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青年及義工事務部 漸進式活動計劃 實踐章 Youth and Volunteer Department Progressive Program - Practising Stage B4.1 紅十字知識課程 Knowledge of Red Cross 第四節 : 中國紅十字會.

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2 青年及義工事務部 漸進式活動計劃 實踐章 Youth and Volunteer Department Progressive Program - Practising Stage B4.1 紅十字知識課程 Knowledge of Red Cross 第四節 : 中國紅十字會 Session 4: Red Cross Society of China (RCSC)

3 認識中國紅十字會 Getting to know Red Cross Society of China (RCSC)

4 中國紅十字會簡介 1. Red Cross Society of China - introduction
始於1904年→上海萬國紅十字會(大清) 為在中國東北爆發的”日俄戰爭”提供救護服務 Founded in 1904  "Shanghai International Red Cross Committee" (Qing Dynasty) - Provide medical services in Russo-Japanese War in Northeastern China 1919年易名中國紅十字會 1919: Changed its name to Red Cross Society of China [RCSC] 同年加入當時的紅十字協會(IFRC前身) Joined International Federation in 1919 (former IFRC) 加入IFRC時,成為最早加入該組織的成員之一 各地共七萬多個基層組織,總會員人數約二千多萬 落實救災和備災工作、推廣衛生救護及健康常識、發展社會服務如關懷弱勢社群的特殊教育及復康服務、積極推行無償捐血 首先推行非血緣關係骨髓移植捐贈者登記工作和建立了中華骨髓庫 1993年10月31日,建立《中國紅十字法》,用以遏止紅十字標誌被濫用 現時仍有濫用情況,但已大大改善(瑞士國旗!!!) 澳門則仍未立法,故市面仍有不少濫用情況出現 同時,各地紅會亦開展了紅十字青少年活動、傳播國際人道法,又積極參與國際人道救助工作。

5 中國紅十字會 與 香港紅十字會 服務部門大比拼 Departments of Red Cross Society of China VS Hong Kong Red Cross

6 服務部門大比拼 中國紅十字會 Red Cross Society of China 香港紅十字會 Hong Kong Red Cross
聯絡部 Communication / Liaison Department 秘書處 Secretariat 辦公室 General Office of Administration / Department  秘書處 Secretariat 組織宣傳部 Publicity Department 青年及義工事務部 Youth and Volunteer Department 社區關懷服務部 Community Care Service Department 機構傳訊部 Corporate Communications Services

7 籌資與財務部 Fundraising and Finance Department
傳訊及資源發展部、財務部 Communications and Resources Development , Finance Department 賑濟救護部 Relief and Health Department 國際及賑災服務部 International and Relief mvment 醫護服務部Health & Care Service Department 輸血服務 Blood transfusion 特殊教育及復康部(只有香港紅十字會提供此項服務)Special Education and Rehabilitation

8 中國紅十字會總會 (RCSC -National Headquarters)
31個省、自治區、直轄市分會,新疆生產建設兵團分會 branches in 31 provinces, autonomous regions, municipality and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps 香港、澳門2個特別行政區分會(高度自治) special autonomous branches in HK and Macau (highly autonomous) 333個地市級?紅十字會 (prefecture and city branches) 2860個縣級?紅十字會 (county and district branches) 2658萬會員,其中成人會員883萬人, 青少年會員1775萬人。 members (883 adults, youth members) 中國紅十字志願者215萬餘人 。 各級紅十字會共有專職幹部10174人。 More than volunteers & full-time cadre members Correct? 網上找到紅會年報英文是3XX prefecture and city pranches, 2xxx個country & district branches. 中文好像有點不同

9 猜猜中國紅十字會 有甚工作? Guess the work of RCSC

10 中國紅十字會服務對對碰 辦公室 General Office of Administration / Department
文書、人事、信息網絡、檔案 clerical work, personnel work, information network, archives work 賑濟救護部 Relief and Health Department 救護培訓 first aid training 賑災備災 disaster relief & disaster preparedness 負責宣傳、表彰無償獻血人士 promoting & commending non-remunerated blood donors 籌資與財務部部 Fundraising and Finance Department 籌資管理 fundraising management 財務管理 financial management 組織宣傳部 Publicity Department 組織建設 Organization development 對外宣傳 publicity 紅十字青少年 Red Cross Youth 志願服務 Voluntary service 聯絡部 Communication / Liaison Department 負責國際聯絡、民間外交,國際援助 International exchange and cooperation, people-to-people diplomacy , international relief 多邊/雙方組織聯系 Multilateral/ Inter-organizational communication 台港澳紅十字組織的業務工作 Operational work related to Red Cross branches of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau 機關黨委 Party Committee 機關黨委的工作 Party Committee work 紀律檢查工作 Discipline inspection work 監察審計工作 Audit and supervision work

11 紅十字青少年 Red Cross Youth

12 中國紅十字會 各主要部門分工 RCSC Division of work among departments
賑濟救護部 Relief and Health Department 指導全國紅十字會系統開展備災救災、應急衛生救護、人道救助等工作,負責擬定完善相關政策、規劃、執行。 Guiding the RCSC branches to commence the work for disaster relief & preparedness, emergency first aid & health care, humanitarian aid, etc.; drafting, modifying, planning and implementing related policies 統籌總會應急救援隊伍、備災救災設施的建設和管理,負責針對突發公共事件的應急救助和救護工作。 Coordinate the emergency rescue teams, constructing & managing facilities for disaster relief and preparedness, providing aids and relief for emergency public affairs

13 中國紅十字會 各主要部門分工 RCSC Division of work among departments
賑濟救護部 Relief and Health Department 參與無償獻血、造血幹細胞捐獻、遺體(器官、組織)捐獻的宣傳推動及管理工作;協助政府開展愛滋病預防和控制工作;負責冠名紅十字醫療機構的人道服務工作指導和相關管理。 Promoting and managing non-remunerated blood donations, haematopoietic stem cells (HSC) donation, _________ donation (organs, tissues); assisting the Government to launch AIDS prevention & control, guiding and managing humanitarian service under the title of RCSC 聯繫中國造血幹細胞捐獻者資料庫管理中心、中國紅十字會總會訓練中心、援外物資供應站、備災救災中心。 Connecting “China Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors Database Management Centre”, Chinese Red Cross National Training Center (CRCNTC), Foreign aid provision stations and centres for disaster relief and preparedness

14 中國紅十字會 各主要部門分工 RCSC Division of work among departments
籌資與財務部 Fundraising and Finance Department 負責擬訂全國紅十字會系統籌資策略、規章制度和總會籌資計劃,指導地方各級紅十字會的籌資工作。 Drafting the fundraising strategies, rules & regulations of the national Red Cross and fundraising plan for National Headquarter; guiding the fundraising work of different RC branches 負責擬訂紅十字事業經費和總會財務、資產管理制度,監督檢查總會機關和直屬單位執行有關法律法規和財務制度的情況。 Drafting the budget of undertaking expenses and National Heaquarter’s finances, setting up the system of asset management, monitoring theenforcement of laws and regulations and financial systems of different departments and subordinate units

15 中國紅十字會 各主要部門分工 RCSC Division of work among departments
籌資與財務部 Fundraising and Finance Department 統籌管理總會機關各類資金和資產。負責日常財務與資產的會計核算和監督工作;對總會直屬單位財務工作及總會核撥地方各級紅十字會的款物使用進行指導和監督。 Coordinating and manage different funds and assets of different departments of the National Headquarters; auditing and supervising daily finances and assets; guiding and supervising the use of Red Cross resources by different branches 聯繫中國紅十字基金會。 Communication with Chinese Red Cross Foundation

16 中國紅十字會 各主要部門分工 RCSC Division of work among departments
組織宣傳部 Publicity Department 負責中國紅十字會組織建設;指導行業紅十字會的組織發展;負責會員隊伍建設和紅十字會系統專兼職幹部培訓工作(staff training)。 Building the structure of RCSC, guiding the structual development of Red Cross, forming member teams and training fulltime and parttime staff. 2. 負責志願者隊伍建設和管理服務工作。指導並組織地方各級紅十字會開展志願者培訓工作。 Setting up volunteer teams and supervise the service provided; guiding Red Cross branches to launch volunteer training 3. 負責中國紅十字青少年工作。發展青少年會員,在各級各類學校開展紅十字青少年工作。 Developing Red Cross Youth, launching the programme in different schools and levels.

17 4. 負責中國紅十字會宣傳工作。擬定宣傳策略、規劃和計劃;指導地方各級紅十字會宣傳工作。
Publicity work of RCSC: drafting, structuring & planning promotional strategies; instructing publicity work of different levels 5. 負責中國紅十字會宣傳活動、新聞報導、品牌推廣工作;負責推動建立新聞發佈制度;負責資訊收集和分析工作。 Responsible for publicity work, press release, brand promotion; facilitating and building press release system; information collection and analysis 6. 負責紅十字運動基本知識和國際人道法的傳播工作。 Publicizing basic knowledge of Red Cross Movement and International Humanitarian Laws 7. 聯繫中國紅十字會總會報刊社、網路資訊中心。 Connecting Red Cross Society of China Press and Network Information Centre

18 中國紅十字會 各主要部門分工 RCSC Division of Labour among major departments
聯絡部 Communication / Liaison Department 負責與紅十字國際組織(包括紅十字國際委員會、紅十字會與紅新月會國際聯合會)、各國紅十字會(紅新月會)以及其他國際組織的交流與合作;負責與臺灣紅十字組織、香港、澳門紅十字會的交流與合作;參加國際紅十字運動的法定會議和活動。 Exchange ideas and co-working with the international Red Cross counterparts (ICRC, ICFC), National Red Cross/Red Crescent Societies, and other international organizations, as well as Red Cross of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau; participating in the official meetings and events of International Red Cross Movement 2. 負責擬訂總會外事工作相關規定和計畫;負責總會機關及直屬單位的外事工作及台港澳事務,指導和協調省級紅十字會的對外交流與合作。 Drafting the regulations and plans regarding external affairs of National Headquarters; Handling external affairs regarding Headquarter units & subordinate units, and those with Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau.; guiding and coordinating provincial branches; exchange and cooperation with external bodies

19 中國紅十字會 各主要部門分工 聯絡部 Communication / Liaison Department
3. 具體執行外交部授予總會的外事審批權以及相關的管理工作。 Implementing the rights to examine and approve foreign affairs appointed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the management work related 4. 負責涉及國外和台港澳地區的查人轉信工作(restore family link)。 Restoring family link for cases involving overseas and Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau regions 5. 負責外事工作調研和有關資訊的搜集、分析及報告工作。 Researching on foreign/external affairs; collecting related information, analysis and reports

20 中國紅十字會與 香港紅十字會 Red Cross Society of China & Hong Kong Red Cross

21 中國紅十字會的 高度自治的分會 A highly autonomous branch of the Red Cross Society of China
全名為「中國香港特別行政區紅十字會」 full name :“The Red Cross of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China” 簡稱「香港紅十字會(中國紅十字會分會)」Short title: “Hong Kong Red Cross (Branch of the Red Cross Society of China)”

22 自行修定香港紅十字會章程 formulate / revise its regulations and rules
香港紅十字會可: HKRC can: 自行修定香港紅十字會章程 formulate / revise its regulations and rules 處理會內一切事務 make its own decisions on matters concerning its internal management 與世界各地紅十字組織保持和發展適當的業務交往 maintain and develop contact and operational programmes with other members of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

23 角色: Role: A. 母會分會 National Headquarters  Branch B. 捐款人/監督者 donor / supervisor C. 交流分享 exchange & sharing

24 與中國紅十字會的交往 範圍:Scope: 組織參與展 organizational participation
救災備災 disaster relief & preparedness 無償獻血 non-remunerated blood donation 衛生救護 First Aid & Health Care 傳播 communications 義工服務 volunteer service 紅十字青少年 Red Cross Youth 國際參與 international participation 與中國紅十字會的交往 24

25 中國紅十字會及香港紅十字會的 合作與未來發展
三年合作項目( )框架協議 簽署 Framework Agreement for 3-year cooperation plan/ partnership project ( ) (signed on ) 主要合作內容: Major areas for cooperation: 一、備災及減災 disaster preparedness and reduction 二、高校紅十字青少年工作 Red Cross Youth (university branch) 三、紅十字志願服務工作 Red Cross volunteer service

26 一、備災及減災 Disaster preparedness and Mitigation
三大合作項目 博愛家園 —— 社區為本減災項目 Bo’ai Jia’yuan — Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction Programmes 繼續支持內地六至八個省/市/區的社區為本減災項目 continue to support Community-based Disaster Mitigation Projects in 6-8 province /city/ district 學校為本減災試點項目 school-based disaster mitigation pilot projects 災害管理培訓 disaster management training 其它救援服務模式(社區健康模塊、災後康復服務隊) other modes of first aid (community health module, post-disaster recovery service team) 備災倉庫和物資 disaster preparedness warehouses and resources 賑濟救援隊項目 Relief Emergency Response Team project 緊急賑災及災後恢復重建 emergency relief work and community recovery & reconstruction work 26

27 二、高校紅十字青少年工作 Red Cross Youth – university branch
三大合作項目 二、高校紅十字青少年工作 Red Cross Youth – university branch 推廣高校紅十字青少年活動 organize Red Cross Youth (university branch) training camp 舉辦高校紅十字骨幹訓練營 organize Red Cross Youth training camp (university branch) 協助推動“青春善言行”青年同伴教育課程 (YABC) assist the launch of Youth as Agent of Behavioral Change (YABC) 促進內地及香港紅十字青少年交流 foster the exchange between Red Cross Youth in Mainland and HK 推動紅十字青少年領袖參與國際紅十字運動 encourage Red Cross Youth leaders to join the International Red Cross Movement - 青年峰會(Youth Submit),國際青年會議 (International Youth Conference) 27

28 三、紅十字志願服務工作 Red Cross Volunteer work
三大合作項目 三、紅十字志願服務工作 Red Cross Volunteer work 協助總會每年進行一次評審有關志願服務項目 facilitate the National Headquarter to evaluate the voluntary service projects 協助總會舉辦志願服務工作坊 facilitate the National Headquarter to organize workshops for voluntary work 協助總會開展國際合作 facilitate the National Headquarter on international cooperation 志願服務交流: 河源義教、探訪貧窮/單親家庭、交流團 Volunteer work exchange: Heyuan Voluntary Teaching, visit poverty-stricken / single-parent families, exchange tours 28

29 RCSC pilot class for volunteer service skills training
應北京市紅十字會邀請培訓急救導師,以配合 2008年奧運需要 Training up first aid instructors upon the request of Beijing branch of Red Cross Society of China, facing the needs of 2008 Olympics 江西- 村民備災知識培訓班 Jiangxi - training in disaster preparedness knowledge for villagers 雲南- 村民投工投勞修河渠防洪災 Yunnan – villagers volunteered to repair waterways for the prevention of flooding 中國紅十字會志願服務能力培訓試點班 RCSC pilot class for volunteer service skills training 29

30 課堂總結 Course Summary 經歷課程後,我們學到: 紅十字運動的起源與組成部份 四條日內瓦公約 七項基本原則
中國和香港的紅十字會架構與分工 In the course, we’ve learnt the following: The original and components of Red Cross Movement The four Geneva Conventions The Seven Fundamental Principles The structure and division of labour between RCSC & HKRC

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