’ve been fully justified. 曾經失喪,今已完全被稱為義。 And so we stand with hands held high in thanksgiving for all You’ve sacrificed. 因祢的犧牲,我們站立高舉感恩的雙手。 We Are the Church 我們是教會

2 我們是教會,我們是教會,是新婦,曾經失喪,今已完全被稱為義。
We are the Church. We are the Church, we are the Bride, we are the lost who’ve been fully justified. 我們是教會,我們是教會,是新婦,曾經失喪,今已完全被稱為義。 And so we stand with hands held high in thanksgiving for all You’ve sacrificed. 因祢的犧牲,我們站立高舉感恩的雙手。 We Are the Church 我們是教會

3 我們是教會,我們要同心,和平相處,同樂同憂,在黑暗裡發光,發聲,幫助有需要的人。
We are the Church. To be of one mind, to live in peace, and to share in joy and grief; to show the Light, be a voice in the night off’ring help to those in need. 我們是教會,我們要同心,和平相處,同樂同憂,在黑暗裡發光,發聲,幫助有需要的人。 To teach the Truth to our children and youth who will one day take our place. 把真理教導有一天要繼承我們的孩童和青年。 To our past we’ll be true, while embracing the new. Our commitment to seek Your face. 對過去我們要真誠,我們的承諾:尋求祢的面。 We Are the Church 我們是教會

4 We are the Church, we are the Bride.
We are the lost who’ve been fully justified. 我們是教會,我們是教會,是新婦,曾經失喪,今已完全被稱為義。 And so we stand with hands held high in thanksgiving for all You’ve sacrificed. 因祢的犧牲,我們站立高舉感恩的雙手。 We are the Church. To run to the lost, line a path to the Cross, pulling those without hope to You. 我們是教會,我們要奔向失喪者,走十字架的道路,帶動沒指望的人就近主。 We Are the Church 我們是教會

5 And then joining hands, on the Rock we will stand.
On the Solid Rock we stand! 手拉著手站在磐石上,站在堅固的磐石上! On Christ, the Solid Rock, we stand, all other ground is sinking sand. We will stand! 我們是站在基督堅固的磐石上,所有其他都是流沙。我們定會立定。 We are the Church, we are the Bride. We are the lost who’ve been fully justified. 我們是教會,我們是教會,是新婦,曾經失喪,今已完全被稱為義。 We Are the Church 我們是教會

6 As an off’ring we give to You our lives. 把我們的生命獻上為祭。
And so we stand with hands held high in thanksgiving for all You’ve sacrificed. 因祢的犧牲,我們站立高舉感恩的雙手。 As an off’ring we give to You our lives. 把我們的生命獻上為祭。 With assurance, we stand here unified: We are the Church! We are the Church! 我們站立同聲確認:我們是教會!我們是教會! On Christ, the Rock, we will stand. We are the Church, the Church! 我們要立定在基督的磐石上。我們是教會,教會! We Are the Church 我們是教會

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