Judging 論斷論斷.

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Presentation on theme: "Judging 論斷論斷."— Presentation transcript:

1 Judging 論斷論斷

2 To Coke or Not to Coke


4 Mt 太 7:1-6

5 To Judge or Not to Judge

6 To Judge or Not to Judge:
YET, there is something amiss in these everyday truncated/ modified usage of Jesus’ definitive words of “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.”

7 To Judge or Not to Judge:
Are we then as Christians to judge or not to judge?

8 Life-giving Instruction of Mt 7:1-6:
We are to judge righteously and rightly. 我們得論斷的正直、正確。

9 Righteously and Rightly
We Love, So We Judge… Righteously and Rightly

10 We Love, So We Judge… Righteously and Rightly:
“Judge” = 1. To analyze/ evaluate; 2. To condemn/ avenge Vv. 1-6 = Do not play God + Exercise properly discernment/ assessment

11 Mt 7:1-6 1 Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. 1 你 們 不 要 論 斷 人 , 免 得 你 們 被 論 斷 。2 因 為 你 們 怎 樣 論 斷 人 , 也 必 怎 樣 被 論 斷 ; 你 們 用 甚 麼 量 器 量 給 人 , 也 必 用 甚 麼 量 器 量 給 你 們 。

12 Mt 7:1-6 3 Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 4 How can you say to your brother, “Let me take the speck out of your eye,” when all the time there is a plank in your own eye? 5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

13 Mt 7:1-6 3 為 甚 麼 看 見 你 弟 兄 眼 中 有 刺 , 卻 不 想 自 己 眼 中 有 梁 木 呢 ?4 你 自 己 眼 中 有 梁 木 , 怎 能 對 你 弟 兄 說 : 容 我 去 掉 你 眼 中 的 刺 呢 ?5 你 這 假 冒 為 善 的 人 ! 先 去 掉 自 己 眼 中 的 梁 木 , 然 後 才 能 看 得 清 楚 , 去 掉 你 弟 兄 眼 中 的 刺 。

14 Mt 7:1-6 6 Do not give dogs what is sacred; do not throw your pearls to pigs. If you do, they may trample them under their feet, and turn and tear you to pieces. 6 不 要 把 聖 物 給 狗 , 也 不 要 把 你 們 的 珍 珠 丟 在 豬 前 , 恐 怕 他 踐 踏 了 珍 珠 , 轉 過 來 咬 你 們 。

15 We Love, So We Judge… Righteously and Rightly:
We are to judge righteously 1/ Judging is not a one way street 2/ Judging is anchored in humility and purposed for restoration

16 We Love, So We Judge… Righteously and Rightly:
The grounds for judging is no longer on our own righteousness but on God’s righteousness for us in Jesus, despite our own plank-sized sin against Him

17 We Love, So We Judge… Righteously and Rightly:
We are to judge rightly 1/ vv. 1-5 We are to know who we are before God and in Jesus 2/ v. 6 We are given the ability to make the right discernment and execute a course of approach

18 He Loves, So He Judges… Sacrificially

19 He Loves, So He Judges… Sacrificially:
Yes, Christ did judge us, and it led him to the Cross, so that we are not condemned but redeemed and restored. < > Jesus’ instruction on judgment was not simply a “good idea/ moral teaching” BUT a lived, sacrificial reality that became our salvation.

20 He Loves, So He Judges… Sacrificially:
Let us be marinated through and through by the Gospel so that we will judge one another, but only by God’s righteousness toward us in Jesus and by God’s own truth and standard.

21 He Loves, So He Judges… Sacrificially:
Let us judge out of the love that God has for us, and out of the love for all souls to be recipients of His love and grace, rather than His wrath against their sins.

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