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Unit 4 第2课时 五年级.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4 第2课时 五年级."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4 第2课时 五年级

2 Unit 4 What can you do?

3 pair work A: What can you do ? B: Oh ! I`m helpful !
I can sweep the floor and ...

4 cook the meals

5 sweep the floor

6 empty the trash

7 We should love labor! 我们应该热爱劳动!

8 小结 Let’s learn sweep the floor empty the trash

9 Do a survey Zheng peng Do some kung fu Play the pipa
Sing English songs Dance Draw cartoons others

10 What can you do ? I can draw cartoons. I can do some kung fu,too. Who can dance ?

11 Exercise of this lesson
一.填入下列单词中所缺的字母. 1. h lpf l (有用的) 2.h usew rk (家务) 3. c n (能) 4.b dr om (卧室) 5.m l (餐,饭) 6.fl r (地,地板) e u o o a e o ea oo

12 二.连线,选出下列单词的汉语意思. 1. cook the meals A.做家务 2. empty the trash B.擦窗户
3. water the flowers C.在家里 4. sweep the floor D.打扫卧室 5. clean the bedroom E.扫地 6. at home F.浇花 7. wash the windows G.做饭 8. do housework H.倒垃圾

13 Homework 1.Copy the phrases of Unit Part A . 2.Help you parents to do some housework at home.


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