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1 定语从句(2)

2 (2)关系副词(在从句中一般作状语) where:在科技文中主要修饰表达式、公式、关系式、方程式,译成“这里/式中/其中”[= in which];还可修饰“地点、程度、情况”等名词(place, point, degree, extent, case, situation) when:修饰表示时间的名词(time, moment, instant, point, occasion, cycle, day, …) why:修饰“reason”一词 as:(= in which),主要出现在“in the same way/manner /direction as …”中

3 whence:(= from which), (不常见)从句中的谓语一般是省去的
whereby:(= by which)(不常见) wherein:(= in which)(不常见) Ohm’s law can be written as(写成) V=IR where V represents(表示) voltage, I—current and R— resistance. Electromagnetic(电磁的) induction(感应) is the means(方 法) whereby nearly(几乎) all the world’s electric power(电力) is produced(产生).

4 In the electron tube(电子管), the negative(负的) electrode
(电极) is heated(加热) to the point(程度) where it emits(发射) electrons(电子). These equations(式子) are special(特殊的) cases(情况) where x and t are both zero(零). The maximum(最大的) height(高度) is reached(到达) at a time when the vertical(垂直的) velocity(速度) component(分量) has decreased(降) to zero.

5 In the next chapter(章), we will see the reasons(理由) why different(不同的) sources(光源) emit(发射) different types of spectrum(光谱). The load(负载) is the place where the signal(信号) leaves(离开) a circuit(电路). A second area(领域) wherein the weighted(加权的) property(性质) is useful is in numerical(数字的) display(显示).

6 The researchers(研究人员) made great progress(进步) in the early(早的) 1970’s, when they discovered(发现) that oncogenes(致癌基因) are inactive(不活跃的) in normal(正常的) cells(细胞).

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