I lay my life down at Your feet 你是我唯一所需 You’re the only one I need

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Presentation on theme: "I lay my life down at Your feet 你是我唯一所需 You’re the only one I need"— Presentation transcript:

1 I lay my life down at Your feet 你是我唯一所需 You’re the only one I need
One way 在你腳前獻上生命 I lay my life down at Your feet 你是我唯一所需 You’re the only one I need 我轉向你 你永遠不離棄 I turn to you and You are always there

2 危難臨到我尋求你 In troubled times it’s You I seek 我只是把你擺第一 I put You first that’s all I need 降服我所有全給你 I humble all I am all to You

3 One way! 耶穌!! One Way! Jesus!! 唯有你能讓我為你而活 You’re the only One that I could live for

4 你總是在我身邊 You always, always there 每時每日每一天 Every how and everywhere 我心充滿你豐盛恩典 Your grace abounds so deeply within me

5 你總是不會改變 You will never ever change 從如今直到永遠 Yesterday, today the same 從亙古直到永恆無限 Forever ‘til forever meets no end

6 你是道路真理生命 You are the Way, the Truth and the Life 我憑信心不憑眼見 We live by faith and not by sight 為你 我活著只為你 for You. We’re living all for You

7 我感覺主恩膏 充滿我們中間 神的聖靈正在運行 帶下醫治的恩典 新酒 New wine
I can feel a great anointing in this place 神的聖靈正在運行 Yes the Holy Spirit's moving 帶下醫治的恩典 bringing healing through God's grace

8 我看見主聖靈 正澆灌眾教會 興起祂所揀選 榮耀子民 I can see the Holy Spirit at work right here
To awaken all the people of God

9 The time of freedom has arrived
今天是主 所命定的日子 This is the day today the Lord has made 自由的時刻已來到 The time of freedom has arrived

10 罪的鎖鏈 祂完全都斷開 來歡呼讚美祂聖名 Hey The bonds of sin He comes to break away
Let's shout aloud and praise His Name Hey

11 新酒澆灌 帶下新鮮恩膏 說不盡的喜樂充滿我 New wine falling bringing fresh anointing
filling us with over whelming joy

12 新油流下 帶出大能恩膏 來宣揚我主榮耀彰顯 New wine falling bringing fresh anointing
To declare the power of the Lord

13 有位全能主宰 曾創造我心靈 遠在創世以前 已掌管我生命
I have a Maker He formed my heart Before even time began My life was in His hand

14 祂認識我 祂明白我意念 祂聽見我呼求 擦乾我每滴淚
He knows my name He knows my every thought He sees each tear that falls And hears me when I call

15 有位慈愛天父 曾賜給我生命 無論身在何處 祂永不離棄我
I have a Father He calls me His own He'll never leave me No matter where I go

16 祂認識我 祂明白我意念 祂聽見我呼求 擦乾我每滴淚
He knows my name He knows my every thought He sees each tear that falls And hears me when I call

17 炼净我,哦主, 炼净我的心如宝贵金银 炼净我,哦主, 炼净我的心如精金
Purify my heart, let me be as gold And precious silver Purify me heart, let me be as gold, pure gold

18 My heart’s one desire is to be holy
焚烧的灵, 我心唯一恳求, 能成为圣洁 分别为圣归于你, 主 Refiner’s fire My heart’s one desire is to be holy Set apart for You Lord

19 我愿成为圣洁 分别为圣归于你,我的主 来遵行你旨意,来遵行你旨意
I choose to be holy Set apart for You my Master Ready to do Your will

20 Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness
神你是光, 你照亮了黑暗 開我眼讓我看見 你的榮美讓我心渴慕你 希望與你不分離 Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness Opened my eyes let me see Beauty that made this heart adore You Hope of a life spent with You

21 Here I am to say that You’re my God
所以, 我在這裡敬拜 屈膝向你跪拜 大聲宣告你是我的神 So here I am to worship Here I am to bow down Here I am to say that You’re my God

22 You’re all together lovely Altogether wonderful to me
噢, 你是如此美好 你是如此配得 我在這裡敬拜你聖名 You’re all together lovely Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me

23 萬王之王, 坐在至高寶座上 散發榮耀的光芒 謙卑自己 來到你所造之地 為了愛犧牲自己
萬王之王, 坐在至高寶座上 散發榮耀的光芒 謙卑自己 來到你所造之地 為了愛犧牲自己 King of all days oh so highly exalted Glorious in heaven alone Humbly You came to the earth You created All for love’s sake became poor

24 I’ll never know how much it cost, To see my sin upon that cross
我不知道多少代價 能使我罪釘上十架 I’ll never know how much it cost, To see my sin upon that cross

25 祂掌權在天地之上; 滿有智慧、能力,我主尊榮可畏!
哦主,尊榮可畏! 祂掌權在天地之上; 滿有智慧、能力,我主尊榮可畏! Our God is an awesome God He reigns from Heaven above With wisdom, power and love Our God is an awesome God

26 願你國降臨 你旨意成全 在地上如同在天上 在我生命如同在天上
May your kingdom come May your will be done On earth as it is in heaven In my life as it is in heaven

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