Maranatha! Lord we seek you; 主啊,請來!我們切求,

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Presentation on theme: "Maranatha! Lord we seek you; 主啊,請來!我們切求,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maranatha! Lord we seek you; 主啊,請來!我們切求,
新歌 New Song # 72 Maranatha! Lord we seek you; 主啊,請來!我們切求, Every heart here, waits as one. 同心合意等候袮. Lord draw near us, for we need You 我們需袮, 求袮就近 Maranatha! Oh Lord Jesus, come! 主啊, 請來!哦, 主耶穌來! 1 (1) Maranatha 主啊,請來

2 Oh Lord come! Oh Lord come! 主, 請來! 主, 請來!
We await Your presence, Oh Lord come 我們在此等候袮自己. Come and meet us, we long to see You. 今來就近, 我們切慕袮, Maranatha, Oh Lord Jesus come! 主啊, 請來! 哦, 主耶穌來! C (C) Maranatha 主啊,請來

3 Where Your people join together, 正在此地, 袮民聚集,
Lord, Your spirit fills that place. 主袮的靈來充滿. You are here now, Lord forever; 今在靈裡, 親愛的主, Now in spirit but one day face to face. 等候那日與袮面對面. 2 (2) Maranatha 主啊,請來

4 Oh Lord come! Oh Lord come! 主, 請來! 主, 請來!
We await Your presence, Oh Lord come 我們在此等候袮自己. Come and meet us, we long to see You. 今來就近, 我們切慕袮, Maranatha, Oh Lord Jesus come! 主啊, 請來! 哦, 主耶穌來! C (C) Maranatha 主啊,請來

5 Now we watch, Lord, for Your appearing, 我們等候, 袮的顯現,
我們等候, 袮的顯現, When the veil is torn away. 那日帕子要揭去. As we see our freedom nearing, 我們就要得著自由, May this prayer grow stronger every day. 願這祈求要日勝一日. 3 (3) Maranatha 主啊,請來

6 Oh Lord come! Oh Lord come! 主, 請來! 主, 請來!
We await Your presence, Oh Lord come 我們在此等候袮自己. Come and meet us, we long to see You. 今來就近, 我們切慕袮, Maranatha, Oh Lord Jesus come! 主啊, 請來! 哦, 主耶穌來! C (C) Maranatha 主啊,請來

7 All creation groans in travail, 受造之物, 都在嘆息,
‘Til Your feet touch Olivet. 等袮腳踏橄欖山. All our hearts are filled with yearning, 我們的心, 深切渴慕, And our eyes are dim with tears and wet. 我們的眼, 流淚並切求. 4 (4) Maranatha 主啊,請來

8 Oh Lord come! Oh Lord come! 主, 請來! 主, 請來!
We await Your presence, Oh Lord come 我們在此等候袮自己. Come and meet us, we long to see You. 今來就近, 我們切慕袮, Maranatha, Oh Lord Jesus come! 主啊, 請來! 哦, 主耶穌來! C (C) Maranatha 主啊,請來

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