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Unit 5 Visiting the Moon Writing.

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1 Unit 5 Visiting the Moon Writing

2 目录 Review 1 Pre-Learning 2 While-Learning 3 Post-Learning 4

3 Part I Review

4 Look at Henry's notes about people's lives in the year 2050 after he watched a TV programme. Write sentences about what will or will not happen in 2050. 1. no more cars 2. people--travel by spaceship 3. robots--do housework 4. no more air pollution 1. There will be no more cars. 2. People will travel by spaceship. 3. __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ Robots will do housework. There won't be any more air pollution.

5 5. people--live longer 6. cities--more crowed 7. people--not use money --have electronic credit cards 8. children--not go to school --study at home by video 5. __________________________________ 6. __________________________________ 7. __________________________________ __________________________________ 8. __________________________________ People will live longer. Cities will be more crowded. People won't use money. They will have electronic credit cards. Children won't go to school. They will study at home by video.

6 Part II Pre-Learning

7 太空旅馆 2007年6月29日,由美国旅馆业大亨罗伯特·毕格罗投资建造的“太空旅馆”二号实验舱——“创世二号”,由俄罗斯“第聂伯”重型运载火箭发射升空并顺利进入预定轨道。此前,俄罗斯曾于2006年7月用同种火箭将“创始一号”实验舱送入太空。

8 太空旅馆的设计别具一格,主体是一个庞大环形室。环形室内部,设有居室、公园、运动场、游泳池、娱乐场、商店、医院、影剧院等。那里使用的交通工具是自行车和电动汽车。

9 这里的阳光,是靠太阳光的照射、反射。在太空旅馆上设有一个巨大的天窗和反光镜,自行调节光的强度、照射时间和角度,从而形成分明的昼夜和四季的变化。

10 在环形室的另一头,还设有供航天客机停泊的机场。它一来接待来自地球的游客,二来也可以从这里乘航天客机去月球观光游览。
太空旅馆里的空气是新鲜的。因为它全身的结构是密封的,再加上太空旅馆是一个一个真正的电气化世界,一切动力都使用太阳能发的电,既没有燃烧煤、石油所引起的环境污染,也不会产生使人担心的核发电酿成的核辐射。 在环形室的另一头,还设有供航天客机停泊的机场。它一来接待来自地球的游客,二来也可以从这里乘航天客机去月球观光游览。



13 Part III While-Learning

14 Visiting the Space Hotel
A Plan your first day at the Space Hotel. In pairs, complete the timetable. Use the picture below and the notes on page 62 to help you.

15 Sports Room Shops Moon Garden Cinema Star Restaurant Space Room

16 Where to go and what to do
Fill in the timetable. Time Where to go and what to do 8 a.m. Have breakfast in the Star Restaurant 9 a.m. Watch______________________________ 10 a.m. Visit________________________________ _______ ____________________________

17 B Write a plan for your first day at Space Hotel
B Write a plan for your first day at Space Hotel. You can start like this: We are going to have breakfast in the Star Restaurant at 8 a.m. At 9 a.m., we are going to _____________ __________________________________________

18 Part IV Post-Learning

19 Trip to Happy Island(10 October)
Read the notes about the trip plan to Happy Island. Then write an announcement to tell your classmates about the plan. Trip to Happy Island(10 October) Time Activity 7:30 a.m. meet at the school gate 8:10 a.m. take a ferry to Happy Island 9:20 a.m. arrive at Happy Island 10:00 a.m. arrive at campsite(on foot) 10:00 a.m.-3: p.m. study insects, have lunch go boating, go hiking 3:40 p.m. take a ferry back to school 5:20 p.m. arrive at school

20 Thank you!

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