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今晚6时:蒲慕明教授 “怎样学习做一个好的科学家”

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1 今晚6时:蒲慕明教授 “怎样学习做一个好的科学家”
复旦大学新视野系列研究生课程:科研论文的构思、撰写和发表 科研论文撰写和送审过程中 导师和学生的互动 杨雄里 院士 下一次 今晚6时:蒲慕明教授 “怎样学习做一个好的科学家”

2 杨雄里院士 神经生物学家,1963年上海科技大学生物系毕业, 年在中国科学院上海生理研究所工作,历任研究实习员、助理研究员、副研究员、研究员、所长。 年在日本进修并获学术博士学位。 年先后在美国哈佛大学、贝勒医学院从事合作研究。2000年创建复旦大学神经生物学研究所并任所长。 曾任中国生理学会理事长,亚太地区生理学联合会第一副主席。长期从事视觉神经机制的研究,在几个层次上对视网膜中的信息传递的调控进行系统研究并有数项新发现。1989年获中科院自然科学一等奖,1991年当选为中国科学院院士,2001年获何梁何利科技进步奖。现为Progress in Neurobiology等国内外学术刊物编委或主编。

3 作 业 二 根据所给的研究结果(确实有困难的同学可自选一篇论文):
1. 为该论文拟一个标题并撰写论文前言、材料和方法、结果、讨论部分的概要(i.e. outline: 限前言不多于4句、材料和方法不多于5个标题、结果不多于6句、讨论不多于5句)。 2. 为该论文选一个最适合的杂志,按照该杂志的投稿要求,以你的名义和通讯作者的身份给该杂志写一封全真(除了不用邮寄给该杂志)的投稿信(cover letter),投稿信写法可参照参考书和鲁白教授的ppt. 3.按照所投稿杂志的要求撰写论文摘要(可不做) (自选论文的同学请附所依据的论文全文) 写下你认为最好的一个报告的报告人的名字(本学期最佳被告人). 写好姓名和学号打印,2006年1月4日前交西7号楼160/168陈晓青)。日后本作业所依据的论文全文和所发表的杂志等信息将上载到课程网页上供大家参考.

4 科研论文撰写和送审过程中 导师和学生的互动
杨 雄 里 复旦大学神经生物学研究所

5 本研究室科研论文撰写的程序 导师和学生讨论论文的基本构思、框架、插图;学生说明其实验结果的创新点;决定投寄何种杂志。
学生向导师提供与该课题有关的主要综述和原始论文(20~30篇)。 由学生本人撰写论文的初稿,送交导师。

6 本研究室科研论文撰写的程序 导师对初稿作出评论;请学生补充实验数据,并提出修改意见,但通常并不立即修改。
参考导师评论和修改意见,学生撰写第二稿,送交导师。 导师在第二稿基础上进行修改,部分内容完全重写,交回学生,请学生提出修改意见(用不同字体标明),形成第三稿。





11 本研究室科研论文撰写的程序 导师与学生对第三稿进行讨论后,由导师拟就第四稿,交回学生再评论和修改。
对学生的评论和修改意见作认真考虑后,拟就第五稿(半定稿),请学生评论、修改。 导师最后定稿(第六稿),并对英文作仔细润色。 由学生严格按投寄杂志的要求整理定稿、送审。

12 杂志主编对送审论文的说明信(cover letter)
四种类型 不作任何修改即表示接收。 表示接收的意图,但指出需作修改。 不明确表示“ 收” 或“ 拒”。 退稿。


14 From: "NeuroReport" <nr@lww. co. uk> To: <xlyang@fudan. edu
From: "NeuroReport" To: Sent: Wednesday, June 18, :19 PM Subject: NeuroReport: Decision on Voltage-gated K+ channel subunits on cholinergic and dopaminergic amacrine cells 18 Jun Dear Dr. Yang, Submission no.: NR-D Article title: Voltage-gated K+ channel subunits on cholinergic and dopaminergic amacrine cells Corresponding author: Dr. Xiong-Li Yang Your paper has been seen by our reviewers and I have received from the Section Editor a favourable recommendation. I am pleased to let you know that we will therefore publish it in the next issue of NeuroReport to be compiled. There is no specific criticism of the paper and no requests of revision (and this makes a most pleasant and unusual change from our routine; congratulations!). A decision is not yet been made on the cover of the issue but we will take into consideration the figure that you are offering for the purpose. If your picture is chosen (the chances are high), I will need an ad hoc figure legend, that could be read and understood without direct reference to the paper itself; it could be quite long, but it has to be extremely clear. Will you have a go at it?. Thank you for sending this interesting paper to our Journal. Kind regards. Yours sincerely, Giorgio Gabella, MD DSc Editor in Chief NeuroReport 

15 Localization of Kv subunits in retinal amacrine cells
Cholinergic Dopaminergic Kv 3.1b Kv 4.3











26 回复论文评审意见的程序 导师和学生对评审意见逐条进行讨论,决定如何答复,是否需作补充实验。 由学生拟出答复意见。










36 Publications (1998~Present )
Zhang, D.Q. and Yang, X.L. (1998) GABA modulates color-opponent bipolar cells. Brain Res.,792: Lu, T. Shen, Y. and Yang, X.L. (1998) Desensitization of AMPA receptors on horizontal cells isolated from crucian carp retina. Neurosci Res., 31: Shen, Y. and Yang, X.L. (1999) Zinc modulation of AMPA receptors may be relevant to splice variants in carp retina. Neuroscience Lett., 259: Shen, Y., Lu, T. and Yang, X.L. (1999) Modulation of desensitization at glutamate receptors in isolated crucian carp horizontal cells by concanavalin A, cyclothiazide, aniracetam and pepa., Neuroscience, 89: Zhang, D.Q., Yang, R. and Yang, X.L. (1999) Suppression of sustained and transient on signals of amacrine cells by GABA is mediated by different receptor subtypes. Science in China, Ser.C. 42: Zhang, J.and Yang, X.L.(1999) GABAb receptors in Muller cells of the bullfrog retina. NeuroReport, 10: Li, P., Yang, X.L.(1999) Zn2+ differentially modulates glycine receptors versus GABA receptors in isolated carp retinal third –order neurons . Neuroscience Lett., 269:75-78. Han, M.H. and Yang, X.L. (1999) Zn2+ differentially modulates kinetics of GABAc vs GABAa receptors in carp retinal bipolar cells. NeuroReport, 10: Yang, X.L. Gao, F. and Wu, S.M. (1999) Moduation of horizortal cell function by GABAa and GABAc receptors in dark-and light-adapted tiger salamander retina. Visual Neuroscience. 16:1-13.

37 Yang, X. L. Shen, Y. , Han, M. H. and Lu, T
Yang, X.L. Shen, Y., Han, M.H. and Lu, T. (1999) Physiological and Pharmacological Characterization of Glutamate and GABA Receptors in the Retina. Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 3: Du, J.L. and Yang, X.L. (1999) Retinal bipolar cell——A model for the study of neuronal signal integration . Chinese Science Bulletin. 44: Yang, X.L., Shen, Y. and Han, M.H.(1999) Glutamate and γ-aminobutyric receptors and their characteristics in retina. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44: Yang, X.L. Gao, F. and Wu, S.M.(1999) Modulation of horizortal cell function by GABAa and GABAc receptors in dark-and light –adapted tiger salamander retina. Visual Neuroscience.1-13. Shen, Y., and Zhou, Y. and Yang, X.L. (1999) Characterization of AMPA receptors on isolated amacrine-like cells in carp retina. Eur.J.Neurosci., 11: Xu, H.P. and Yang, X.L. (1999) Differential modulation by GABA of signals from red –and green –sensitive cones in the carp retina. Brain Res Bul ., 51: Zhao, J.W., Du, J.L., Li, J.S. and Yang, X.L.(2000) Expression of GABA transporters on bullfrog retinal Müller cells . Glia 31: Du, J.L. and Yang , X.L .(2000) Subcellular localozation and complements of GABAA and GABAc receptors on bullfrog retinal bipolar cells. J. Neurophysiol., 84:

38 Xu, H.P., Zhao, J.W. and Yang, X.L. (2003) Cholinergic and dopaminergic amacrine cells differentially express calcium channel subunits in the rat retina. Neuroscience, 118: Tian, M., Chen, L., Xie, J.X., Yang, X.L. and Zhao, J.W. (2003) Expression patterns of inwardly rectifying potassium channel subunits in rat retina.  Neurosci Lett., 345: 9-12. Tian, M., Xie, J.X., Zhao, J.W. and Yang, X.L. (2003) Differential expression of voltage-gated postssium channel subunits on cholinergic and dopaminergic amacrine cells in rat retina. NeuroReport,14: Li, G.L. and Yang, X.L. (2003) Glycinergic input to carp retinal ganglion cells may be mediated by glycine receptors with homologous kinetics.  Brain Res.,991: Shen, Y. Zhang, A.J. and Yang, X.L. (2003) Uncoupling of horizontal cells alters the receptive fields of retinal bipolar cells. NeuroReport, 14: Huang, H., Luo, D.G., Shen, Y., Zhang, A.J., Yang, R and Yang, X.L.(2004) AMPA receptor is involved in transmission of cone signal to ON bipolar cells in carp retina. Brain Res., 1002:86-93 Huang, H., Luo, D.G., Shen, Y., Zhang, A.J., Yang, R and Yang, X.L.(2004) AMPA receptor is involved in transmission of cone signal to ON bipolar cells in carp retina. Brain Res., 1002:86-93 Yang, X.L., (2004) Characterization of receptors for glutamate and GABA in retinal neurons. Progress in Neurobiology. 73:

39 Du, J. L., Yang, X. L. (2002) Bullfrog retinal bipolar cells may express heterogeneous glycine receptors at dendrites and axon terminals. Neuroscience Letters 322: Yang, X.L., Fan, G and Wu, S.M. (2002) Non-linear, high-gain and sustained –to-transient signal transmisson from rods to amacrine cells in dark-adapted retina of Ambystoma. J. Physiol., 539: Du, J. L., Yang,X. L. (2002) Glycinergic synaptic transmission to bullfrog retinal bipolar cells is input-specific. Neuroscience, 113: Xu, H.P., Zhao, J.W., Yang,X.L. (2002) Expression of voltage-dependent calcium channel subunits in the rat retina. Neurosci. Lett 1.   329: Luo, D.G., Li, G.L and Yang, X.L (2002) Zn2+ modulates light responses of color-opponent bipolar and amacrine cells in the carp retina. Brain Res. Bull., 58: Xu, H. P., Yang, X. L. (2002) Different effects of low Ca2+ on signal transmission from rods and cones to bipolar cells in carp retina. Brain Res., 957: Luo, D. G., Yang, X.L. (2002) Suppression by zinc of transient OFF responses of carp amacrine cells to red light is mediated by GABAA receptors. Brain Res., 958: Du, J.L., Xu, L.Y.,and Yang, X.L. (2002) Glycine receptors and transporters on bullfrog retinal Müller cells. NeuroReport. 13:

40 42. Cao, L. H. , Yu, Y. C. , Zhao, J. W. , and Yang, X. L
Cao, L.H., Yu, Y.C., Zhao, J.W., and Yang, X.L. (2004) Expression of natriuretic peptides in rat Muller cells. Neurosci. Lett. 365: Chen, L., Yu, Y.C., Zhao, J.W and Yang, X.L* (2004) Inwardly rectifying potassium channels inrat retinal ganglion cells . Eur. J. Neurosci., 20: Liu, J., Zhao, J.W., Du, J.L and Yang, X.L.(2005) Functional GABAB receptors ate expressed at the cine photoreceptor terminals in bullfrog retina. Neurosci. 132: Lee, S.C., Zhong, Y.M and Yang, X.L. (2005) Expression of glycine receptor and transporter on bullfrog retinal Muller cells. Neurosci. Lett. 387:75-79. Shen, Y., Chen, L., Ping, Y. and Yang, X.L. (2005) Glycine modulates the receptive field center response of ON type rod-dominant bipolar cells in carp retina. Brain Res. Bull. 67: Huang, H., Lee, S. C. and Yang, X.L.(2005) Modulation by melatonin of glutamatergic synaptic transmission in the carp retina. J . Physiol. 569: Yu, Y.C., Cao, L.H. and Yang, X.L.(2005) Modulation by brain natriuretic peptide of GABA receptors on rat retinal bipolar cells. J. Neurosci. (in press)

41 Thank you !


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