Prophecy for HIC 7/27/2018 Via Torrey Harper.

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1 Prophecy for HIC 7/27/2018 Via Torrey Harper

2 The Lord says daughter you are like that Deborah, you will gather the army of the Lord, you will gather the troops of the Lord and the Lord says I‘m going to cause you to gather multi-generations, multi people groups especially even in the Asian communities. 主說,女兒妳像那個底波拉,妳會聚集主的軍隊, 妳將把主的軍隊聚集起來,而主說我會使妳聚集許 多世代,許多不同的族群尤其是亞洲的族群。

3 The Lord says there will be this revival that will break out in unity, and what I‘m seeing is a picture of a tree, the Lord says you will cause the roots to go so deep and where there has been division in the roots the Lord says it will be healing in the root system of the Asian community says the Lord. 主說會有一個復興從合一當中爆發出來,我看到一 棵樹,主說妳會使這樹的根紮根極深,那亞洲族群 的根系中有裂開的地方,會有醫治臨到這根系。

4 The Lord says he‘s going to set up a generation for generational blessings, and the Lord says that this healing is going to go imminent to the next generation. 主說祂要建立一個世代來帶出累代的祝福,而這醫 治還將要臨到下一代

5 Well, the Lord says I've called you to gather and to equip says the Lord for the Lords says out of your midst I'm going to raise up my fivefold ministry and the Lord says it will be like Antioch will be a sending center says the Lord. 主說,我呼召妳聚集並裝備聖徒,主說從你們中間 我要興起我的五重職份。主如此說,這將要像安提 阿的教會成為一個差派中心。

6 And the Lord says you will raise them up, I feel like His school of ministry is going to break open from your midst says the Lord. The Lord says I will cause the curriculums of the school to begin to come forth and to immerge. 主說你會興起他們,我感覺到一個侍奉學校會在你 們中間生出來。主說我將使侍奉學校的課程將開始 出來並溶合起來

7 The Lord says you will release the fivefold ministry, you will release people into the purpose as that apostolic movement of God as that apostolic center says the Lord, I am raising up in your midst. 釋放五重職份,你會釋放人們進入他們的命定,就 如神的使徒運動如使徒中心,這是主說的,我正在 你們中間興起。

8 The Lord says watch out what I am even begin to do from your place in New Jersey that I will impact the Asian nations and the gathering place. And the Lord says I will establish you, I will establish you to be a hub, a hub, a hub, that will be a gathering site. The Lord says know be sure that I am going to cause all the nations to come to your dwelling place says the Lord. 主說注意我在你們這地方新澤西所做的,我 將要從這裡影響亞洲國家,是一個聚集回家的地方。 主說,我要建立你成為一個樞紐,是一個樞紐,一 個樞紐,成為一個聚集回家的場地。主說,你要確 切的知道,我將使萬國到你居住的地方來。

9 And the Lord says know for sure even in the area of property and I am causing you there be a release even a fresh release on real estate fresh release on resources says the Lord in this hour, for the Lord says, for I am going to cause the doors of prosperity to begin to break open. 然後主說你要確切的知道,甚至在土地產業上,我 要在房地產中產生一個新的釋放,新的資源的釋放, 這是主說的,因為我要使昌盛的門在你們中間被打 開。

10 I feel like there is even a wave of prayer that the Lord says I am going to cause the night watch the night watch the night watching I just see these hours of prayer and intercession and the fragrance in the incense of God rising up out of that place and that you'll see the glory, it's almost like that that the cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night 我也感受到甚至 有一個禱告的浪潮,而主說我要造成一個夜間的守 望,夜間的守望,夜間的守望,我看到在這時候的 禱告與代禱以及禱告的馨香煙雲在那地升起,你會 看見神的榮耀,幾乎就像是白天的雲柱,夜間的火 柱。

11 And the Lord says you will see a new realm and demonstration of tangible supernatural presence of God even in your midst, for the Lord says, yes, I raise up even a house of prayer round about you and says the spirit of God. 然後主說你會看到一個新的領域以及神超自然的真 實的榮耀同在和彰顯在你們當中,這是主說的,是 的,我要興起一個禱告殿在你們周圍這是神的靈說 的。

12 And the Lord says the incense is going to be like that Leviticus 6:13 and the Lord says not only from your place in New Jersey, but I am going to cause it to be this high way of holiness it is going to go from you to Jerusalem, from you and Israel, says the Lord your God. 然後主說這香要像利未記6:13節:在壇上必有常常 燒著的火,不可熄滅。然後主說不僅是在新澤西你 們的地方,我還要使它成為一條聖潔大道將要從你 們到耶路撒冷,從你們到以色列,這是妳的神說的。

13 我就是覺得將會好像朝聖一樣,神會使人從以色列 和亞洲族群,從以色列和亞洲族群來,主說將會有 一個連結。
I just feel like going to be this pilgrimage that God is going to allow to come from Israel and Asian community, Israel and Asian community and the Lord says it’s going to be a connection. 我就是覺得將會好像朝聖一樣,神會使人從以色列 和亞洲族群,從以色列和亞洲族群來,主說將會有 一個連結。

14 But the Lord says it’s reformation and it’s revival, it’s restoration and is recovering for such a time like this in your life through your ministry and through that apostolic center in your midst, says the Lord, Amen. 但是主說這是重建改革,這是復興,這是恢復,這 是復興在這個時刻在你生命中經由你的事奉並且藉 著那個使徒中心在你們中間,這是主說的,阿們!

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