H026 哦, 神, 是祢召我們 BY THEE, O GOD, INVITED (1/5)

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1 H026 哦, 神, 是祢召我們 BY THEE, O GOD, INVITED (1/5)
哦,神,是祢召我們來看祢的兒子, By Thee, O God, invited, we look unto the Son, 祂是祢心的奇珍,祂行完祢意思: In whom Thy soul delighted, Who all Thy will hath done; 我們因祢肯白捨祢的獨一心愛, And by the one chief treasure, Thy bosom freely gave, 才知祢心是真切要救我們脫害。 Thine own pure love we measure, Thy willing mind to save. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

2 哦,聖父,憐憫的神,我們因子的名, 才敢向祢常求恩,才有永遠生命。 祢耳所常聽聞,悠揚如音樂的, 已叫我們的靈魂,脫盡所有猜疑。
H026 (節2/5, 頁1/1) 哦,聖父,憐憫的神,我們因子的名, O God of mercy-Father! The one unchanging claim, 才敢向祢常求恩,才有永遠生命。 The brightest hopes, we gather from Christ's most precious name: 祢耳所常聽聞,悠揚如音樂的, What always sounds so sweetly in Thine unwearied ear, 已叫我們的靈魂,脫盡所有猜疑。 Has freed our souls completely from all our guilt and fear. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

3 戰兢罪人心常怕祢永不忘先前, 但祂一次的受罰,使祢不再記念。 當無甚麼可以使我們得自由時, 父,祢愛子的受死,還了我們罪值。
H026 (節3/5, 頁1/1) 戰兢罪人心常怕祢永不忘先前, The trembling sinner feareth that God can never forget; 但祂一次的受罰,使祢不再記念。 But one full payment cleareth His memory of all debt. 當無甚麼可以使我們得自由時, When nought beside could free us or set our souls at large, 父,祢愛子的受死,還了我們罪值。 The death of God's Beloved secured a full discharge. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

4 祢對我們(信祂的)心中已無忿怒, 我們現今也無忌,因知祢已眷顧; 回家兒女祢親嘴,並賜光明衣袍, 祢的慈愛已安慰我們心中苦惱。
H026 (節4/5, 頁1/1) 祢對我們(信祂的)心中已無忿怒, No wrath God's heart retaineth to usward who believe; 我們現今也無忌,因知祢已眷顧; No dread in ours remaineth as we His love receive; 回家兒女祢親嘴,並賜光明衣袍, Returning sons He kisses, and with His robe invests; 祢的慈愛已安慰我們心中苦惱。 His perfect love dismisses all terror from our breasts. Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

5 哦,祢怎麼能喜歡我們這樣的人? 我們豈非使祢難,豈非見祢就恨? 哦,真希奇,最希奇!這是神聖奧秘! 從前發聲如雷的,說:"罪人,我屬你!"
H026 (節5/5, 頁1/1) 哦,祢怎麼能喜歡我們這樣的人? O God, how canst Thou care for vile sinners such as we? 我們豈非使祢難,豈非見祢就恨? We only made Thee heartsore, we loathed thy face to see. 哦,真希奇,最希奇!這是神聖奧秘! O wonder of all wonders, o mystery divine: 從前發聲如雷的,說:"罪人,我屬你!" The One who spoke with thunders says, "Sinner, I am thine." Hymnary 聖徒詩歌 - Testimony Publication Christian Assembly 基督徒聚會

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