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宇宙年龄 约翰‧哈特尼特博士 (Dr. John Hartnett).

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Presentation on theme: "宇宙年龄 约翰‧哈特尼特博士 (Dr. John Hartnett)."— Presentation transcript:

1 宇宙年龄 约翰‧哈特尼特博士 (Dr. John Hartnett)

2 创造诸天的耶和华,制造成全大地的神,祂创造坚定大地,并非使地荒凉,是要给人居往。
     以赛亚书 45:18  The Bible states that the earth ‘hangs upon nothing’ (Job 26:7) Jewel among the stars—only place where life is known to exist. We are told however that the Earth is nothing special, just another rock in space and that life evolved on Earth billions of years ago, through random chance processes. The bible tells us (click) God Himself that formed the earth and made it; He has established it, He created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited. This means with a purpose and plan—no accident and perfectly designed for life.

3 ISS-What man must build to support life in space—air, food&water, power, light
Billions of dollars spent

4 Feb 2006, North pole---A scene you will probably never get to see, so take a moment and enjoy God at work at the North Pole. This is the sunset at the North Pole with the moon at its closest point. And you also see the sun below the moon. Gen 1: Greater light to rule day, lesser light to rule the night, plan and purpose, days, years, but not the 7 day week. months, seasons, regulated by the moon—tides, 7 day week—not from astronomy but from Genesis. God created this universe about 6000 years ago. Let’s now examine what the Bible and evolutionary science tell us about creation.

5 Big Bang and Bible compared
大爆炸 星体 太阳 充满熔岩的地球 首先出现的海洋 Big Bang and Bible compared 100亿年 50亿年 150亿年 50亿年 45亿年 38亿年 水覆盖地球 干地与植物 太阳、月亮、星体 海中和空中 生物 地上的动物 与人类 Let’s have a look at the two most popular histories believed today and how they compare……. Some have re-interpreted Genesis 1 to try to fit with evolution and long ages—billions of years. That is, “In the beginning 13.7 billion years ago, God created via the Big Bang…” God made the Earth, the universe all in 6 literal days…not billions of years But you cannot make the BB view fit the bible time line. Eg Sun before Earth, oceans before land, ..and lets compare their time lines 第1-2日 第3日 第4日 第5日 第6日

6 时间线 创造周── 创造出所有 元素 现在 ~ 6000 年 现在 ~ 137 亿年 大爆炸 星体形成 超新星 太阳 星云 地球 形成
46亿年 The Creation model: Approximately 6000 years ago, God created everything, as it was, mature and in perfect form. The BB model: Time frame billion years ago, the universe allegedly came into being out of the big bang. A billion or so years later stars began to form. After galaxies formed some stars exploded - lots of supernovae, generating the heavier elements. The universe supposedly started only as hydrogen making helium in the BB- all these other elements C, O, N & elements that we are made of, came from supernovae. Then many more billions of years, some of this star-dust collected together and slowly collapsed down to a star. Then our planet Earth allegedly 4.6 Gya ago. About 2 Gya ago this ‘non-life to life’ episode occurred.

7 耶稣说 马可福音10:6 – 但从起初创造的时候,神造人是造男造女。 假如大爆炸是对的 → 创造论就不成立
如果耶稣是创造者,我们会相信祂的话是真实的历史吗? Jesus said: In Mark 10:6 Jesus "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female’. (click) But if the big bang is true then it would have been at the end of creation. You see man only evolved in the last million years after billions of years of evolution. (click) If Jesus is Creator are we going to believe his Words as real history (click)

8 Whirlpool galaxy Adam Block/AURA/NOAO/NSF Look at this galaxy…(click)
BBers can’t explain spiral galaxies, wind around once every 200 millions year, should be wound up but what we observe is totally consistent with a biblical Creator 37 million light years Adam Block/AURA/NOAO/NSF

9 Antennae galaxy with HST—60 million LY

10 Star forming regions –could it be we are seeing creation in action of Day 4 of creation week?
My theory says in fact we are seeing Creation on Day 4 of Creation week. But the blind can’t see it—even though God’s Word tells us the heavens declares His glory and His handiwork. The fool has said in his heart that there is no God.

11 成熟的星系(galaxies)! This picture is the Hubble deep field South taken with the Hubble Space Telescope and the ESO VLT . About 1500 galaxies are visible in a billionth of the total sky area. Many days total exposure time = over 100 hours The evolutionist expected to see galaxies that were very ‘young’ or just forming, but they don’t. Spiral galaxies are seen to be similar to the mature galaxies, in our own galactic neighbourhood. It’s a problem

12 Look out in the universe

13 斯隆数码天空勘察计划(SDSS) 覆盖超过6%的天空中,找到逾20万个 距离20亿光年的星系
Looks isotropic but not homogeneous We are in a special place 覆盖超过6%的天空中,找到逾20万个 距离20亿光年的星系

14 The scale of this is enormous, 6 billion light years across here

15 时间表? 宇宙的距离有数十亿光年 Because the cosmos requires a timescale of billions of years, ie the universe covers distance of billions of light-years Many have tried to use that also as justification to reinterpret the biblical history. Let me explain…

16 宇宙珍珠(Cosmic Pearls) This is a Hubble Space Telescope image of the brightest stellar explosion seen in modern times -- supernova 1987A. First seen in February 1987 (one light-year wide ring of material continues to expand). Supernova 1987A lies in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a neighboring galaxy some 170,000 light-years away. Does that really does mean that the explosive event occurred 170,000 years before 1987? Credit: P. Challis, R. Kirshner (CfA), and B. Sugerman (STScI), NASA

17 地球 仙女座星系(M31) 大麦哲伦星云 (Large Magellanic cloud) 1987年 250万年 170,000 年
170,000 年 This is the situation SN987A.. What if we saw one in M31, Andromeda galaxy? 地球

18 时间 = 距离 ÷ 速度 如果光的速度是恒常不变的……. 唯一的变数就是时间 譬如︰2 小时 = 100 公里 ÷ 50 公里/小时
我们假设距离是相当准确 如果光的速度是恒常不变的……. 唯一的变数就是时间

19 时间表? 爱因斯坦的相对论︰ 时间不是绝对的 创造周︰ 地球的一日可能是 宇宙的几十亿年
创造周︰ 地球的一日可能是 宇宙的几十亿年 But relativity theory shows that time is not an absolute. (click) During Creation Week only one day could have passed on Earth while billions of years passed in the cosmos. A 6000 year timescale is consistent with what we observe. My new theory explains how this came about

20 大麦哲伦星云 (Large Magellanic cloud)
天文钟 1987年 250万年 170,000 年 So… 天文钟在创造周的时间 跑快1兆倍

21 根据圣经 神从无变为有 以赛亚书 48:13 …..我右手铺张诸天,我一招呼便都立住。 在创造周铺张诸天 = 天文钟时间跑得快
以赛亚书 48:13 …..我右手铺张诸天,我一招呼便都立住。 在创造周铺张诸天 = 天文钟时间跑得快 According to the Bible: (click) God spoke the universe into existence out of nothing without delay. KJV He also holds it in existence by that same word of power. (click) bible verse According to my new theory it was because of the stretching out of the heavens that clock rates on Earth ran much slower than in the cosmos. (click) This only occurred during Creation week and clock rates returned to the rate they are today. Light had sufficient time to travel all the way to Earth God spoke and created the world in six ordinary days about 6000 years

22 创造周的第4日 地球 宇宙

23 矿物的放射性测年法 Radioactive dating of minerals with the fossils 并不 关于 时间 !

24 应用到已知年份的岩石上,测定结果是否准确? 不同的测年技术所得出的结果是否一致?
测试放射性测年技术 应用到已知年份的岩石上,测定结果是否准确? 不同的测年技术所得出的结果是否一致?

25 已知年代的岩石「测定」 史上一些熔岩流的钾─氩 (K-Ar) 测定「年代」
火山 爆发日期 钾-氩 「年代」 百万年计 1. Austin. S.A., CEN Tech J. 10(3):335–343. 圣海伦火山 年 – 2.8 Kilauea, 夏威夷2 < 200 年 0 – 22 2. Noble and Naughton, Science, 162:265. Hualalai,夏威夷3 1800–1801年 160 – 3,300 3. Funkhouse and Naughton, J. Geophysical Res., 73:4606.

26 已知 年代︰ 50年 错误! 年代︰ 未知 正确? 测定结果︰ 2,750,000年
If dating techniques are clearly WRONG on rocks of known age, why assume they’re right on rocks of unknown age? (Creation June 2002, pp ANSWERS FOR KIDS) 正确?

27 14C 宇宙射线 射落高空 大气层 产生快速 移动的中子 这些中子与大气层的氮原子碰撞 产生放射性碳-14 C14 Cosmic Rays

28 只能测出几千年内含碳物质的时代,而非数百万年。
在高空大气层上由14N 变成14C 二氧化碳的14C被植物 所吸收 一些14C 因衰变 而流失 动物进食植物 重新吸收14C 14C因衰变而流失,不再藉进食而获补充 死后︰ 只能测出几千年内含碳物质的时代,而非数百万年。 最多 90,000年 Carbon 14 is made when cosmic rays knock neutrons (sub atomic particles) out of atoms, in the upper atmosphere. These neutrons now hit nitrogen (14N) converting it into 14C. Animals eat/ingest ordinary carbon 12C and we can measure how mixed up (the ratio of 12C and 14C).

29 C14 Total Carbon 样本中的总碳含量 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 14C 14C 14C 14C 14C
活着 死亡的一刻 古老 远古 「无限」的时间 In terms of uniformitarian assumptions, the minimum amount of carbon 14 found in earth minerals indicates the oldest sample to be about 45,000 years old even though the AMS machines can theoretically measure to a level of 90,000 years. Practically no fossil, or carbon of organic or in organic origin has been found any where on earth that is void of C14 though it has been sought for more than 30 years, including Graphite, limestone, calcite, marble, it is ubiquitous. Beyond 100,000 years no evolutionist would bother to measure, he would assume no C14 and hence a waste of his money 12C 12C 12C 12C 12C 14C 14C 没有 可量度的放射性碳 14C 14C 14C

30 Creationists bought some coal samples from the coal bank

31 煤形成古时的沼泽? It is supposed to be tens of millions of years old according to evolutionary thinking, forming over long periods of time from the decay of ancient forests in ancient swamps

32 Sent to dating labs using an intermediary company

33 假定年代 3千万年至3亿年 碳-14年代 ~ 约45,000 年 45,000 yrs using evolutionary assumptions

34 假定年代 3千万年至3亿年 碳-14年代 ~ 约45,000 年  4,500 年

地球磁场 在过去 400年,即总能量减少30% Earth mag field = Intensity decayed 7% since 1829 and total field strength 14% since 1829 when Gauss first measured it. In the last 400 years that means it decayed 30% in total energy---since the era of science began.’s_magnetic_field

36 创世记的大洪水

37 钻石

38 钻石通道(Diamond Pipe)

39 钻石 假定的年代 ~约1 0亿年 碳-14年代 ~ 约55,700 年

40 钻石 存在碳-14,显示年代尚浅

41 神所创造 你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可倚靠自己的聪明,在你一切所行的事上,都要认定祂,祂必指引你的路。 箴言 3:5,6
The Bible tells us God created the world 6 thousand years ago. If you can’t trust what it says about history how can trust what it says about everything else?

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