I stand amazed in the presence 我真希奇主的慈愛, Of Jesus the Nazarene,

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Presentation on theme: "I stand amazed in the presence 我真希奇主的慈愛, Of Jesus the Nazarene,"— Presentation transcript:

1 I stand amazed in the presence 我真希奇主的慈愛, Of Jesus the Nazarene,
竟如此廣大普遍; And wonder how He could love me, 像我這般污穢罪人, A sinner, condemned unclean. 也會蒙祂的愛憐. (1) I Stand Amazed 我真希奇

2 How marvelous! How wonderful! 何等希奇!何等奇妙! And my song shall ever be:
我要歌唱到永遠: Is my Savior’s love for me! 我竟蒙救主愛憐! (C) I Stand Amazed 我真希奇

3 For me it was in the garden 主在客西馬尼園內,
He prayed, “Not my will, but Thine,” 為遵父旨意懇求; He had no tears for His own griefs, 流淚哀哭為我憂愁, But sweat drops of blood for mine. 血汗點點為我流. (2) I Stand Amazed 我真希奇

4 How marvelous! How wonderful! 何等希奇!何等奇妙! And my song shall ever be:
我要歌唱到永遠: Is my Savior’s love for me! 我竟蒙救主愛憐! (C) I Stand Amazed 我真希奇

5 In pity angels beheld Him, 時當夜半救主孤單, And came from the world of light
為我靈魂受苦難; To comfort Him in the sorrows 天上天使到主身邊, He bore for my soul that night. 同情安慰不能言. (3) I Stand Amazed 我真希奇

6 How marvelous! How wonderful! 何等希奇!何等奇妙! And my song shall ever be:
我要歌唱到永遠: Is my Savior’s love for me! 我竟蒙救主愛憐! (C) I Stand Amazed 我真希奇

7 He took my sins and my sorrows, 主為我承擔了憂傷, He made them His very own;
又為我罪受羞辱; He bore the burden to Calvary, 在各各他十字架上, And suffered and died alone. 主受死何等孤苦. (4) I Stand Amazed 我真希奇

8 How marvelous! How wonderful! 何等希奇!何等奇妙! And my song shall ever be:
我要歌唱到永遠: Is my Savior’s love for me! 我竟蒙救主愛憐! (C) I Stand Amazed 我真希奇

9 When with the ransomed in glory 在榮耀裡與衆聖徒,
His face I at last shall see, 一同瞻仰主聖容; ‘Twill be my joy through the ages 何等喜樂直到永久, To sing of His love for me. 同讚主愛同歌頌. (5) I Stand Amazed 我真希奇

10 How marvelous! How wonderful! 何等希奇!何等奇妙! And my song shall ever be:
我要歌唱到永遠: Is my Savior’s love for me! 我竟蒙救主愛憐! (C) I Stand Amazed 我真希奇

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