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The Glory of God’s Justice: Part 2 New Testament We can’t escape Justice but we can Obtain Mercy! 上帝正義的榮耀 第二部分: 新約 我們無法逃避正義, 但我們可以獲得憐憫! Justice is not.

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Presentation on theme: "The Glory of God’s Justice: Part 2 New Testament We can’t escape Justice but we can Obtain Mercy! 上帝正義的榮耀 第二部分: 新約 我們無法逃避正義, 但我們可以獲得憐憫! Justice is not."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Glory of God’s Justice: Part 2 New Testament We can’t escape Justice but we can Obtain Mercy! 上帝正義的榮耀 第二部分: 新約 我們無法逃避正義, 但我們可以獲得憐憫! Justice is not a standard God follows: HE IS THE STANDARD! 正義不是上帝遵行的標準:祂就是標準! Justice is an eternal immutable attribute of His glory (Isa. 40:14; Ex. 34:6-7). 正義從祂流出,是祂的榮耀的永恆,不改變的屬性 (賽40:14; 出34:6-7). Thus His Justice must be the same in both the O.T. & N.T. 因此祂的正義在舊約與新約中必定是一樣的.

2 Genesis 3 thru Revelation 20
The Glory of God’s Justice must be understood in Light of Eternity (Psalm 37:1-11) 上帝正義的榮耀必須從永恆的觀點來明白 (詩37:1-11) From our limited perspective in this fallen World we often think “Life is not fair.” Then we wrongly think God is not fair 從這墮落的世界有限的觀點來看,我們經常認為「人生不公平」, 然後錯誤地認為上帝不公平. Time: History 時間:歷史 Eternity Past 永恆的過去 Eternity Future 永恆的未來 Genesis 3 thru Revelation 20 Gen. 1& 2 Rev. 21 & 22

3 當我們經過時間的黑暗隧道時,只有上帝話語的亮光能夠保護我們 Genesis 3 thru Revelation 20
Only the light of God’s Word can Protect us from wrong ideas of God as we pass through the dark tunnel of time 當我們經過時間的黑暗隧道時,只有上帝話語的亮光能夠保護我們 不受害於有關上帝錯誤的想法 Eternity Past 永恆的過去 Eternity Future 永恆的未來 Time: History 時間:歷史 Genesis 3 thru Revelation 20

4 God’s Justice, Judgment & Wrath are Inseparable 上帝的正義, 審判, 與憤怒是分不開的
Wrath against sin is part of God’s Divine perfections (Deut. 32:35, 39-41; Isa. 1:24; 59:18; 66:6). 對罪惡發怒是上帝神聖完美的一部分 (申32:25, 39-41; 賽1:24, 59:18, 66:6). God’s wrath is as much a Divine perfection as His Mercy! (Deut. 32:4; Jer. 9:24; Job 34:10; Ps. 101:1; Rom. 9:22-23; Eccl. 12:14) 上帝的憤怒與憐恤同樣是祂神聖的完美!(申32:4; 耶9:24; 伯34:10; 詩101:1, 羅9:22-23; 傳12:14) A Just God must Judge every violation of His perfect moral standard. God would not be GOOD if He was not JUST! 正義的上帝必須審判每一違反祂完美道德標準的行為. 倘若祂不正直, 祂就不是良善!

5 God’s Justice, Judgment, & wrath are just as Good as His mercy & Grace
It is impossible for God to do something that is not “Good!” 上帝不可能做「不好」的事 God’s Justice, Judgment, & wrath are just as Good as His mercy & Grace 上帝的審判和公正,與祂的憐憫和恩典同樣良善/美好.

6 Sinning against a Holy God is Serious 對神聖的上帝犯罪是嚴重的
Sinning against an infinitely holy God must bring a Judgment of infinite severity 對無限神聖的上帝犯罪, 必然帶來無限嚴重的審判. “Our God is a consuming fire” (Heb. 12:29; Deut. 9:3; Rev. 20:9) 「我們的神是烈火」(來12:29; 申9:3; 啟20:9). “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb. 10:30-31) 「落在永生神的手裡 ,真是可怕的」!(來10:30-31)

7 How Great is My Sin? Should I Fear? 我的罪惡多深重? 我該懼怕嗎?
Illustration: A man sitting at a park bench: rat, dog, toddler The seriousness of our sin is magnified by the Greatness of the God we have sinned against. 我們的罪因為犯罪的對象是上帝而更加深重. This should cause us to fear enough to seek God’s Forgiveness 這應會使我們足夠懼怕, 而去尋求上帝的赦免.

8 1st We must Clear up a common misunderstanding: Why many have no fear of having sinned against God 澄清普遍的誤解: 為何許多人不怕向神犯罪 Many People think the God of the O.T. is a strict, harsh, vengeful & angry but God in the N. T. is a loving, always forgiving, Father who would never Judge us. 許多人認為舊約的上帝是嚴格,苛刻,復仇心重,且憤怒的, 而新約的上帝是慈愛, 永遠赦免的天父, 祂從不會審判我們. Many ignorantly assume that God’s action as Judge fades into the background in the N.T. 許多人無知地假設上帝上帝身為審判者的作為,在新約中退居幕後.

9 羅1:18 - 原來,神的忿怒從天上顯明在一切不虔不義的人身上,就是那些行不義阻擋真理的人。
The N.T. is an intense Revelation of the Justice, Judgment & Wrath of God 新約強烈啟示上帝的正義,審判, 與憤怒 (Rom 1:18) For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness & unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; 羅1:18 - 原來,神的忿怒從天上顯明在一切不虔不義的人身上,就是那些行不義阻擋真理的人。 As the Perfect Judge God must inflict upon all sin & wrongdoing the Just penalty it deserves! 上帝是完美的審判者, 祂必須判決罪及犯錯當得的處罰!

10 The wrath of God’s Justice is revealed in… 上帝正義的憤怒顯明在…
God’s Judgment on Ananias & Sapphira for deception & lying (Acts 5:1-11) 亞拿尼亞與撒菲拉因欺騙被上帝審判 (徒5:1-11). Have you ever Lied? 你說過謊嗎?

11 The wrath of God’s Justice is revealed in… 上帝正義的憤怒顯明在…
God’s Judgment on Herod for murder & Pride (Acts 12:1, 20-23) 希律王因謀殺和驕傲被上帝審判(徒12:1, 20-23). Have you ever Hated someone (Matt. 5:21-2) or been Proud? 你曾憎恨某人, 或驕傲嗎 (太5:21-22)?

12 God’s Judgment fell upon… 上帝的審判落在…
The Jews for rejecting Christ (Matt. 21:43-44; I Thess. 2:14-16) 拒絕基督的猶太人 (太21:43-44; 帖前2:14-16). Elymas, for hindering the preaching of the Gospel (Acts 13:8-11) 攔阻福音傳播的呂馬(徒13:8-11). On Christians at Corinth for their irreverence at church especially with the Lord’s Supper (I Cor. 11:29-32) 哥林多教會的基督徒, 他們不敬畏, 特別在聖餐的事上 (林前11:29-32).

13 The wrath of God’s Justice is revealed in… 上帝正義的憤怒顯明在…
The fact that everyone who sins dies! (Rom. 3:23) 每個犯罪的人都死了的事實 (羅3:23)! Have you ever sinned? 你犯過罪嗎?

14 The wrath of God’s Justice is revealed in… 上帝正義的憤怒顯明在…
God’s Judgment on the whole world in the “Great Tribulation” (Revelation chapt. 6 thru 19; 2 Pet. 3:7) 「大災難」中全世界被審判 (啟6-19章; 彼後3:7). Are you saved from “The Wrath to come?” (Rom. 5:9; 8:1; John 5:24; I Thess. 1:10) 你從「將來的震怒」中獲救嗎? (羅5:9,8:1; 約5:24; 帖前1:10)

15 The Glory of God’s Justice & His role as Judge is Intensified in the N
The Glory of God’s Justice & His role as Judge is Intensified in the N. T. 上帝正義的榮耀, 以及祂審判者的身份, 在新約中更加強化 The entire N. T. is overshadowed by the certainty of a coming day of universal Judgment (Entire Book of Revelation) 整本新約都籠罩在有一天全宇宙都要受審判的確定性中(啟示錄). All wrongs will be righted someday (Rom. 2:5). 所有的錯誤,有一天都會被更正 (羅2:5). Our every word, thought, deed, & motive will be Justly Judged according to God’s standard of Righteousness! 我們的言語, 思想, 行為, 動機, 都會依據上帝正義的標準被公正地審判!

16 The wrath of God’s Justice will be revealed at… 上帝正義的憤怒顯明在…
God’s Great White Throne (Rev. 20:11-15) 上帝白色大寶座的審判 (啟20:11-15). Are you trusting in your own good works to save you? (Isa. 64:6; Eph. 2:1-2) 你信靠自己的善行以得救嗎 (賽64:6; 弗2:1-2)?

17 The Scriptures give ample proof that all sin & evil will be disposed of decisively, Justly, & permanently. 聖經有充足的證據,指出所有的罪惡會決定性地, 公正地, 永遠地被處置. I myself fall into the category of “sinner” (evil) before a Holy God (Ps. 14:3; 53:1, 3; Rom. 3:10-12, 23). 我自己也在聖潔的上帝面前,落在「罪犯」之中 (詩14:3, 53:1,3;羅3:10-12,23). So how can I be saved from the Just judgment of God? 我如何從上帝公正的審判中獲救呢? This brings us to the Good News of the Gospel of Christ 讓我們看基督福音的好消息! Illus: The Parachute

18 The Glorious Perfection of God’s Justice 上帝正義榮耀的完美
Since our transgressions offend His infinite holiness, the punishment must also be infinite. 既然我們的過犯冒犯了祂無限的聖潔, 懲罰也必是無限的. But by God’s Grace an infinitely perfect Substitute can take our place in Judgment without violating God’s perfect Justice 靠著上帝的恩典, 一個無限完美的代替者, 能夠取代我們受審, 而不違反上帝完美的正義.

19 The Glorious Perfection of God’s Justice 上帝正義榮耀的完美
The substitute must be fully human to substitute for humanity (Heb. 2:11-18): a descendant of Adam (Lk. 3:23-38) 這位代替者必須全然是人類,來取代人類(來2:11-18):亞當的後裔 (路3:23-38). The substitute must be fully Divine to endure & satisfy God’s infinite wrath against sin (Lk. 1:30-35; Matt. 1:22-23) 這位代替者必須全然神聖, 來忍受, 並滿足上帝對罪無限的憤怒 (路1:30-35; 太1:22-23).

20 Both God’s Justice & Mercy is revealed in… 上帝的正義與憐憫顯明在…
The Cross of the Sinless Christ. 無罪基督的十字架. Often life in this world doesn’t seem fair… it wasn’t fair to Jesus! 人生看似不公平…對耶穌不公平! If we trust in Jesus we will see the perfection of God’s justice in eternity! 如果我們信靠耶穌,我們在永恆中會看見上帝正義的完美!

21 God Supplies a way to experience His power & holiness in MERCY rather than JUSTICE (2 Pet. 2:9; Ps. 34:15-19) 上帝提供一條出路, 讓我們在憐恤中, 而非正義中, 經歷祂的能力與聖潔 (彼後2:9; 詩34:15-19) God is always Merciful & always Just. He never Changes. 上帝永遠是憐憫和公正的,祂從不改變. So to experience God’s Mercy instead of the Justice I deserve… a Change must take place in me! 所以,要經歷祂的憐憫而非正義, 在我裡面必須發生改變!

22 Before believing in Christ I am dead in sin (Eph. 2:1-3)
Believing the Good News of the Gospel of Christ creates that Change in me! 相信基督福音的好消息,製造出我裡面的改變! Before believing in Christ I am dead in sin (Eph. 2:1-3) 信基督之前, 我死在罪中(弗2:1-3). When I believe in Jesus Christ I am made alive! (Eph. 2:4-10) 當我相信耶穌基督時, 我活過來了(弗2:4-10)! (2Cor 5:17) “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” 林後5:17 -若有人在基督裡,他就是新造的人,舊事已過,都變成新的了。

23 羅5:8 -惟有基督在我們還作罪人的時候為我們死,神的愛就在此向我們顯明了。
The Gospel of Christ: “The Good News” God sent Jesus as our substitute to die in our Place 基督的福音: 好消息 上帝差遣耶穌作代替者, 代替我們死 (Rom 5:8) “God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” 羅5:8 -惟有基督在我們還作罪人的時候為我們死,神的愛就在此向我們顯明了。 Rom. 7:7

24 羅5:9 - 現在我們既靠著他的血稱義,就更要藉著他免去神的忿怒。
The Gospel: Jesus Christ dies in my place on the Cross to save me from my sins & from the wrath of God 福音: 耶穌基督代替我死在十字架上, 救我脫離罪惡以及上帝的憤怒 (Rom 5:9) Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. 羅5:9 - 現在我們既靠著他的血稱義,就更要藉著他免去神的忿怒。 God’s Wrath Propitiated

25 Hallelujah! Look what God has Done! 哈利路亞! 看看上帝所完成的!
(Rom 3:24) “Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: 羅3:24-如今卻蒙神的恩典,因基督耶穌的救贖,就白白的稱義。 (Rom 3:25) “Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past…” 羅3:25 -神設立耶穌作挽回祭,是憑著耶穌的血,藉著人的信,要顯明神的義;因為他用忍耐的心寬容人先時所犯的罪,

26 耶穌是我罪的挽回祭, 讓上帝向我這罪人施予憐恤 (羅3:25; 約一2:2, 4:10).
Jesus Christ is God’s Perfect Sacrifice to Redeem (save) me From the Penalty (Justice) due my sin 耶穌基督是上帝完美的祭物, 來救贖(拯救)我脫離罪的刑罰(正義) Jesus is the “propitiation” for my sin so God can be merciful to me a sinner (Rom. 3:25; I John 2:2; 4:10) 耶穌是我罪的挽回祭, 讓上帝向我這罪人施予憐恤 (羅3:25; 約一2:2, 4:10). God’s Wrath Propitiated

27 Jesus is My “Mercy seat” in whom I meet God 耶穌是我的施恩座, 我在祂裡面遇見上帝
The Word “propitiation” in Greek is the same root word as “Mercy Seat” in Hebrews 9:5! 「挽回祭」與希伯來書9:5中的「施恩座」出於同一字根.

28 Jesus is My “Mercy seat” in whom alone I meet God 耶穌是我的施恩座, 我在祂裡面遇見上帝
(Ex. 25:22) “there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony...” 出25:22 -我要在那裡與你相會, 又要從法櫃施恩座上二基路伯中間,和你說我所要吩咐你傳給以色列人的一切事。

29 The Powerful Prophetic Type of Redemption 救贖的預表
Moses came down from Mt. Sinai with 2 things 摩西從西乃山帶兩件東西下來. Rom. 7:7

30 The Law revealed their Sin; The Tabernacle revealed the way of Salvation 律法顯明他們的罪, 會幕顯明救恩之路
The altar of sacrifice was a Prophetic Type of the Cross! 祭壇是十字架的預表!

31 The mercy seat set on the Ark of the Covenant which contained God’s Law (Justice) 施恩座安置在放置律法 (正義) 的約櫃上 The Great High Priest sprinkled the Blood of the Lamb on the mercy seat 大祭司將羔羊的血灑在施恩座上.

32 The Tabernacle Proclaimed How God could be Just & Justify the guilty Sinner 會幕宣告上帝如何能同時公義又使罪人稱義
As my substitute Jesus completely satisfied the Just demands of God’s Law so that God could be merciful to me a sinner! 耶穌代替我,完全滿足上帝律法正義的要求, 好使上帝對我這罪人發出憐憫!

33 The Miracle of the Sinner & the Lamb! 罪人與羔羊的奇蹟!
(2Co 5:21) “For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 林後5:21 -神使那無罪(無罪:原文作不知罪)的,替我們成為罪,好叫我們在他裡面成為神的義。 The LORD becomes our righteousness (Jer. 23:6; 33:16; Rom. 3:22; I Cor. 1:30; Phil. 3:9) 耶和華成為我們的公義 (耶23:6, 33:16; 羅3:22; 林前1:30; 腓3:9).

34 Salvation by Substitutionary Sacrifice should be easily Understood by the Chinese 中國人應該很容易明瞭代罪羔羊的救恩

35 A Powerful Redemptive Analogy 救贖的比擬
Salvation symbolically portrayed 救恩象徵性地被描繪出來

36 Confucius said, “The ceremonies of the celestrial and terrestrial sacrifices are those by which men served Shang Di.” 孔子說, “郊社之禮, 所以事上帝也.”


38 Redemptive Analogy: The Sacrifice & Gate of Hell
The Gate of Hell 鬼門關 Salvation symbolically portrayed 救恩象徵性地被描繪出來 The perfect sacrifice passes through the gate of Hell so the Emperor can walk up the Highway to Heaven to worship Shang Ti

39 Young man saved from the gates of Hell by a Substitutionary Sacrifice 從鬼門關被代罪羔羊拯救的年輕人

40 Without the Lamb you can’t be “Right” with God. 沒有羔羊就無法與 上帝和好
Without the Lamb you can’t be “Right” with God! 沒有羔羊就無法與 上帝和好! Will you Trust Jesus to save you from the Just penalty of your sins 你願意信靠耶穌拯救你脫離罪惡的刑罰嗎?

41 We Should Meditate often on the Eternal Wrath of God against Sin: Why
So we never make light of sin – which has tragic consequences 好使我們不輕看罪惡- 它們具有悲慘的後果. So we have a healthy fear of God which “is the beginning of Wisdom” (Prov. 1:7; 9:10; Job 28:28; Ps. 11:10; Eccl. 12:13) 好使我們對上帝具有健康的懼怕,那是「智慧的開端」. To bring forth our sincere fervent Praise & Worship for the Greatness of our salvation! 好使我們因偉大的救恩而真誠熱切地讚美和敬拜!


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