Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩

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1 Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩
With great jubilations, give praise to the King. 萬衆歡欣,讚美我王。 With all of creation, rejoice now and sing. 萬世受造,喜樂歡唱。 The mountains and rivers, the valleys, the sea, 高山河流,幽谷海洋, Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩

2 Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩
all worship the Giver of life’s majesty. 敬拜崇拜,賜生命主,君威且煌。 With great jubilations, bring glorious song. 萬衆歡欣,榮耀以頌。 Let pure adoration ring out loud and strong. 崇拜其純,聲勇且宏。 The trees of the forest lift palms high above. 林木亭亭,冠蓋如舉 Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩

3 Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩
The birds all in chorus chant psalms to God’s love. 眾鳥喈喈,主愛以詠。 Sing alleluia, alleluia! Come, sing out your songs of praise! 唱,哈利路亞,哈利路亞!讚歌頌揚! Sing alleluia, alleluia! Rejoice in your Maker’s ways! 唱,哈利路亞,哈利路亞!造物作爲,歡欣我王! Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩

4 Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩
With great jubilation, come worship as one. 萬衆歡欣,齊來敬拜。 Raise glad celebration for all God has done. 慶之頌之,俱神作爲。 Let music resound through the halls of this place, 聖樂渺渺,高堂回響, Resound through this place! 高堂回響! Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩

5 Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩
Let worship abound with the calls of His grace. 敬拜滿滿,恩典聲揚。 With great jubilation and one mighty voice, 萬衆歡欣,萬口齊唱, Declare to the nations with glorious noise. 赫兮喧兮,列邦傳揚。 Our Lord God is worthy, the Ancient of Days! 主神配得,亙古久長! Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩

6 Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩
No other is holy and worthy of praise. 無人能比,聖潔完全,慨當以慷。 Sing alleluia, alleluia! Come, sing out your songs of praise! 唱,哈利路亞,哈利路亞!讚歌頌揚! Sing alleluia, alleluia! Rejoice in your Maker’s ways! 唱,哈利路亞,哈利路亞!造物作爲,歡欣我王! Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩

7 Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩
With great jubilation, With all of creation, 萬衆歡欣,萬世受造, Give thanks to the King! Rejoice now and sing! 讚美我王!喜樂歡唱! Celtic Psalm of Praise 凱爾特讚美詩

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