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讓我們來慶賀 無比大愛 我們來慶賀 神兒子因愛我們 捨了生命 讓我們來歡呼 主賜喜樂無人能相比 我們歡然向祢獻祭 高聲歡呼讚美

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Presentation on theme: "讓我們來慶賀 無比大愛 我們來慶賀 神兒子因愛我們 捨了生命 讓我們來歡呼 主賜喜樂無人能相比 我們歡然向祢獻祭 高聲歡呼讚美"— Presentation transcript:

1 讓我們來慶賀 無比大愛 我們來慶賀 神兒子因愛我們 捨了生命 讓我們來歡呼 主賜喜樂無人能相比 我們歡然向祢獻祭 高聲歡呼讚美
來慶賀/Celebrate 讓我們來慶賀 無比大愛 我們來慶賀 神兒子因愛我們 捨了生命 讓我們來歡呼 主賜喜樂無人能相比 我們歡然向祢獻祭 高聲歡呼讚美 Come on and celebrate, His gift of love we will celebrate, The Son of God who loved us and gave us life. We'll shout Your praise, O King, You give us joy nothing else can bring, We'll give to You our offering in celebration praise.

2 Come on and celebrate, celebrate, Celebrate and sing to the King.
讓我們來歡呼 來慶賀 歡呼來慶賀 歡呼來慶賀大君王 X 2 Come on and celebrate, celebrate, celebrate and sing, Celebrate and sing to the King.

3 讓我們來慶賀 無比大愛 我們來慶賀 神兒子因愛我們 捨了生命 讓我們來歡呼 主賜喜樂無人能相比 我們歡然向祢獻祭 高聲歡呼讚美
無比大愛 我們來慶賀 神兒子因愛我們 捨了生命 讓我們來歡呼 主賜喜樂無人能相比 我們歡然向祢獻祭 高聲歡呼讚美 Come on and celebrate, His gift of love we will celebrate, The Son of God who loved us and gave us life. We'll shout Your praise, O King, You give us joy nothing else can bring, We'll give to You our offering in celebration praise.

4 Come on and celebrate, celebrate, Celebrate and sing to the King.
讓我們來歡呼 來慶賀 歡呼來慶賀 歡呼來慶賀大君王 X 2 【重覆】 Come on and celebrate, celebrate, celebrate and sing, Celebrate and sing to the King. 【repeat】

5 感謝/Give Thanks 獻上感恩的心 歸給至聖全能神 因祂賜下 獨生子 主耶穌基督 X 2
獻上感恩的心 歸給至聖全能神 因祂賜下 獨生子 主耶穌基督 X 2 Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks to the Holy One; Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son.

6 如今, 軟弱者已得剛強 貧窮者已成富足 都因為主已成就了大事 X 2
如今, 軟弱者已得剛強 貧窮者已成富足 都因為主已成就了大事 X 2 And now let the weak say , “ I am strong.” Let the poor say, “ I am rich” Because of what the Lord has done for us

7 Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks to the Holy One;
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son. X 2 獻上感恩的心 歸給至聖全能神 因祂賜下 獨生子 主耶穌基督

8 Let the poor say, “ I am rich” Because of what the Lord
And now let the weak say , “ I am strong.” Let the poor say, “ I am rich” Because of what the Lord has done for us X 2 Give thanks, X 2  Give thanks to the Lord. 如今, 軟弱者已得剛強 貧窮者已成富足 都因為主已成就了大事

9 主,我愛祢 主,我愛祢,我讚美祢名 來敬拜祢,我的靈歡欣 願我聲音 在祢耳的裡 是一個甜蜜 甜蜜的聲音
願我聲音 在祢耳的裡 是一個甜蜜 甜蜜的聲音

10 I Love You, Lord, and I lift my voice
To worship You, O my soul rejoice, Take joy, my King, in what You hear, May it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear.

11 〈台語〉 主,我愛祢 主,我愛祢,我心靈歡喜 出聲讚美,虔誠敬拜祢 願主我王 俯耳孔來聽 **美妙讚美聲 獻給祢 使祢歡喜
主,我愛祢,我心靈歡喜 出聲讚美,虔誠敬拜祢 願主我王 俯耳孔來聽 **美妙讚美聲 獻給祢 使祢歡喜

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