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Leap of Faith upon the Next Phase

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1 Leap of Faith upon the Next Phase
以飛騰的信心 迎接教會擴建 洛麗華人基督教會 第二期擴建 認獻籌款 RCCC Phase 2 Church Expansion Fund Giving Campaign Commitment Sundays: 12/4/2011, 12/11/2011, 1/15/2012

2 Purpose: to fund our Phase 2 church building expansions scheduled during the years of 2012-2014.
Please prayerfully consider increase your current giving for the next 2 years 目的:為教會的第二期擴建工程籌款,此工程 預定於 2012-2014年間進行。 請 您禱告後,靠著聖靈的大能,考慮在未來兩年中,增加您對神國事工的奉獻。 Leap of Faith upon the Next Phase 以飛騰的信心 迎接教會擴建

3 Our Capital Campaign goals 認獻籌款的目標
• 100% congregation participation in giving 每一位會眾都參與奉獻 • Completing the project with minimum level of long-term debt: 以最低的長期負債完成擴建工程 • A target of $1.7M from congregation over a period of 24 months. The pledge can be given one-time or at an installment schedule of your choosing in the next two years. 認獻委員會籌款的目標是於未來兩年擴建期間,向會眾籌得款項170萬。奉獻的方式可以是一次奉獻出認獻總額,或以分期的方式奉獻。 Leap of Faith upon the Next Phase 以飛騰的信心 迎接教會擴建

4 First Year Total第一年奉獻總額
Gift Examples奉獻的實例: Number of Gifts奉獻單位 Gift Per Month每月奉獻金額 Gift Per Year每年奉獻金額 First Year Total第一年奉獻總額 Two Year Total兩年奉獻總額 50 $1,000 $12,000 $600,000 $1,200,000 $500 $6,000 $300,000 $250 $3,000 $150,000 100 $100 $1,200 $120,000 $240,000 250 $850000 $1,700,000 Note: The above gift examples are above and beyond your current giving 請注意:以上所列實例為您目前十一奉獻之外的金額 Leap of Faith upon the Next Phase 以飛騰的信心 迎接教會擴建

5 Make Your Commitment 許下承諾
Steps to make your commitment supporting our Church Expansion and build His ministries are: 幫助您委身以支持教會擴建和建立神國事工的步驟: Pray individually along with your family, if married. Mark your calendar and highlight the attendance on “Commitment Sunday”. Attend the activities and events on the Capital Campaign. 請您個人或與家人一起為擴建事工禱告。記下“認獻主日”的日期,並踴躍參與認獻籌款的各項事工。 Evaluate your “Journey Of Giving” plan and ask yourself what amount of financial giving you want to pledge over the next two years. 評估您的“奉獻歷程”,計劃您在未來兩年內將要認獻的金額 Leap of Faith upon the Next Phase 以飛騰的信心 迎接教會擴建

6 Make Your Commitment 許下承諾
3. Learn to give sacrificially. Giving can be measured by your relationship with the Lord. It is one way we use to express our love to Him. Be a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7) to the Lord. 學習願意為奉獻而犧牲。奉獻可以視為您與神關係好壞的標準,亦是我們對祂表現愛的方式。讓我們都為神做一個捐得樂意的人(林後9:7)。 Prepare for the “Commitment Sunday”, the amount of gifts you want to pledge. Prayerfully decide or discuss with your spouse if you can agree on the amount you can pledge and bring your pledge card to the Service. 預備您的心參加“認獻主日”,並準備好您願意認獻的金額。與您的配偶討論認獻的金額,同時為此決定禱告,然後帶著您的認獻卡來參加“認獻主日”崇拜 Leap of Faith upon the Next Phase 以飛騰的信心 迎接教會擴建


8 各人要隨本心所酌定的,不要作難、不要勉強,因為捐得樂意的人是神所喜愛的。哥林多後書9:7
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”. 2 Corinthian 9:7 各人要隨本心所酌定的,不要作難、不要勉強,因為捐得樂意的人是神所喜愛的。哥林多後書9:7 Leap of Faith upon the Next Phase 以飛騰的信心 迎接教會擴建

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