一點星星之火,可以將火點燃起, 圍在火旁的人,立時便感到暖意﹔ 真神慈愛極豐富,你經歷過之後, 也必願意將這慈愛,向每個人傳開。

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Presentation on theme: "一點星星之火,可以將火點燃起, 圍在火旁的人,立時便感到暖意﹔ 真神慈愛極豐富,你經歷過之後, 也必願意將這慈愛,向每個人傳開。"— Presentation transcript:

1 一點星星之火,可以將火點燃起, 圍在火旁的人,立時便感到暖意﹔ 真神慈愛極豐富,你經歷過之後, 也必願意將這慈愛,向每個人傳開。
Pass It On # 傳給人 1/3 一點星星之火,可以將火點燃起, It only takes a spark to get a fire going, 圍在火旁的人,立時便感到暖意﹔ And soon all those around can warm up in its glowing; 真神慈愛極豐富,你經歷過之後, That’s how it is with God’s love, once you’ve experienced it; 也必願意將這慈愛,向每個人傳開。 You spread His love to everyone, you want to pass it on

2 春天何等美麗,新葉嫩綠滿樹上, 小鳥開始歌唱,萬花都爭先開放﹔ 真神慈愛極豐富,你經歷過之後, 也必願意讚美歌唱,將主妙愛傳揚。
#478 傳給人 2/3 春天何等美麗,新葉嫩綠滿樹上, What a wondrous time is spring when all the trees are budding, 小鳥開始歌唱,萬花都爭先開放﹔ The birds begin to sing, the flowers start their blooming 真神慈愛極豐富,你經歷過之後, That’s how it is with God’s love, once you’ve experienced it; 也必願意讚美歌唱,將主妙愛傳揚。 You want to sing, it’s fresh like Spring, you want to pass it on.

3 朋友,願你分享我己得到的喜樂, 你也可倚靠祂,不論你境況如何﹔ 我願登高山宣揚,向全世界宣告, 救主的愛己臨到我,我要向人傳揚。
#478 傳給人 3/3 朋友,願你分享我己得到的喜樂, I wish for you, My friend, this happiness that I’ve found 你也可倚靠祂,不論你境況如何﹔ You can depend on Him, it matters not where you’re bound; 我願登高山宣揚,向全世界宣告, I’ll shout it from the mountain top, I want my world to know; 救主的愛己臨到我,我要向人傳揚。 The Lord of love has come to me, I want to pass it on.

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