CC2 L2-1.

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1 CC2 L2-1

2 Characters check Read out loud

3 Complete the following sentences with ……了in Chinese
I couldn’t speak Chinese before, but now…… The clothes in that shop was very cheap before, but now……. He loved his wife very much before, but now……. This city had no subway before, but now…… I’m retired and do not work any more.

4 Ní yǐqián qù guo shénme dìfang lǚyóu? 还想再去吗?为什么?
Discussion 你以前去过什么地方旅游? Ní yǐqián qù guo shénme dìfang lǚyóu? 还想再去吗?为什么? Hái xiǎng zài qù ma? Wèishénme?

5 你以前去过北京吗? Nǐ yǐqián qù guo Běijīng ma? 谁以前去过北京? Shéi yǐqián qù guo Běijīng? 你去过北京的什么地方? Nǐ qù guo Běijīng de shénme dìfang?

6 你对….(place name) 很熟悉了吧? Nǐ duì......hěn shúxi le ba? 要是你想去……的话……
Role play 你去过….(place name) 吗? Nǐ qù guo ma? 你对….(place name) 很熟悉了吧? Nǐ duì......hěn shúxi le ba? 要是你想去……的话…… Yàoshi nǐ xiǎng qù huà,...... 我陪你一起…… Wǒ péi nǐ yìqǐ......

7 吃早饭 chī zǎofàn 起床 qǐchuáng 睡觉 shuìjiào 肚子不舒服 dùzi bù shūfu 看病 kànbìng 医院 yīyuàn

8 我住学生宿舍。 我每天在学校餐厅吃饭。 餐厅 宿舍 cāntīng sùshè Wǒ zhù xuésheng sùshè.
Wǒ měitiān zài xuéxiào cāntīng chīfàn.

9 indicating completion of action 1. 我昨天去了飞机场。
Grammar 没(有) méi(yǒu) +V. 1.我昨天没(有)去飞机场。 Wǒ zuótiān méi(yǒu) qù fēijīchǎng. 2.我今天早上没(有)吃很多。 Wǒ jīntiān zǎoshang méi(yǒu) chī hěnduō. 3.他还没(有)来。 Tā hái méi(yǒu) lái. V.+ 了(le) indicating completion of action 1. 我昨天去了飞机场。 Wǒ zuótiān qù le fēijīchǎng. 2. 我今天早上吃了很多。 Wǒ jīntiān zǎoshang chī le hěnduō. 3. 他已经来了。 Tā yǐjīng lái le.

10 Grammar V.+了 他来了。Tā lái le. Question: V.+了……吗ma? 他来了吗?Tā lái le ma? Question: ……V.+没(有) méi(yǒu) +V…….? ……V…..了没有méiyǒu ? 他来没(有)来? Tā lái méi(yǒu) lái? 他来了没有?Tā lái le měiyou?

11 1. 我昨天去了飞机场。 2. 我今天吃了早饭。 Wǒ zuótiān qù le fēijīchǎng.
Question: V.+了……吗ma? Question: ……V.+没(有) méi(yǒu) +V…….? ……V…..了没有méiyǒu ? 1. 我昨天去了飞机场。 Wǒ zuótiān qù le fēijīchǎng. 2. 我今天吃了早饭。 Wǒ jīntiān chī le zǎofàn 。

12 在zài /正在zhèngzài + V. indicating ongoing action
1. 我(正)在看书。 Wǒ zhèngzài kàn shū. 2. 你(正)在做什么? Nǐ zhèngzài zuò shénme? 3. 他可能还在睡觉。 Tā kěnéng hái zài shuìjiào. 4. 我们(正)在上课。 Wǒmen zhèngzài shàngkè. Can add 呢at the end of the sentence

13 Who didn’t come? What’s wrong with her? Where does she live? Where does she have breakfast everyday? What did Tianzhong think about her? How about Jin Rongnan? What did Tian Yuanyuan say?

14 Homework 1.Read the first part of lesson 2 2.Read and memorize the new words 3. Read the grammar on P29 3. Pre-view the second part of lesson 2 4. Homework of lesson 1

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